
Please see the Heritage Museums website on Earls Colne Heritage Museum

Earls Colne Museum

Open - free admission
Easter to end of October 
Weds, Sats & Suns - 2 until 4 pm
November to Easter Sats & Suns - 2 until 4 pm



Visit the Victorian Water Tower and discover the History of Earls Colne and the many facets of Village Life over the centuries. 
Display boards and artefacts depict the story of the development of Earls Colne from Earliest Times to the present day.
Exhibitions relating to specific aspects of the village are regularly staged, and have included:
‘What the Hunt's did for us.'
'Earls Colne in Wartime 1899 - 1945'
'School/days Past and Present'
'New Fangled Ways' 
'Working, and Celebrating Royal Occasions'
'The Village Year- Season by Season.' 


Each of the exhibitions has a complementary slide show that is accompanied by a commentary interspersed with sound clips of villagers' recollections. The slide shows run continuously during opening.

Children have several different History Trails to follow round the museum, answering questions as they go along and receiving a small gift when a questionnaire.

There are a number of museum publications on sale, including a selection of notelets depicting village scenes and characters.

Publications include:
'Museum Guide', 'What the Hunt's did for us', Memories of Dr
Brian Taylor',
'Memories of Tim Osborne',
'Right up your Street' (derivations of Earls Colne Road names), and various other publications related to the village and its many fascinating buildings.


Parish Council Address

Parish Council Office
Council Chamber
Village Hall
York Road
Earls Colne
Colchester CO6 2RN

Office Opening Hours

Monday: 09:30 - 12:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 12:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 12:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 12:30
Friday: Closed


Contact Details

Parish Clerk
01787 224 370

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