Varun Dhawan, Height, Age, Wife, Girlfriend, Family, Biography » StarsUnfolded

Varun Dhawan, Height, Age, Wife, Girlfriend, Family, Biography

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Age: 37 Years
Wife: Natasha Dalal
Father: David Dhawan

Varun Dhawan

Full NameVarun David Dhawan
Physical Stats & More
Height (approx.)5' 9" (175 cm)
Weight (approx.)75 Kg (165 lbs)
Body Measurements (approx.)- Chest: 40 Inches
- Waist: 32 Inches
- Biceps: 15 Inches
Eye ColourDark Brown
Hair ColourBlack
DebutFilm: Student of the Year (2012)
Varun Dhawan's Movie Student of the Year
Awards, Honours, Achievements Stardust Awards
2013: Breakthrough Performance (Male) for Student of the Year
2015: Best Actor (Comedy/Romance) for Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania

International Indian Film Academy Awards
2015: Best Performance in a comic role for Main Tera Hero
2017: Best Performance in a comic role for Dishoom
Varun Dhawan Posing With His Awards
Personal Life
Date of Birth24 April 1987 (Friday)
Age (as of 2024) 37 Years
BirthplaceMumbai, Maharashtra, India
Zodiac signTaurus
SignatureVarun Dhawan's Signature
HometownMumbai, Maharashtra
SchoolBombay Scottish School, Mumbai
College/UniversityNottingham Trent University, England
Educational QualificationGraduate in Business Management
Food HabitNon-Vegetarian
Address• A/15, Sagar Darshan, Hanuman Nagar, Off Carter Road, Khar (West), Mumbai
• 201 and 202, Beach Wood House at Oberoi Enclave which is Next To JW Marriot Hotel in Juhu, Mumbai
HobbiesDancing, Swimming and Reading
Controversies• There was a rumour that Sohail Khan slapped Varun Dhawan after an argument, but both denied it.
• There was another rumour that Karan Johar organised a drug party at his home where many celebs were present including Varun Dhawan. [1]Hindustan Times
Relationships & More
Marital StatusMarried
Marriage Date24 January 2021 (Sunday)
Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal wedding photo
Marriage PlaceAlibaug
Affairs/Girlfriends• Sara (when he was in the USA)
Taapsee Pannu, Actress (Rumoured)
Varun Dhawan With Tapsee Pannu
Natasha Dalal, Fashion Designer
Varun Dhawan With Natasha
Wife/SpouseNatasha Dalal
ChildrenDaughter- 1 (born on 3 June 2024)
ParentsFather- David Dhawan, Film Director
Varun Dhawan With His Father
Mother- Karuna Dhawan
Varun Dhawan With His Mother
SiblingsBrother- Rohit Dhawan, Film Director
Varun Dhawan With His Father and Brother
Sister- None
FoodChicken, Cheesecake and Mishti Doi
Actor(s)Govinda and Dwayne Johnson
Actress(es)Priyanka Chopra, Katrina Kaif, Deepika Padukone and Angelina Jolie
Film(s)Bollywood- Guide (1965), Kaagaz Ke Phool (1959), Rang De Basanti (2006), Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998), Raja Babu (1994)
Hollywood- American Psycho (2000)
Singer(s)Drake, Sonu Nigam
TV ShowsLate Show with David Letterman, 1993
Colour(s)Red and Black
RestaurantShiv Sagar in Mumbai
DancerMichael Jackson
Travel DestinationsGoa, London and Maldives
Style Quotient
Car Collection• Audi Q7
Varun Dhawan With His Audi Q7
• Mercedes
Varun Dhawan in His Mercedes Car
Bike Collection• Royal Enfield
Varun Dhawan Posing on His Bike
• Polaris Sportsman 850 (quad bike)
Varun Dhawan on His Polaris Sportsman 850 (quad bike)
Money Factor
Salary (approx.)30 crores-35 crores [2]India Today
Net Worth (approx.)49.58 crores (2018) [3]Forbes

Varun Dhawan

Some Lesser Known Facts About Varun Dhawan

  • Does Varun Dhawan smoke?: No [4]Times of India
  • Does Varun Dhawan drink alcohol?: Yes

    Varun Dhawan in a Party

    Varun Dhawan in a Party

  • Varun Dhawan is a popular Bollywood actor who was born into a family having strong connections in the Indian film industry. He grew up in Mumbai along with his elder brother Rohit.

    Childhood Picture of Varun Dhawan

    Childhood Picture of Varun Dhawan

  • He is the nephew of the Bollywood actor ‘Anil Dhawan‘.

    Varun Dhawan With His Father, Uncle and Cousin

    Varun Dhawan With His Father, Uncle and Cousin

  • In an interview, Varun revealed that his grandfather used to work at the HSBC bank in Hongkong.
  • Since his childhood, Varun has been a huge fan of wrestling and he idolizes the famous wrestler Dwayne Johnson– ‘The Rock.’ Once, Varun’s fans requested ‘The Rock’ on Twitter to wish Varun on his birthday, which he had accepted and decided to wish Varun on his birthday. It was a great surprise for Varun when he received a birthday wish from Dwayne Johnson.

    The Rock Wishing Varun Dhawan on His Birthday

    The Rock Wishing Varun Dhawan on His Birthday

  • As a child actor, he featured in TV commercials for brands such as Colgate, Haathi Cement, and Bournvita.

    Varun Dhawan in a television commercial for the brand Bournvita

    Varun Dhawan in a television commercial for the brand Bournvita

  • He completed his graduation in Business Administration from London. In college, he participated in acting classes as an extracurricular activity.
  • Reportedly, when he was studying in London, he worked as a leaflet distributor for nightclubs.
  • In an interview, he revealed that before coming into the field of acting, he had tried to get a job in a London-based bank, but he got rejected.
  • Varun made his first public appearance in the talk show ‘Jeena Isi ka Naam Hai,’ where his father was a guest.

    Varun Dhawan Hugging His Father in Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai

    Varun Dhawan Hugging His Father in Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai

  • He worked as an Assistant Director with Karan Johar in the Bollywood movie ‘My Name is Khan’ (2010).

    Varun Dhawan as an Assistant Director on the Sets of My Name is Khan

    Varun Dhawan as an Assistant Director on the Sets of My Name is Khan

  • He, along with Arjun Kapoor, learned acting from Barry John’s acting school, where they did a short film, ‘White Mountain’.
  • His acting skills in Badlapur (2015) were appreciated both by the critics as well as the public.
  • He loved the acting skills of co-actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui in Badlapur, and he got inspired by Nawaz to brush up his acting skills.
  • Varun Dhawan has been featured on the cover of many prestigious magazines including the GQ Magazine, which featured him on its cover with the title “most bankable star of his generation.” He is often listed on Forbes highest-paid Indian celebs list.

    Varun Dhawan on the Cover of GQ Magazine

    Varun Dhawan on the Cover of GQ Magazine

  • On 30 January 2018, he unveiled his wax statue at Madame Tussauds (Hong Kong). The statue is posing in his iconic step of the song ‘Disco Deewane’. He is one of the youngest stars to get such a statue.

    Varun Dhawan's Statue at Madame Tussauds (Hong Kong)

    Varun Dhawan’s Statue at Madame Tussauds (Hong Kong)

  • In 2018, he learned stitching and embroidery for his movie ‘Sui Dhaga’ with co-star Anushka Sharma. On his father’s birthday, he stitched a shirt and gifted it to him.

    Varun Dhawan's Gifted Shirt Worn by His Father

    Varun Dhawan’s Gifted Shirt Worn by His Father

  • His Jodi with the actress Alia Bhatt is considered as next generation’s ‘Shah Rukh KhanKajol’ Jodi.

    Varun and Alia

    Varun and Alia

  • Reportedly, he had cut down his fees to half for the movie ‘October’ 2018, directed by Shoojit Sircar: as the budget was low for the film.

    Varun Dhawan With Shoojit Sircar

    Varun Dhawan With Shoojit Sircar

  • He is dating his school friend Natasha Dalal for almost a decade, which he confirmed on the show ‘Koffee with Karan 6’. There was also a rumour that he had secretly got engaged to his long-time girlfriend Natasha Dalal. [5]News18
  • In 2018, he welcomed a new member in his family- his niece and shared the news on social media sites.

    Varun Dhawan With His Family

    Varun Dhawan With His Family

  • He fell in a Twitter fight with Kangana‘s sister Rangoli for not mentioning Kangana’s name in his tweet after watching the trailer of the film ‘Judgemental Hai Kya.’
    Varun's Tweet

    Varun’s Tweet

    Varun's Reply To Tweet

    Varun’s Reply To Tweet

  • He shares his birthday with his favourite cricketer Sachin Tendulkar (24 April).

    Varun Dhawan With Sachin Tendulkar

    Varun Dhawan With Sachin Tendulkar

  • Apart from the films, he has also appeared in many TV commercials including Frooti, Skybags and Navratna.

    Varun Dhawan in an Advertisement

    Varun Dhawan in an Advertisement

  • He is a gym freak and is inspired by Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    Varun Dhawan's Workout in Gym

    Varun Dhawan’s Workout in Gym

  • He likes to spend his leisure time with dogs.

    Varun Dhawan With His Dog

    Varun Dhawan With His Dog

  • In 2019, he was paired with Sara Ali Khan, for the movie Coolie No. 1’s remake: directed by David Dhawan.

    Varun in Movie Coolie No. 1

    Varun in Movie Coolie No. 1

  • In November 2022, he revealed that he was diagnosed with vestibular hypofunction, a health condition that causes balance issues in people. According to Dhawan, to overcome this health condition, he changed his lifestyle and started practicing yoga and swimming. [6]Hindustan Times