William Tell’s archery skills put to the test

Posted in Anniversary, History, Legend on Sunday, 7 November 2010

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picture, William Tell, apple, legend, crossbow

William Tell takes aim for the most difficult shot of his life

18 November marks the anniversary of the potentially fatal actions William Tell was forced to take in 1307. Tell, a Swiss folk hero of the 14th century, was responsible for the assassination of Albrecht Gessler, the brutal Austrian bailiff of Altdorf in central Switzerland. Gessler is reputed to have raised a pole in the town square on which he placed his hat, ordering townsfolk to bow before it. Tell refused and was given the choice of being executed or shooting an apple off his son’s head. Tell, an expert with a crossbow, split the apple on his first shot.

Tell subsequently killed Gessler and launched a rebellion against Austrian rule which eventually led to Swiss independence.

More pictures of William Tell can be found here. Many more pictures relating to the history and culture of Switzerland can be found at the Look and Learn picture library.

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