How to Enable Device Management in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide - Support Your Tech

How to Enable Device Management in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Enabling device management in Windows 11 is a simple process that lets you control and secure the devices connected to your system. By following a few steps, you can manage device drivers, update settings, and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Step by Step Tutorial: Enabling Device Management in Windows 11

Before diving into the steps, it’s important to understand what enabling device management means. It allows you to access the Device Manager, which is a crucial tool for handling hardware and devices connected to your computer. By enabling device management, you can update drivers, disable or enable devices, and troubleshoot problems.

Step 1: Open Settings

Open the Settings app on your Windows 11 computer.

The Settings app is your one-stop destination for managing many aspects of your Windows 11 system. You can find it by clicking on the Start menu and selecting the gear-shaped icon. Alternatively, you can press the "Windows key + I" shortcut to open it directly.

Step 2: Navigate to Device Manager

Click on ‘System’ and then on ‘Device Manager’.

Once you are in the Settings app, the ‘System’ category will be one of the options listed on the left pane. Click on it to find various system settings and options, including the ‘Device Manager,’ which is what you’re looking for.

Step 3: Manage Devices

From the Device Manager, you can manage all your connected hardware.

The Device Manager window will show you a list of all the hardware connected to your system, categorized by type. This is where you can manage drivers, enable or disable devices, and troubleshoot any issues.

After you complete the action of enabling device management, you will have full control over the devices connected to your system. You can update device drivers, troubleshoot issues, and ensure that your hardware is functioning properly.

Tips: Making the Most of Device Management in Windows 11

  • Always create a restore point before updating or changing drivers to avoid potential system issues.
  • Check for driver updates regularly to ensure your devices are running optimally.
  • If a device isn’t working properly, try disabling and then re-enabling it in the Device Manager.
  • Use the "Scan for hardware changes" feature to detect and configure new devices you connect to your computer.
  • If you’re unsure about a driver update, you can always roll back to the previous driver version.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Device Manager?

The Device Manager is a system utility in Windows that allows users to view and control the hardware attached to the computer.

How can I access Device Manager if my Settings app is not working?

You can access the Device Manager by right-clicking on the Start menu and selecting ‘Device Manager’ from the list.

What should I do if a driver update causes issues?

If a driver update causes issues, you can roll back the driver to the previous version through the Device Manager.

Can I disable a device if I’m not using it?

Yes, you can disable a device through the Device Manager if you’re not using it, which can sometimes help free up system resources.

Is it safe to uninstall a device from the Device Manager?

It is generally safe to uninstall a device, but ensure that you have the driver available for reinstallation if needed.


  1. Open Settings
  2. Navigate to Device Manager
  3. Manage Devices


Enabling device management in Windows 11 opens up a world of possibilities to ensure your computer’s hardware is running smoothly. It’s like being the captain of your own ship; you get to steer and make sure everything is shipshape. With the ability to update drivers, troubleshoot issues, and optimize device performance, you’re now equipped to take charge of your system’s hardware. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so always keep your system’s health in check and don’t hesitate to seek help if you encounter a stormy sea. Whether you’re a seasoned tech-savvy user or just starting, the Device Manager will become your trusted first mate on your Windows 11 voyage. So, set sail confidently knowing you can tackle any device management tasks that come your way!

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