青苗琴行 Greenery Music



青苗琴行自開業至今業務不斷發展,超過30年的教學經驗為我們奠下無容置疑的根基。隨著年代進步,青苗亦有多元化的發展,更創立青苗中西藝術表演團,從而豐富音樂及藝術的推廣。現今的青苗琴行擁有龐大而專業的音樂、美術及舞蹈教學團隊,超過40間分店有各類樂器、樂譜等配套零售,亦有專業維修、調音及搬運團隊。青苗現今已培育超過200,000名學習中、西樂器的學員,當中大部份學員已獲得一技之長及尋獲一項終身的興趣 ! 於未來我們堅持提供優質的服務與貨品繼續為顧客帶來音樂藝術的喜悅與和諧。

Greenery Music was founded by Dr Wong Wai Tat, an experienced musician, in 1986. The first branch was set up in Tsing Yi, and the studio was called Tsing Miu, meaning "Green Sprout" offering valuable opportunities for children to learn music from instructors who also worked for the Music Office and musicians working in Chinese conservatories. Our experienced and knowledgeable teachers made us a reputable studio and our scale expanded quickly. In 1990, we made a breakthrough in our local musical scene by introducing Chinese instrument examinations offered by Shanghai Conservatory of Music into Hong Kong. Students learning Chinese instruments could then set up clear goals according to the new standard. Their motivation in learning Chinese instruments increased and the development of Chinese instruments in Hong Kong benefited greatly. In the same year, we hired experienced artists and ballet dancers and began running drawing and dancing classes to encourage children learning different art forms. In 2008, we introduced the examinations offered by Center of China Academy into Hong Kong to promote the local art development.

With a history of more than 30 years, Greenery Music has laid a foundation for the development of arts. We have kept on furthering our growth and founded Green Hill Anglo-Chinese Arts Performance Troupe to promote music and arts. Now, our studio has a large team of professional music, art and dance teachers working in our over 40 branches in which all sorts of instruments and music books are sold. We also have the best technicians responsible for the maintenance and transportation of instruments. More than 200,000 students have joined us to learn various Chinese and Western instruments, and most of them have developed an interest and a skill in music. In the future we will continue to provide quality service and goods so that our customers can enjoy the happiness of learning music and arts.




Copyright © 青苗琴行Greenery Music Limited. 版權所有 不得轉載.