The Meaning Behind The Song: Map of the World, Pt. II by Jane Siberry - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Map of the World, Pt. II by Jane Siberry


The Meaning Behind The Song: Map of the World, Pt. II by Jane Siberry

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Map of the World, Pt. II Jane Siberry Jane Siberry The Speckless Sky 1985 Pop Jane Siberry & John Switzer

One of the most intriguing songs by Jane Siberry, “Map of the World, Pt. II” from her album “The Speckless Sky” released in 1985, contains deep metaphoric imagery that resonates with listeners and draws them into a world of exploration and introspection.

The lyrics begin by mentioning “La Pieta,” a Renaissance sculpture by Michelangelo, which sets the tone for the journey of self-discovery that unfolds throughout the song. The reference to the “dotted line” and the “holy flapping dress” symbolize the path of life with its unexpected twists and turns. The image of “white legs carving darkness” portrays the human desire to leave a mark on the world and make sense of the unknown.

The protagonist of the song traces their thoughts on a tablecloth as they speak, highlighting the importance of communication and self-expression. When they leave, they take the tablecloth and lay it down in the empty streets to see what lies beyond their immediate surroundings. This act symbolizes the search for meaning and a willingness to explore new territories.

In the second verse, the protagonist mentions leading their horse along the latitudes, a metaphor for following their desires and pursuing their dreams. However, their horse slides off sideways and is lost forever. This moment of loss represents the sacrifices we make along our journey and the importance of finding resilience and moving forward.

The mention of “latitudes and longitudes” in the following lines conveys the idea of exploration and the vastness of the world. The protagonist feels drawn by the call of adventure, being “strung out across the seas forever.” This yearning for exploration and the unknown is a common theme in human nature, and many listeners can relate to the pull of the open road.

The chorus of the song is repeated multiple times and consists of nonsensical syllables, creating a sense of universal connection through music. It represents the shared human experience and the power of music to bring people together.

In the third verse, the protagonist continues their journey along the dotted line, grabbing their flapping dress in excitement. They feel the rush of the global winds, which shout that the experience they are having is happiness. This moment of joy and freedom is contrasted with the idea of a quick fling to the “global edge,” emphasizing the temporary nature of such moments.

The mention of the mountains meeting like relay runners and the eagle soaring through the sky evoke a sense of awe and wonder. The stick-figure on the other side, who waves back, represents a connection made with a fellow traveler, acknowledging the shared experience and the beauty of human connection.

In the fourth verse, a stick-figure in a business suit and tie stands at the foot of a golden office tower. This figure symbolizes the pursuit of success and the constraints of societal expectations. However, the golden office tower turns out to be just a cliff with the sun setting on it, revealing the illusion of success and the need to question conventional notions of achievement.

The bridge of the song references the meetings held at the edge of the plains, where deep topics like life and death are discussed. The inclusion of the mundane question, “Is dinner ready yet?” juxtaposes the profound with the everyday, reminding the listener that life is a combination of both grandiose and ordinary moments.

The final verse takes the listener to even further places, beyond the mountain tops and past ice floes into the outlying tundra. The mention of the Kremlin and the ten stony-faced men portrays a sense of desolation and a loss of identity. The repetition of the chorus emphasizes the importance of the map, representing the need for guidance and direction in a confusing world.

When I first heard “Map of the World, Pt. II,” it struck a chord within me. The vivid imagery and poetic language captured my imagination and sparked a sense of wanderlust. The song reminded me of my own desire to explore the unknown and the importance of challenging societal expectations on my personal journey.

Each listener may interpret the song differently, finding personal meanings that resonate with their own experiences and aspirations. However, the overall message of “Map of the World, Pt. II” encourages listeners to embrace the mystery of life, find meaning in the journey, and constantly seek new horizons.

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