Most In-Demand Jobs in Italy in 2023

Most In-Demand Jobs in Italy in 2023

Have you ever dreamed of living and working in Italy, the land of art, culture, and cuisine? If so, you might be wondering what are the most in-demand jobs in Italy in 2023, and how to get one. In this blog post, we will answer these questions and more, based on the latest data and trends from the Italian job market.

The most in-demand jobs in Italy in 2023 are the following:

  • Marketers

  • IT consultants

  • Engineers

  • Data engineers

  • English teachers

  • Professors

  • Cyber security experts

  • Digital marketers

  • Finance consultants

According to Statista, Italy’s unemployment rate is expected to decrease from 10.2% in 2021 to 8.9% in 2023, while the employment rate is projected to increase from 57.5% to 60.2% in the same period. This means that there will be more opportunities for job seekers, especially in sectors such as health, education, IT, and tourism. However, finding a job in Italy is not always easy, especially for foreigners who need to obtain an Italian visa and work permit, and who might face language barriers and cultural differences.

As an expat who has been working in Italy for years, I can tell you that it is not impossible to find a job here, as long as you are flexible, adaptable, and willing to learn. In fact, there are many English speaking jobs in Italy, especially in multinational companies, international organizations, and online platforms. You can also find English language jobs in teaching, translating, and customer service. Of course, learning some Italian will help you a lot, not only in your professional life, but also in your social and personal life.

In this blog post, we will discuss English language jobs in Italy. Whether you are looking for full-time, part-time, or freelance jobs in Italy, we hope that this blog post will help you achieve your goals and dreams.

 How much will you earn in Italy? Read here.

In-Demand and English Speaking Jobs In Italy For Expats

data engineer working with supercomputer in server room

In order to find a good job in Italy, you will need to make an extra effort unless your home country sends you over to work as an expatriate. You are more likely to get a job with higher demand than supply. This is mainly due to the high unemployment rate in Italy (almost 8%).

Regarding the region, the North of Italy is the best for getting a job. Lombardy produces 22% of the economic output of the country. In contrast, South Italy is suffering from unemployment and a less developed & financed economy overall.

What Is A Good Salary In Italy?

Hence, your chances of finding employment in the South are pretty low.

As an international looking to shift to Italy for a job, here’s what you should consider:

  • Demand for your skills

  • Future projections in your area of specialization

  • Terms and conditions attached to the industry

  • Language requirements

  • Your eligibility to work as a foreigner

  • Salary

  • Employee benefits and bonuses

Besides, different sectors have reacted differently in the post-Covid era, with some realizing an upward shift while others are on a decline.

Once you get a job in Italy, you can get a visa and work permit. After that, you are all set to pursue your dream job in your dream country.

Some professions in high demand in the Italian job market include:

1. Machine learning engineer

Machine learning is a great career choice with high demand now and in the next decade as many sectors continue to endorse its development. 

In Italy, a machine learning engineer earns approximately €40,000 annually, which is good pay. 

To qualify for this position, you need to have a degree in computer science, information technology, software engineering, or any other related field with a specialty in machine learning. The higher your qualifications and experience in the area, the more pay you’ll attract.

Like most countries, Italy is at the forefront of incorporating AI in different sectors, which has pushed the demand for machine learning engineers upwards. If this is your area, take the leap and apply for the available positions.

Also read: Living in Italy as an American.

Living in Italy as an American: What To Expect?

2. Data engineer

Data engineer is one of the in-demand English speaking jobs in Italy. Technological advancement has pushed the demand for data analysts and engineers to an all-time high. 

Nowadays, organizations base most of their decisions on the available data; as such, the need for engineers who can come up with systems that can collect, interpret and simplify the data into usable information is in high demand.

To qualify in this field, you need either a computer science, statistics, applied mathematics, physics, or computer or software engineering degree. 

The average salary of a data engineer in Italy ranges from €35,000 to €70,000. Your qualifications and previous experience determine your entry point. 

3. Cyber security specialist

Organizations in Italy are racing to adapt and run most of their operations online. This advancement has led to the need for firms to hire cybersecurity specialists in a great way.

In a nutshell, the specialist is mandated with combating network threats to the data systems, ensuring high IT security for the firm, and guiding the organization in the best practice in data archives management.

You need a degree in mathematics, computer science, or a related field to qualify for this position. Experience in this technical field comes in handy and gives you a higher bargaining power while attracting higher perks.

Specialists working in Italy earn between €25,000 and €45,000 annually. Experts in cyber security have a high career growth potential based on experience.

4. Digital marketing specialist

Today, as never before, online presence is a must-have for all businesses. Hence, many companies are looking for experienced digital marketers and social media managers.

Furthermore, budgetary allocations in the digital marketing space have been on a trajectory path across the country. Statista estimates the sector to hit over six billion USD in spending in 2023 and is set to rise further in the future, as shown below:


This means that organizations will be willing to hire you at a high rate if you’re good at your craft.

You don’t need a degree to work in marketing, but a business education would help. Companies are mainly looking at the experience of a candidate and where they have been working before.

Main skills and knowledge you should bring include:

  • marketing strategies

  • social media marketing

  • branding

  • public relations

  • adds management

  • Google Analytics

  • copywriting

To have an edge, you need to be good at website analytics and properly grasp social media platforms.

A digital marketing manager earns between €30,000 and €45,000 annually based on their experience level.

5. English teacher

Teaching English in Italy is highly demanded as more people want to perfect their English skills. To qualify, you need to have prior teaching experience and the right skills.

There are opportunities in both public and private institutions. You need a TEFL certificate of not less than 100 hours to qualify for a well-paying position as an English teacher. More hours attract higher pay.

On average, an English teacher is paid between €12,000 and €20,000 annually, depending on the employer and the city you’re stationed in.

In addition to English teachers, Italy is in shortage of teachers in various fields. In fact, the demand has increased by 93% since 2020.

The main competencies Italian employers are looking for in applicants:

  • teaching

  • tutoring

  • mathematics

  • early childhood education

  • public speaking skills

  • lesson planning

  • curriculum development

The best locations to work as a teacher are Rome, Palermo, Treviso, Bari, and Bergamo.

6. Product manager

Organizations are willing to pay top dollar for the right talent to conquer the markets.

A product manager is tasked with developing a product from the ideation stage to landing on the customers and monitoring the performance.

It’s a broad role that involves interacting with different departments like marketing to develop a strong brand and capture market share.

Since the stakes are high for this role, you need to be skilled, have qualifications in marketing data analysis, and be business savvy. Your decision-making skills and critical thinking come in handy for this role.

 Product managers in the country earn approximately €40,000. You’ll make more if you can demonstrate success in your previous role as a product manager.

7. Human resources analyst

In Italy, demand for human resource analysts has soared as many organizations need help hiring, firing, labor policies, and handling remote workers.

You can become an HR analyst with a human resources, law, social science, and business administration degree. 

Due to the high demand for these professionals, the pay is also attractive by Italian standards. Analysts are paid between €20,000 and €35,000 annually. Your entry point pay depends on the employer’s policy, previous experience, and the city.

Practitioners in cities such as Rome, Milan, and Naples have higher entry-level perks than their smaller towns counterparts.

Top industries in Italy in 2023

Laptop with miniature shopping cart and credit cards

At the same time, some sectors in Italy are growing faster than others, including:

  • Digital marketing and communication

  • Creative jobs

  • IT (of course)

  • Pharmaceutics and related R&D

  • E-commerce

  • Finance

After the pandemic below-mentioned industries have received an extra boost. Digital-savvy individuals now have much better opportunities to get a job.

1. Digital marketing and communication

The growth among content producers like bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters is exponential. Many employers now hire these so-called hobbyists for full-time positions. The increase is 72% since 2020.

Creators are replacing journalists and content managers by becoming content producers for companies. Moreover, many decide to work for themselves by being a blogger or YouTuber.

The main skills you need to have to work in the digital marketing and content industry are:

  • Content creation and management

  • Social media marketing

  • Podcasting

  • Creative writing

  • Copywriting

2. Technology sector

Tech also got a boost of 49% in terms of employment and jobs. This is also related to the digitization of many businesses. Many were forced to do so due to the pandemic. Some of the common positions that are hired include cyber security manager and game developer.

Main skills you need to have to work in tech:

  • Technical support

  • Cloud computing

  • Software development

  • Network security

  • CSS

  • Java

  • SQL

  • DevOps

  • Git

3. E-Commerce

Lastly, the E-commerce industry offers jobs in Italy. It has been rapidly growing in this country for a few years. Italians are pretty conservative people, who prefer to buy in stores, but the young generation is looking more into online shopping.

With that, hiring for E-commerce positions has seen 51% year-over-year growth. Some typical jobs are logistics professionals, online marketers, managers, customer support, sales, warehouse clerks, and others.

Jobs in-demand in Italy with no degree

female tourist consulting the tour guide

Italy is a popular destination for many people who want to enjoy the Mediterranean lifestyle, the rich culture, and the delicious cuisine. However, finding a job in Italy can be challenging, especially if you don’t have a degree or speak Italian. In this article, we will explore some of the jobs that are in-demand in Italy for non-degree holders, and provide some tips on how to find them and apply for them.

Tourism Industry

One of the most obvious sectors that offers opportunities for non-degree holders is the tourism industry. Italy is a major tourist attraction, with millions of visitors every year who want to see its historical significance, artistic beauty, and natural wonders. If you speak English and other languages, you can find jobs as tour guides, hotel staff, restaurant workers, or travel agents. These jobs usually don’t require a degree, but they do require good communication skills, customer service, and knowledge of the local area and culture. The tourism industry is also seasonal, so you may have to look for other sources of income during the low season.

The average pay for tourism jobs in Italy varies depending on the position, the location, and the experience. According to Salary Explorer, the average monthly salary for a tour guide in Italy is €1,500, while the average monthly salary for a hotel receptionist is €1,200. The average monthly salary for a waiter or waitress is €900, while the average monthly salary for a travel agent is €1,400.


Another sector that is in-demand in Italy for non-degree holders is sales. With the global marketplace, many companies are looking for salespeople who can reach new customers and markets in different regions and languages. If you have experience in sales or have a way with words, you can find jobs in various industries, such as fashion, technology, food, or services. You may have to work in an office or remotely from home, depending on the company and the product. You may also have to travel frequently to meet clients and close deals.

The average pay for sales jobs in Italy depends on the industry, the product, the commission, and the performance. According to Glassdoor, the average base salary for a sales representative in Italy is €25,000 per year, while the average base salary for a sales manager is €45,000 per year.


Another sector that is in-demand in Italy for non-degree holders is healthcare. As Italy has an aging population, there is a need for more healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and caregivers. However, these jobs usually require a degree and a license to practice in Italy, which can be difficult to obtain for non-EU citizens. However, there are some healthcare jobs that don’t require a degree or a license, such as medical assistants, pharmacy assistants, dental assistants, or home health aides. These jobs require basic medical knowledge, interpersonal skills, and compassion. You may also need to speak Italian or other languages, depending on the patients and the employers.

The average pay for healthcare jobs in Italy varies depending on the position, the employer, and the experience. According to Payscale, the average hourly wage for a medical assistant in Italy is €10, while the average hourly wage for a pharmacy assistant is €9. The average hourly wage for a dental assistant is €8, while the average hourly wage for a home health aide is €7.

How to Find English Language Jobs With No Degree?

Finding a job in Italy with no degree can be challenging, but not impossible. Here are some tips on how to find and apply for jobs in Italy with no degree:

  1. Use online platforms: There are many online platforms that can help you find jobs in Italy, such as Indeed, Monster, LinkedIn, or Idealista. English speakers can search for jobs by keywords, location, industry, or salary. You can also upload your resume and create a profile to showcase your skills and experience. You can also use online platforms that are specific for expats, such as Wander Onwards, LearnAmo, or The Local Italy, which offer advice and resources for finding jobs in Italy for non-degree holders.

  2. Network: Networking is a key factor for finding jobs in Italy, as many employers rely on word-of-mouth and referrals. You can network by joining online groups, forums, or communities that are related to your field of interest, such as Facebook, Meetup, or Eventbrite. You can also network by attending events, workshops, or seminars that are relevant to your industry or skills, where you can meet potential employers, colleagues, or mentors. You can also network by volunteering, interning, or freelancing for organizations or companies that are aligned with your goals and values, where you can gain experience, exposure, and connections.

  3. Get a work permit: If you are a non-EU citizen and speaking English, you will need a work permit to work legally in Italy. To get a work permit, you will need a job offer from an employer who is willing to sponsor you and apply for a work visa on your behalf. The employer will have to prove that they cannot find a suitable candidate from the EU member states, and that you have the necessary qualifications and skills for the job. The work permit process can be lengthy and complex, so you should start it as soon as possible. You can find more information about the work permit process on the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.

  4. Learn Italian: Learning Italian is not a requirement for finding jobs in Italy, but it is definitely an advantage. Speaking Italian can help you communicate better with your employers, colleagues, and customers, as well as understand the culture and the norms of the workplace. It can also open up more opportunities for jobs that require interaction with the local population, such as tourism, healthcare, or education. You can learn Italian by taking online courses, such as Duolingo, Babbel, or Busuu, or by enrolling in a language school, such as Berlitz, EF, or Lingoda. You can also practice your Italian by watching movies, listening to podcasts, reading books, or conversing with native speakers.

  5. Write a cover letter: A cover letter is a document that accompanies your resume and introduces yourself to the employer. It is a chance to highlight your skills, experience, and motivation for applying for the job. A cover letter should be tailored to the specific job and company that you are applying for, and should show why you are a good fit for the role. A cover letter should be concise, clear, and professional, and should follow the format and etiquette of the Italian business culture. You can find more tips on how to write a cover letter in Italy on the Eurograduate website.

Learn how much you can earn in Italy in this guide.

What Is A Good Salary In Italy?

How Much Does a House Cost in Italy?

Requirements for Foreigners Looking to Work in Italy

Woman applying for VISA in embassy office

Italy is a popular destination for expats who want to enjoy the country’s rich culture, history, and cuisine. However, finding a job in Italy as a foreigner can be challenging, especially if you do not speak Italian. In this section, we will explain the requirements and eligibility for working in Italy, the types of jobs available for foreigners, and the steps to apply for a work visa and a residence permit.

Eligibility and work visas

The eligibility and work visa requirements for foreigners depend on whether they are citizens of the European Union (EU) or not.

  • EU citizens: EU citizens do not need Italian work visas or a permit to work and live in this country. They only need a valid ID document or passport, and a tax number (codice fiscale). They also need to register their presence at a police station and fill out the necessary forms and paperwork.

  • Non-EU citizens: Non-EU citizens need to find a job in Italy before they can apply for a work visa and a residence permit. They also need to have a valid passport, a health insurance, and a proof of sufficient funds. The employer in Italy has to request a work permit (nulla osta) from the immigration office (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione) on behalf of the foreign worker. Once the work permit is issued, the foreign worker can apply for a work visa at the Italian embassy or consulate in their home country. After arriving in Italy, they have to apply for a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) within eight days.

The type and duration of the Italian work visas and the residence permit depend on the type and duration of the employment contract. There are different categories of work visas, such as:

  • Subordinate work visa: This is for foreigners who have a fixed-term or an open-ended employment contract with an Italian employer. The duration of the visa and the permit can vary from a few months to several years, depending on the contract.

  • Self-employed work visa: This is for foreigners who want to start their own business or work as freelancers, professionals, or consultants in Italy. They need to have a valid business plan, a proof of income, and a certification of their professional qualifications. The duration of the visa and the permit is usually one year, renewable.

  • Seasonal work visa: This is for foreigners who want to work in seasonal sectors, such as agriculture, tourism, or hospitality. The duration of the visa and the permit is usually six months, extendable to nine months.

  • Other types of work visas: There are also other types of work visas for specific categories of workers, such as researchers, artists, athletes, journalists, students, interns, volunteers, etc. The requirements and the duration of these visas and permits vary depending on the nature and the purpose of the work.

Final Thoughts About Jobs in Italy

In summary, if you dream of working in Italy, there are various in-demand jobs for both expats and locals. Industries like technology, digital marketing, and healthcare offer promising opportunities. Non-degree holders can explore roles in tourism, sales, and healthcare assistance. Learning Italian and networking can significantly enhance your job prospects, while understanding the visa and permit requirements is crucial for non-EU citizens.

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Your dream jobs in Italy may be closer than you think!

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