The Meaning Behind The Song: Blow Away by Alison Sudol - Old Time Music

The Meaning Behind The Song: Blow Away by Alison Sudol


The Meaning Behind The Song: Blow Away by Alison Sudol


Have you ever stumbled upon a song that instantly captivated you, drawing you into its world with powerful lyrics and mesmerizing melodies? That’s exactly what happened to me when I first heard “Blow Away” by Alison Sudol. This hidden gem from her album “Bomb In A Birdcage” released in 2009 holds a deep meaning that resonates with many of us.

The Lyrics

In “Blow Away,” Sudol paints a vivid picture of a relationship on the edge, where both individuals are torn between staying and leaving. The verses describe the conflict and uncertainty, expressing the desire for freedom and the fear of being trapped.

The chorus, with its haunting melody, encapsulates the essence of the song’s meaning. Sudol sings, “It’s the time we waste, swallowed into space. It’s the time it takes to blow away.” These lines speak to the transience of time and the longing for freedom. The lyrics evoke a sense of urgency and the recognition that time is slipping away.

In the second verse, Sudol addresses the other person directly, emphasizing the need for them to leave and vocalize their desires. She acknowledges that even though each person holds their own secrets, the hunger for something more unites them.

The bridge takes a turn as Sudol reflects on the aftermath of a relationship gone wrong. She finds strength in the face of heartbreak, refusing to be brought down. The lines “‘Cause I won’t ever be caught crying, and I will not be taken lying down” showcase the resilience and determination to move on.

The chorus is repeated again in the final section of the song, emphasizing the theme of transience and the longing for escape. Sudol refers to the ride we take, the bough we break, and the times we say, expressing the desire to break free from constraints and not be replaced.

Personal Connection

When I first stumbled upon “Blow Away,” I was instantly drawn to its haunting melody and poignant lyrics. As I listened, the song struck a chord within me, resonating with my own experiences of uncertainty and the desire for freedom.

During a period of my life when I was torn between staying in a situation that felt suffocating and taking a leap into the unknown, this song became my anthem. It reminded me that time is fleeting, and if I don’t seize the opportunity, it may slip away forever.

The raw emotion in Sudol’s voice and the honesty in her lyrics allowed me to connect with the song on a deeper level. It reminded me that I have the strength within me to break free from any constraints, to not be brought down by heartbreak, and to embrace the unknown with open arms.


“Blow Away” by Alison Sudol is not just a song; it’s a powerful message that speaks to the longing for freedom and the recognition of how precious time is. Through its haunting melody, evocative lyrics, and personal connection, it holds a special place in the hearts of many listeners.

Next time you find yourself craving a song with depth and meaning, I urge you to give “Blow Away” a listen, and let its enchanting embrace whisk you away to a world where you can find solace, strength, and the courage to blow away.

Album title: Bomb In A Birdcage (2009)


Produced By Lukas Burton

Written By Alison Sudol & Lukas Burton

Keyboards Alison Sudol & Lukas Burton

Guitar David Levita

Drums Victor Indrizzo

Bass David Levita

Mastering Ted Jensen

Mixing ??erban Ghenea

Release Date August 28, 2009


PopIndie Pop

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