The Meaning Behind The Song: Chainsaw by Nick Jonas - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Chainsaw by Nick Jonas

The Meaning Behind The Song: Chainsaw by Nick Jonas

Chainsaw is a heartfelt song by Nick Jonas that explores themes of heartbreak, letting go, and the struggle to move on from a past relationship. Released in 2016 as part of his album Last Year Was Complicated, the song showcases Jonas’ vulnerability and personal growth.

When I first heard Chainsaw, I was immediately drawn to its raw emotion and relatability. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a person trying to cope with the memories of a past love. The opening lines, “I’ll take a chainsaw to the sofa, Where I held your body close for so long, so long,” set the tone for the entire song.

The song begins with the protagonist walking into an empty house, where remnants of their past relationship still linger. The emptiness and longing are palpable as they come across their partner’s coat in the closet. Nick Jonas perfectly captures the feeling of confusion when he sings, “Too many rooms in this house, so I keep going out, What the hell is that about?”

Throughout the song, there is a struggle to find a way to be okay. The protagonist contemplates drastic actions, like taking a chainsaw to the sofa that holds memories of intimacy and love. Breaking the “fucking china” becomes a symbolic act of releasing the pain and reminders of the person who is now gone.

As the song progresses, the protagonist seeks distractions to fill the void left by their former partner. They try to drown their sorrows with TV and drinks, yearning for something or someone to replace the emptiness. However, they continue stumbling upon purposefully left belongings, which only intensify their longing and raise questions about the intention behind these acts.

The bridge of the song showcases the internal struggle to let go. The protagonist acknowledges that putting a sign in the lawn would be a public declaration of moving on, but deep down, they don’t want to let go. It’s a battle between holding onto the past and finding the strength to move forward.

The chorus of Chainsaw repeats the desire to take a chainsaw to the sofa, to burn everything that binds them. These actions represent the need to break free and let go of the memories that hold them back. The post-chorus reflects on the crumbling foundation of the once-solid relationship. The home they built together has become nothing but quicksand, a metaphor for the toxic nature of their love.

Chainsaw is a deeply personal song for Nick Jonas. In a reddit AMA, he revealed that it represents the process of working through the emotions tied to a shared space with someone. He believes that everyone has something in their life they need to let go of, and Chainsaw serves as a way of embracing that release. It’s a powerful reminder that letting go is sometimes necessary for personal growth and healing.

Produced by Sir Nolan and written by Sean Douglas, Sir Nolan, Nick Jonas, Simon Wilcox, and Julia Michaels, Chainsaw is an emotionally charged song that continues to resonate with listeners. Its haunting melody and heartfelt lyrics make it a standout track in Nick Jonas’ discography.

As I listen to Chainsaw, I am reminded of my own experiences with heartbreak and the struggle to let go. It serves as a reminder that we all have our own chainsaws to wield, whether it’s letting go of a past relationship or a painful memory. It’s a song that encourages introspection and empowers listeners to embrace change and growth.

Released on June 10, 2016, Chainsaw has become a favorite among fans of Nick Jonas and continues to hold a special place in the hearts of those who have experienced the pain of letting go.


Produced By: Sir Nolan

Written By: Sean Douglas, Sir Nolan, Nick Jonas, Simon Wilcox & Julia Michaels

Recording: Sir Nolan

Assistant Mix Engineer: Tyler Scott

Mixing: Tony Maserati

Background Vocals: Deanna Dellacioppa

Release Date: June 10, 2016

Tags: Pop

Chainsaw Covers Chainsaw by Paul Butcher

Chainsaw Remixes Chainsaw (Sluggo x Patrick Russel Remix) by Nick Jonas

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