Year Of No: Actor Matthew Del Negro's Leadership Lessons
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Year Of No: Actor Matthew Del Negro's Leadership Lessons

This article is more than 3 years old.

Recently, I spoke with actor Matt Del Negro about his book 10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your Yes. Matt has starred in well-known TV series such as The Sopranos, The West Wing, and Scandal; currently, you can see him in the Showtime series City on a Hill.  Matt shared that he heard many, many “Nos” in his career, and that people willing to accomplish great things must embrace rejection.  Here are some ways to get past the "10,000 No's" to a “Yes.”


Matt says individuals must take time to determine their "why.” The "why" is your mission or higher goal. If you have a mission fueling you, every time you are knocked down or lose a part (if you’re an actor), you keep going.  Matt shares that you need to be realistic: there are times when you will be disappointed. All of your effort and time put in doesn't guarantee success; nevertheless,  keep going towards your goals. As you move toward your goal, be flexible—look for adjacent opportunities that excite you.

Hard Work

Hard work is essential for success—but many of us don't know what hard work entails.  Matt shares how hard work looks for him when he's preparing for a role. When Matt played lacrosse at the Division 1 level at Boston College, he would practice "on the wall" for hours—one hundred shots behind the back, one hundred shots with his left hand, one hundred shots with his right, and so on. He achieved excellence through repeating small, simple actions. Matt's lacrosse experience informs his acting process. For example, he may do forty different takes for one scene. For Matt, hard work means perfecting the little details.  


Hard work also translates to preparation. According to Matt, preparation and hard work don't just mean knowing your lines. To prepare for his role in City on a Hill, Matt conducted hours of interviews with detectives and police officers to prepare for his role as Detective Caysen. Matt rode with them on their beats and listened to their stories. All of this preparation helps Matt get out of his head and be present as he shoots scenes for the show.


Careers are volatile today, and Matt says you can't be complacent, especially as an actor. Keep learning and growing.  Think about what is important for your career—keep reading, take the class, meet with the person even though you don't have time. Keep focused on making the time to learn.


It's easy to get caught up in what others think about your work. Matt describes this as being “frozen.” The key to getting unfrozen, he explains, is to try not to care about external accolades or others' opinions. Matt shares that it's easy to "curl up in a ball" when you are knocked down.  Disappointment is natural; but re-connecting with his purpose and mission as an artist is one of the ways that Matt gets back up.


Lastly, Matt talks about having faith. Although there is always a chance for failure, Matt takes bold action anyway, trusting he will figure it out as he goes. One example he shared is his podcast, 10,000 Nos.  Matt had never created a podcast, but thought it was a great medium to share his ideas and help others. Matt encourages others to take action, even though things won’t always work out as you hope.  Matt related the idea to acting; not much is in his control when a casting director is determining who gets a part. However, he can do his part by showing up, again and again.  

Matt’s book is full of encouragement for anyone trying to achieve a dream.  We have all heard many, many no's in our career: but the keys to moving forward, as Matt reminded me, are to keep the faith, be bold, and take action.

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