VanderMeer Creative • Ann & Jeff VanderMeer

VanderMeer Creative, Inc. manages Ann and Jeff VanderMeer’s
speaking engagements, workshops, masterclasses, and book projects.

“A literary power couple.” — Boing Boing

Ann VanderMeer

Ann VanderMeer

Over a 30-year career, Ann VanderMeer has won numerous awards for her editing work, including the Hugo Award and World Fantasy Award. Whether as editor-in-chief for Weird Tales for five years or in her current role as an acquiring editor for, Ann has built her reputation on acquiring fiction from diverse and interesting new talents. As co-founder of Cheeky Frawg Books, she has helped develop a wide-ranging line of mostly translated fiction. Featuring a who’s who of world literature, Ann VanderMeer’s anthologies include the critically acclaimed Best American Fantasy series, The Weird, The Time Traveler’s Almanac, Sisters of the Revolution, and the forthcoming Big Book of SF (Vintage).

    Jeff VanderMeer

    Jeff VanderMeer

    Called “the weird Thoreau” by the New Yorker, Jeff VanderMeer has been a published writer since age 14. His most recent fiction is the NYT-bestselling Southern Reach trilogy. One of the publishing events of 2014, the trilogy garnered wide-spread critical acclaim, was optioned by Paramount Pictures, and made more than thirty year’s best lists, including  Entertainment Weekly’s top 10. His nonfiction appears in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, the Guardian, and the Recently, he sold his next novel, Borne, to Farrar, Straus and Giroux in a deal announced by the Hollywood Reporter. Jeff VanderMeer also wrote the world’s first fully illustrated creative-writing guide, Wonderbook.


      VanderMeer Creative is proud to sponsor the 2017 Octavia Project, the Shared Worlds website, and to be a contributing sponsor to Word of South, among other endeavors.

      The VanderMeers have many decades of experience as editors, consultants, and teachers of creative writing. Together or solo, they have been guests of MIT, The Library of Congress, the Yale Writers’ Conference, Blizzard Entertainment, BEA, ALA, and countless literary festivals and writer conferences.

      In addition to content for general audiences, they have conducted creativity masterclasses, seminars, and given keynote speeches to writers, librarians, gaming professionals, and members of the tech industry. Subject matter is diverse, layered, and customized for each audience. Jeff VanderMeer has lectured at Vanderbilt, the University of Florida, the Toronto Book Festival, and many others on environmental topics related to storytelling.

      Every summer they also help run Shared Worlds, a unique teen writing camp.

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