Jason Derulo
© David Strbik

Jason Derulo’s platinum singles include Wiggle, Want to Want Me and Kiss the Sky. Savage Love (Laxed — Siren Beat) was TikTok’s number one song of 2020 and the platform, where Derulo, 31, has nearly 43 million followers, also named him celebrity of the year.

What was your childhood or earliest ambition?
To be a singer. When I saw Michael Jackson for the first time on television, when I was four years old, I knew that was the dream I wanted to chase.

Private school or state school? University or straight into work?
Performing arts schools, right from elementary. I wanted to become the consummate performer, learning every form of music. Classical music, jazz, that was all part of the curriculum. At college I studied musical theatre. I started auditioning for Broadway shows weekly, and I ended up with a booking for one of the shows — and I turned it down because I knew I would have to kiss my other musical dreams goodbye. I would have made a comfortable living, but I decided to pursue the harder road.

Who was or still is your mentor?
Frank Harris, my manager since I was 12 years old. He taught me all the ins and outs of the music industry so I was able to make the best decisions for myself. I made the conscious decision to go with pop because it’s the music that speaks to the world.

How physically fit are you?
Probably more fit than 99.9 per cent of people.

Ambition or talent: which matters more to success?
Oh my god, ambition by far. Talent is very, very secondary. When I was a kid, whatever I decided to do, I was going to be a success. If I’d decided I wanted to be an athlete, a scientist, I’d have been successful. Whatever I wanted to do, I just did, by any means necessary.

What would you like to own that you don’t currently possess?
A crazy yacht, to be able to travel at any point. I’d have that thing docked, and I’d be: “See you guys in three months!”

How politically committed are you?
I believe in what I believe in. I never speak about things I’m not really knowledgeable about. Too often, people have their opinion but are speaking on someone else’s shoulders. So often I’ll stay silent. If I want to speak about my beliefs, I’ll post about it. For example, I told people to vote — but I didn’t tell them how to vote or push my own beliefs on them.

What’s your biggest extravagance?
My house. I’ve been able to build an amazing place to be in, to work in.

In what place are you happiest?

What ambitions do you still have?
All kinds. I partnered up with some editors from Marvel and I’m currently making a comic book, Who is Uzo? — this character I created on TikTok — that I’m really excited about. And I’m writing a book on building a brand on social media — sharing what I know.

What drives you on?
Creativity. I love creating something from nothing. I always humble myself to know there’s room to grow, room to be better, new things to learn. We only have one life and I want to experience it.

What is the greatest achievement of your life so far?
Having sold over 200 million records across the world. Just that number alone, I can’t even fathom. I’ve been able to be a small part of that number of people’s lives — it’s amazing.

What do you find most irritating in other people?
People who try to bring others down to lift themselves up. You see that a lot on social media. And people who say random, mean things to get famous off comments. This new culture really gets under my skin.

If your 20-year-old self could see you now, what would he think?
“Damn! You need to go harder.”

Which object that you’ve lost do you wish you still had?
I don’t think I have one.

What is the greatest challenge of our time?
Pollution, global warming and taking care of the earth.

Do you believe in an afterlife?
Yep, for sure. I believe in heaven and hell, god and the devil.

If you had to rate your satisfaction with your life so far, out of 10, what would you score?
Nine and a half. I’m a pretty positive person. I just need that extra little point five in case there’s something more out there I’ve never experienced.

The singles “Lifestyle” (featuring Adam Levine) and “Love Not War” by Jason Derulo × Nuka are both out now

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Taking the wind out of one singer’s sails / From Jessica J Cassey, London W10, UK

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