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DanTDM Wiki
This article contains spoilers for Minecraft Story Mode.

DanTDM has played Minecraft: Story Mode and has completed all 8 episodes of the game. His most favorite character on Minecraft: Story Mode is the pig Reuben. The reason why "the pig" is there is because in "A Journey's End", Hadrian tells Jesse that he's got Reuben, which is revealed to be the Usher from Episode 1 named "Reuben".

Episodes Completed[]

  1. The Order of the Stone
  2. Assembly Required
  3. The Last Place You Look
  4. A Block and a Hard Place
  5. Order Up!
  6. A Portal to Mystery
  7. Access Denied
  8. A Journey's End?
  9. Hero in Residence
  10. Giant Consequences
  11. Jailhouse Block
  12. Below the Bedrock
  13. Above and Beyond

Number of Times Died[]

The Order of The Stone: 0

Assembly Required: 0

The Last Place You Look: 0

A Block and a Hard Place: 2

Order Up: 0

DanTDM's Choices[]

The Order of the Stone[]

  • He let Reuben get a black eye.
  • His enderman build got destroyed.
  • He sought out Gabriel's help to fight the Iron Golem in the basement.
  • He helped Petra when escaping the Wither Storm.
  • He convinced Lukas to stay in the shelter.
  • He chose to seek out Magnus the Rogue with Axel.

Assembly Required[]

Coming Soon...

The Last Place You Look[]

Coming Soon...

A Block and a Hard Place[]

Coming Soon...

Order Up[]

Coming Soon...

A Portal to Mystery[]

He saved himself by accusing no one.

Access Denied[]

He freed Petra from PAMA's wrath before Lukas.

A Journey's End?[]

He saved Ivor over Petra.


The following is based on the choices made by Daniel Middleton in his playthrough

Jesse's Gang:

  • Jesse, the best friend of Olivia and Axel, the mayor of Beacontown and the leader of the New Order of the Stone. He originaly resided in a treehouse with his best friends and his pet pig Reuben, but after defeating the Wither Storm, moved into Beacontown. Jesse lead his gang in battling the beast and helped reunite the Order of the Stone. He killed the Wither Storm with the help of his friends and became a member of the New Order of the Stone along with Olivia, Axel and Petra. Jesse was lost in a portal room for some time, along with Petra, Lukas and Ivor but eventualy escaped. Far later, Romeo considered him to make him his champion but eventualy reconsidered and threw him into the Sunshine Institute. After deafeating Romeo, Jesse went to explore the world with Petra and left Beacontown in the hands of Radar.
  • Olivia, the best friend of Jesse and Axel, the leader of Redstonia and a member of the New Order of the Stone. She originaly lived with her best friends and Jesse's pet pig Reuben inside a treehouse but after defeating the Wither Storm she moved into Redstonia and became it's leader as Ellegard had died.
  • Axel, the best friend of Jesse and Olivia, the assistan leader of Boom Town and a member of the New Order of the Stone. He originaly lived with his best friends and Jesse's pet pig Reuben inside a treehouse but after defeating the Wither Storm he moved into Boom Town and became Magnus' assistant leader.
  • Petra, a good friend of Jesse, Olivia and Axel and a member of the New Order of the Stone, who used to exange certain items for minerals. She came up with wither sicknes when she got stuck in the Wither Storm but was saved by Jesse, although she was cured upon the Wither Storm's death and became a member of the New Order of the Stone. She was trapped inside the portal room for a short while, with Jesse, Lukas and Ivor, although they eventualy escaped. She later moved to Champion City as she believed that her friends didn't need her anymore. During Romeo's rampage, he considered her to become his champion after Jesse failed, but reconsidered when she attacked him. After Romeo was defeated, she and Jesse went to explore the world.
  • Lukas, the former leader of the Ocelots who, unlike the team's other members, isn't selfish and rude. He joined Jesse's gang during the time that the Wither Storm attacked. Later on, Lukas was ditched by the other Ocelots and got trapped in the portal room for a short whie, bue evetually escaped. He later went on to write a story about the New Order of the Stone.
  • Radar, Jesse's former assistant and the current mayor of Beacontown. He was Jesse's assistant for about a year and lead Beacontown during the time that Jesse was out with Petra. He became thougher after his time in prison and became the mayor of Beacontown when Jesse went with Petra to explore the world.
  • Reuben, Jesse's pet pig whom he found under a waterfall. He used to live inside a treehouse with Jesse, Olivia and Axel and also helped them in defeating the Wither Storm. He was killed by fall damage when he fell out of the Wither Storm and onto bedrock, after he brought Jesse his sword to finish of the beast. A memorial was later built for him and his porkchop was framed, while Jesse continued to miss him.

The Order of the Stone:

  • Gabriel the Warrior, a member of the Order of the Stone and the so-called greatest warrior of all time that showed up at the Endercon. He was captured by the Wither Storm after Jesse chose to help Petra first, causing him to het wither amnesia later on. His memory was restored once the Wither Storm was killed and he named Jesse's gang the New Order of the Stone. By the time of Romeo's rampage he went onto a travelling warrior quest.
  • Ivor, a former member of the Order of the Stone and a potion master. He left the order do to the lies they decided to make, although he agreed to keep the lies a secret in exange for the order's treasures. He created the Wither Storm in order to get revenge on the order but after it went out of control he reconcicled and began working with them. After the Wither Storm was destroyed he was along with Jesse, Lukas and Petra trapped inside a portal room and in one of the worlds they met Harper, whom he seemingly developed a crush on. He later became a ninja but decided that it's time that he stops running around in his underwear and fix his relationship with Magnus, Soren and Gabriel.
  • Soren the Architect, the leader of the Order of the Stone and the so-called greatest architect of all time. He made the order when he found the command block and with it's help glitched the Ender Dragon out of existance. He and the rest of the order made up a cover story for what they did. Soren later on dissapeared and started to make researches on the Enderman in the End, before he was recruited by Jesse's gang to help fight the Wither Storm. He later told the true story to the gang and during the final cofrontation with the beast ran away. When Ivor decided to fix he relationship with his old friends, he mentioned that he doesn't know where Soren is but that he had some clues.
  • Ellegard the Redstone Engineer, a member of the Order of the Stone and the so-called greatest engineer of all time who resided in Redstonia. She was brough to Jesse's gang by Olivia in order to defeat the Wither Storm. When Jesse went to destroy the beast with the formidi bomb, she and Magnus both offered Jesse their armor and he chose Ellegard's over Magnus'. She was killed by the Wither Storm when she was thrown into a tree and didn't have armor to protect herself. After her death, a festival was held during the founding day in order to honor Ellegard.
  • Magnus the Rogue, a member of the Order of the Stone and the so-called greatest griffer of all time who resides in Boom Town. He was recruited by Jesse, Axel and Reuben to help fight the Wither Storm. The beast destroyed Boom Town and killed a fellow member of the order, Ellegard. When the Wither Storm was killed by Jesse, he presented him with the nether star, dropped by the mob. Magnus later continued to run Boom Town with the help from Axel and after Romeo's rampage, got visited by Ivor who seeked to restore his friendship with Magnus, Gabriel and Soren.


  • The Wither Storm, a giant, three-headed wither monster with a command block in it's center. It was originaly created by Ivor as a normal either with a command block so it would obey him, on order to get revenge on the Order of the Stone, but it got out of control and became a super boss mob. The Wither Storm seeked to destroy everything and everyone (with it destroying Boom Town and Redstonia and killing Ellegard and seconds before it's death, Reuben). It was destroyed by the formidi bomb but the command block remained unharmed and the Wither Storm stood back up, splitting into three, all controled by the command block. It was killed by Jesse, when he destroyed the command block with an enchanted sword. It dropped a nether star which was used to create a multi rainbow beacon. The beast was often talked about later on, specific mentions including PAMA, the New Order of the Stone, Radar, Jack and Romeo.
  • The Ender Dragon, a female dragon who resided in the End. She was glitched out of existance by Soren who used the command block and she left behind a dragon egg. The Order of the Stone made up a cover story about how they killed her.
  • Giant Ghast, a boss version of ghast that attacked Jesse, Petra, Radar, Jack and Nurm at the Sunshine Institute. It had the ability to fire multiple fireballs at the same time, although while firing at the gang it hit the other ghasts, causing them to attack it. The ghast was killed when Jesse stabbed it into it's weak spot.
  • Icy Golem, a mutated version of a snow golem and an iron golem. It was summoned by Romeo after the smaller versions of it couldn't reach Jesse, Lukas, Radar and "Vos". The golem was heavily injured by Jesse who destroyed it's legs, with Radar destroying it's hands. It was killed when Jesse tore of it's pumpkin.
  • Giant Magma Golem, a mutant version of the iron golem, who was created by Romeo. It's arms were destroyed when Jesse activated teo watterfalls with them hitting it's arms. Jesse then used some tnt to blow a hole under it, revealing a pool of watter. The golem fell into the hole and got killed.

The Blaze Rods:

  • Aiden, a former member of the Ocelots and the leader of the Blaze Rods. He parcticipated at the Endercon building contest and won the game with his team. After the Wither Storm was destroyed, Aiden allong with Maya and Gill formed the Blaze Rods, the rivals of the New Order of the Stone. The three went into a portal that lead to Sky City along with the order and took over it but were eventualy defeated. Aiden was arrested for his crimes but decided to redeem himself.
  • Maya, a former member of the Ocelots and a member of the Blaze Rods who won the Endercon building contest along with her team. After the Wither Storm was defeated, she formed the Blaze Rods, along with Aiden and Gill and invaded Sky City. They were eventualy defeated and arrested for their crimes.
  • Gill, a former member of the Ocelots and a member of the Blaze Rods who tends to get over-exited. He parcticipated in the Endercon building competition and won along with his team. When the Wither Storm was defeated, he jouned the Blaze Rods and like Aiden and Maya got arrested when invading Sky City.


  • Otis, a butcher who attempted to slaughter Reuben after he found him wandering alone. He later traded the pig for Jesse's sword. When Jesse and Reuben are inside the Wither Storm, a withered Otis sttartles Reuben. He later chears for the New Order of the Stone after the Wither Storm is defeated.
  • Ivy, the owner of a slime stand whom Jesse confused with Ivor. She later accepted his apology and gave him, Axel, Olivia and Petra two slimeballs each. She cheers for the New Order of the Stone once the Wither Storm is defeated.
  • Reuben, the usher at the Endercon who is afraid of chickens. He refused to let Jesse's gang go to Gabriel's show without tickets although they managed to get past him when they destroyed a chicken machine. He was later caught by the Wither Storm and was withered along with sevral chickens, but eventualy got freed. Later, when Hadrian and Mevia went to capture Jesse's best friends, they confused Reuben with Jesse's deceased pig and locked him down with Olivia and Axel.
  • Sigge, the owner of the chicken machine. His machine was destroyed by Jesse in order to scare the usher so they could sneak past him. He later chears for the New Order of the Stone when the Wither Storm is defeated.
  • Announcer, the announcer at the Endercon building competition and one of it's judges.
  • D.J., a D.J. at the Endercon.
  • Lydia, one of the two hosts of the Endercon, the other bring Owen.
  • Owen, one of the two hosts of the Endercon, the other being Lydia.
  • Fanboy, a spectator of the Endercon building contest who complimented Jesse's gang's enderman.
  • Henchman, Ivy's partner who demonstrates the use of a slime block at the Endercon. He was abducted by the Wither Storm later on but got freed when it was killed.


  • Calvin, a resident of Redstonia who cheers for the New Order of the Stone when the Wither Storm is defeated.
  • Mabel, a resident of Redstonia who cheers for the New Order of the Stone when the Wither Storm is defeated.
  • Old farmer man, a resident of Redstonia who cheers for the New Order of the Stone when the Wither Storm is defeated.
  • Disco Mickey, a resident of Redstonia who cheers for the New Order of the Stone when the Wither Storm is defeated.
  • Schoolboy, a resident of Redstonia who cheers for the New Order of the Stone when the Wither Storm is defeated.
  • Farner Gloria, a resident of Redstonia who cheers for the New Order of the Stone when the Wither Storm is defeated.

Boom Town:

  • Nohr, a griffer who seeked to find Magnus along with TNT Dustin. She stole the amulet of the Order of the Stone from Jesse, Axel and Reuben but they eventualy got it back. Nohr was later absorbed by the Wither Storm and cheared for the New Order of the Stone when it was killed.
  • TNT Dustin, a griffer and the partner of Nohr who seemingly stole the amulet from her with a fishing rod, but later revealed that they were working together. The amulet was eventualy retrieved by Jesse, Axel and Reuben.
  • Death Bowl Announcer, the announcer of the Death Bowl competition and possibly a griffer. He commentated the match between Jesse and Magnus before being abducted by the Wither Storm. He later cheers for the New Order ofbthe Storm when the Wither Storm is killed.


  • Wink, Stacy's playful puppy.
  • Lawrence, Romeo's former guard whom Jesse confused with Stella.
  • Fangirl, a resident of Beacontown who is a large fan of the Order of the Stone, escpecialy Jesse.
  • Bob, the creator of slime-diving who lives in Beacontown.

Sky City:

  • Isa, usualy refeared to as the Founder, the leader and creator of the city who is very strict with rules. She posseses the eversource, a chicken that makes mob eggs. She figured out that there is land below her city when she was pushed off a cliff by Aiden. She later went exploring the world with her chicken whom she named Benedict.
  • Benedict or the Eversource, a chicken that makes mob eggs. She was temporarily stolen by the Blaze Rods so they could cause havoc and destruction in the Sky City but was returned to her original owner Isa. She was named Benedict when on the ground, below Sky City and went exploring the world with her owner.
  • Reginald, the captain of the guards in Sky Coty who opposed Aiden and the Blaze Rods. He later moved on the ground below the city and arrested Aiden, Maya and Gill for their crimes.
  • Milo, the leader of the secret build club who seeks to get the eversource so everyone could build as much as they could. In the past he was arrested for dropping a dirt block off the island. When the people of Sky City moved on the ground, henbecame their leader since Isa went to explore the world.
  • Phillipe, a silent member of the secret build club who moved to the ground after rhe city was destroyed.

The Mansion:

  • Stampy Cat, a cake-loving coward, who was one of the people invited to the White Pumpkin's mansion and is a redstone expert. He stole DanTDM's enchanted flint and steel as a prank but hestiated to reveal that after the events that happened in the mansion. When getting out of the mansion, he along with Stacy and Dan made their own order of the stone. Later on, Stampy and Stacy moved into Beacontown where they argued over what to make for the founding day (with them making a cake and a pumpkin pie). When Romeo came disquised as Jesse, Stampy was arrested by him ans his guards and he joined the Ocelots with his parrots. He later celebrated when Romeo was stopped.
  • Stacy Plays, one of the people that was invited to the White Pumpkin's mansion and who is not good at goodbyes. She gets a sweet tooth when she is nervous. When she escaped the mansion, she formed the New Order of the Stone along with Stampy and Dan. She and Stampy later moved into Beacontown where they argued what to make for the founding day (with them making a cake and a pumpkin pie). When Romeo came disquised as Jesse, Stacy was arrested by him and his guards and she joined the Ocelots. She later celebrated when Romeo was stopped.
  • Cassie Rose or the White Pumpkin, a cat-loving serial killer who is pressumably a member of the Old Builders and got stuck in a dimension with two moons. She invited TorqueDawg, Captain Sparklez, LDShadowLady, DanTDM, Stacy Plays, Stampy Cat, Jesse, Ivor, Petra and Lukas to her mansion in order to get the enchanted flint and steel. After killing some of them, her lair was found and she was identified as the killer. She assumably suffocated in sand after falling in one of her traps but secretly survived and threatened to kill Jesse's gang if they don't give her their flint and steel. She later fell onto a platform above the endermites and after Jesse tossed her, her cat Winslow, spent the rest of her time trapped there.
  • DanTDM, a youtuber who was invited to the White Pumpkin's mansion and whos hair color changes constantly. He found the enchanted flint and steel but it was stolen by Stampy as a prank. Dan accidentaly killed Sparklez when he pressed a button under the table. He admitted everything to Lizzie and after defeating sevral spiders that were summoned by the White Pumpkin, got confronted by her and Jesse's gang although his innocance was proven when the White Pumpkin appeared. When the group got out of the mansion, Stampy revealed that he took his flint and steel and under Jesse's suggestion Dan, Stampy and Stacy made their own order of the stone.
  • LDShadowLady or Lizzie, a youtuber whonwas invited to the White Pumpkin's mansion and who is skilled with potions. She was after the enchanted flint and steel but it was found by Dan. She was the third person that encountered Jesse's gang in the mansion. When Sparklez was killed, she came to Dan who was barricaded in the library and revealed that she knew that he accidentaly killed Sparklez. The White Pumpkin then summoned sevral spiders and Lizzie and Dan began to fight them, with Jesse, Petra and Ivor who were hiding behind one of the paintings coming to help them. When they defeated the spiders, Lizzie commented that she saw a picture like the one that the three came out of upstairs. She was then killed by the White Pumpkin who stabbed her in the back with an axe, with her corpse falling to the floor in front of the others. Her loot was taken by the White Pumpkin.
  • Winslow, Cassie's troublesome cat.
  • Captain Sparklez, the pressumed leader of the youtubers and possibly TorqueDawg's best friend. The two were the first people who encountered Jesse's gang in the mansion. After TorqueDawg was killed he reported this to the other people in the mansion and when they were sitting at the table he told them that whoever invited them wants the enchanted flint and steel. Sparklez's chair then slided back and dropped him in a pit that began to fill up with sand, killing Sparklez. His loot was taken by the White Pumpkin. Dan later revealed that he accidentaly killed him when he pushed a button under the table.
  • TorqueDawg, an explorer and a thief who robbed Lizzie. He and Sparklez were the first people that encountered Jesse's gang. TorqueDawg commented through the whole time that Jesse was a girl's name. He was killed when the White Pumpkin activated an arrow dispenser full of poison tipped arrows. His death was reported to the rest of the group by Sparklez who was soon killed as well.