Arma 3
92 ratings
Arma 3 Exile - Mods you should have
By p3dro_2486
A guide to the most common mods running on Exile mod servers. What to get and where to get it.
Exile Mod
First things first, you will need the actual Exile mod.

Download the client file from one of the mirrors, NOT via the Arma 3 Launcher (Not using the launcher is the main reason for this guide, its fine if you want to use it but heres why I don't: Its slow as ♥♥♥♥ to download larger files and it doesnt have all the mods I needed to play on the servers I wanted to)

Once the zip file is downloaded, extract it and drop the @Exile folder into your Arma 3 directory. Then fire up Arma # and in the launcher select Mods -> select local mod folder -> select the folder you have your mods in. Exile should then be available for selection in the mods tab of the launcher.

[Work In Progress]Finding Out The Mods You Need[Work In Progress]
The most confusing part of getting into modded servers in Arma for new players is identifying which mods and versions are required for the server you wish to play on. This is the major benifit in using a third party launcher over doing it all yourself, but once you have the hang of it its better doing it yourself IMO.

Most servers list the mods required in their name on the server browser or you can look up their website, most of the decent servers will have details and instructions for joining on their website as well as links to the mods needed. Shout out to [ARC] clan for the great guys that operate the helpdesk in their Teamspeak.

To find out what you need to play, look at the server you want to join in the server browser.

Single click the server in the list and look at the bottom right of the server browser screen, you will see a list of mod names with either red or green dots next to them. Ignore the ones for the official DLC (Helicopters, Marksman, Carts etc) and check the mods listed below them.

The mods you need will be listed here and have either:

RED dot - The mod isnt installed or it is either corrupt or the wrong version of the mod is loaded compared to the version running on the server. You can fix this by downloading the mod and making sure its running.
Check the version you have loaded compared to the one the server is running - If its a steam mod sometimes unsubscribing and then resubscribing to the mod will help. Servers will sometimes not be updated to the latest versions of mods so you may need to track down the version you need.

GREEN dot - All good
Mods - Steam Workshop
Steams Workshop is probably the most straightforward way to get the mods you will need to play on servers that aren't just running the vanilla Exile mod on the Altis terrain.

Theres a couple of mods you will have to get from Armaholics/teh Internets but most are taken care of. They're also easy to install, simply click the link to the mod you need and click the subscribe button. Some mods, such as CUP Weapons, will be dependant on others that they use as a foundation and Steam should prompt you to subscribe to these as well.

This list is not complete I'm sure but here's the ones I've compiled so far. If anyone has others that should be added to the list please leave it in a comment below.

TRYK's multiplay Uniforms

CUP Units pack

CBA_A3 (Community Base Expansion)

CUP Weapons pack

MASSI's NATO & Russian Weapons

MASSI's NATO & Russian Vehicles

Ryans Zombies & Demons

ASDG Joint Rails

Esseker Map
Mods - Not Steam Workshop
Some of the mods you may want to run are not available on the Steam Workshop. is where to get them. Armaholic is a fantastic resource for not only Arma 3 but has cool ♥♥♥♥ for the entire Arma series. Most, if not all the mods available in the Steam Workshop will be available here as well.

Install these mods the same way we covered installing Exile above.

EDIT: To clarify, after you've downloaded and extracted the mod you want copy it (the folder starting with @) to your Arma 3 directory, so that the launcher sees it without having to add mod files from multiple directories

All in Arma terrain pack, which you'll need to play on any of the cool maps that were made for Arma 2 and for maps like Esseker, Bornholm & Australia.

AiA Terrain Pack

RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

RHS: United States Armed Forces

Lingor A3 v3.0 beta

Island Panthera v3.35

Once again, if anyone has any other that should be on this list, let me know
~n00bz~ Sep 9, 2020 @ 6:24am 
To see the "All in Arma Terrain Pack" gave me flashbacks to the days of funky map anomalies, black water that would envelope your whole screen, launching a vehicle into space (terrain not mapped fully/collisions/sinking into the ground).... the community has come a LONG way (so have the map makers).
Silv3rGunna Feb 8, 2019 @ 12:09pm

We are a gaming community that hosts and run servers with currently over 1.6k members

Arma servers we will be having are Life and Exile, hope to see you soon :)
Ann_N_Z_Attic Dec 31, 2018 @ 7:43pm 
{LINK REMOVED} if anyone wants to join our zeus community
TheGermanFritz Oct 14, 2018 @ 8:59am 
Hasan Mar 8, 2018 @ 1:41pm 
Really good mod and getting #1 of zombie game.Very scary gameplay, zombies are fuckin' dangerous and scary , you'll remmber their voices for long time.
R.I.P Standalone
DST_Eclipse Apr 28, 2017 @ 8:55pm 
what exile mod do i need there is alot of exile mods can u give me a link
Bobby Digital™ Jan 27, 2017 @ 8:58am 
do mods get duplicated on my storage device when using a3 launcher?
Nazza Nov 30, 2016 @ 1:45am 
If anyone is still having trouble or this is there first time and is unsure how to add some mods, Just download A3Launcher, just select the server you want to play and it will automatically start downloading and installing the mods you need, hope this helps
p3dro_2486  [author] Jan 1, 2016 @ 7:37am 
Hi dude, I think it will pretty much depend on the mods the server is running as to which you will need. If you try to use the CUP terrains pack on a server thats using AiA you wont be able to connect. From what Ive seen the CUP Terrains pack still has a couple of issues but looks cool, Ive downloaded both but havent seen any server Im playing on using it yet. Hope that helps
Lil_stuffy Jan 1, 2016 @ 7:32am 
Um when i try to download the aia terains pack it says i should use the CUP terrains pack does this cover AIA?