港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2024)
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*Last Order Time: 14:00; Last Order Time: 20:30
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食評 (49)
This French restaurant has won the 2024 Michelin one-star status as well as the green star for the effort to support sustainable gastronomy. Helmed by Chef David Toutain, who also has a two-star under his name in Paris, the tasting menu features sustainably grown products sourced from local farmers. Despite a heavy rainstorm, we came sharp at 6:30pm on the night to The Wellington in Central.There are two sections in the restaurant, including a semi-private room. We were seated at the innermost part of the main dining area, on comfortable banquette with an oval-shaped table. There are windows on one side looking out to the Central skyline, providing a cozy and relaxing ambience for diners. The tasting Menu Terroir costs $1,599 with a 7-Glass Wine Pairing at $988.Soon Esther, the sommelier, came to introduce the first wine for the appetizers, Weingut Tement Gelber Muskateller Sand & Schiefer 2020 is from Austria Sudsteiermark DAC. The Muscat has ripe mandarin appeal, good floral notes, with hints of fresh leaves and spice. Crisp and refreshing.The menu is divided into different stages highlighting a plant’s life. Starting with Grains & Seeds, the first appetizer is Chia Seed / Lemon Tree Kombucha. The kombucha is made from fermented jasmine tea, with a bit of lemon tree leaves extract added. Very refreshing and palate-wakening. Together with some healthy chia seeds to give a fun poppy texture, a great start.The second appetizer is Pimenta / Chestnut / Chervil. The chestnut tart is flaky and light, with a cream that has been seasoned with pimenta, having a nice touch of sweet spiciness. On top are the chestnut crisps, with great texture and dusted with some chervil powder, for visually appeal and also showcased the locally grown herbs. The third appetizer is Mustard Seed / Shiso / Sea Grape. Really wonderful in presentation, the shiso leaf is deep-fried in tempura style, with some sea grapes added on top, and seasoned with some mustard seeds to give the acidity to stimulate the palate while enhancing the fragrance with the fresh and citrusy notes of dill, with an appealing grassy undertone. The fourth appetizer is Madras Curry / Frog Legs / Rosemary. The frog legs have been trimmed to a lollipop shape before deep-frying to an appetizing golden colour with a thin crust. Seasoned with rosemary to add a layer of the herbal fragrance, it is paired with Madras curry sauce for dipping, with a good tartness to balance the deep-fried frog legs but not overly spicy. The second wine pairing is in fact a sake. From Miyoshino Jozo in Nara, Hanatomoe Yodan only uses natural yeast, and has undergone four stages of fermentation, relatively rare in sake production, giving the sake more body and intensity. With aromas of mango, good balance in sweetness and acidity.The second course is Cumin / Egg / Sweet Corn. The egg came from a local farm, with the chef carefully cutting the shell open and infuse back with egg custard with sweet corn foam. On top there is a caramel drizzle, made together with cumin, to give a spicy sweetness. A curly breadstick on the side with some fine chives is provided to mix up the egg custard to enjoy. Pretty in form and good in taste.The third wine pairing is Domaine Denizot Pouilly Fume. The Sauvignon Blanc has undergone maceration and aging on lees, with delicate and elegant aromas, plenty of flintstone characters from the minerality. The good acidity also helps to cleanse the palate, enhancing the umami of geoduck. The second stage of the menu highlights Roots, Stems & Leaves. Beginning with the Feuille Bread and Dill Pil Pil, the bread was one of the best I had tried, with a crusty skin, sunflower seeds on top, while the inside remains moist and spongy. On the side the dill pil pil, a spread made from blended garlic and dill with olive oil. So delicious I have to refrain from asking for one more bread.The next course is French Bean / Geoduck / Lovage. The geoduck is lightly blanched to retain its delicate sweetness and texture, seasoned with some lovage oil, which is highly flavourful and reminds me of celery. With some chopped French beans mixed with pistachio, together with vinegar, it is a complex dish with different flavours surprisingly well-integrated with each other.On the menu there is an optional course, with the Butter Lettuce / Banana / Oscietre Caviar costing an additional $420 each. The young butter lettuce has been fermented in banana to make the salad, with different greens and some parsley pods to complement, and a bright green puree made from celery. The caviar on the side added a bit of savoury flavour to top up the taste. The fourth wine paired is Gilles Berlioz Les Fripons 2020, a Vin de Savoie made from Roussanne, locally known as Bergeron. With apricot and floral honey, the wine has some peppery characters, quite creamy on body and has nice minerality on the finish. Good match with nasturtium in the coming course.Coming to the fifth course, the Carrot / Sea Bass / Nasturtium has a colourful presentation, with a deep-fried water spinach leaf covering the beautifully seasoned local sea bass fillet. The orangish baby carrot is sweet, with the green nasturtium providing a bit of spicy taste, all integrated by the creamy and buttery bearnaise sauce, with some tamarind jelly to further add to the acidity to balance the palate.The fifth wine paired is Clos des Centenaires Grenache Vieilles Vignes 2017 from Rhone. With raspberry, sweet spices and dry flowers, the wine is less tannic because of the ageing, surprisingly matching with lobster. To balance its higher alcohol, it is served at a lower temperature. Very thoughtful.The sixth course is Pumpkin / Spiny Lobster / Saffron. The meaty local lobster has been grilled on skewers over charcoal with rosemary and citrus to imbed with extra flavours, paired with a homemade mayo sauce using the lobster head to add an umami richness. On the side there is the chewy pumpkin gnocchi, paired with pumpkin puree, with also a lobster sausage. Super delicious and our favourite in the evening.The sixth wine paired is Stephane Ogier La Rosine 2020. The grapes actually came from Cote-Rotie, but the vines are of a younger age, so the wine is essentially a ‘de-classified’ Cote-Rotie, with a nice peppery spiciness yet not heavy, with good plummy notes as well to match with the beetroot. The seventh course is Beetroot / Pigeon / Bok Choy. The pigeon is cooked to medium rare to keep it juicy and tender, with the red beetroot puree, the green bok choy puree, and the tasty pigeon jus to complement. An interesting addition is the pickled beetroot, with the earthy taste provides further complexity on the taste, and the touch of angelica jelly to give some musky sweetness. Gorgeous. Coming to the third stage which is Flowers & Fruits, the pre-dessert is the refreshing Tomato / Marigold / Lemon Balm. The chef has prepared a cherry tomato gazpacho, adding tomato water to make it not too thick, with a verbena ice-cream that has got good citrus and clean taste, and further supplemented with the fragrance from the marigold and lemon balm herbs. Everything is so flavourful.The last wine paired is Domaine Huet Le Mont Moelleux 1995 from Vouvray. The Chenin Blanc has fully matured with a nice lemon and dried peach, as well as sugarcane notes. With hints of ginger and not too sweet, its good acidity goes well with the dessert.The final course is Hazelnut / Chocolate / Herbs. On the bottom are some chocolate crumbs, with chocolate ganache on top, which has also got herbal notes of rosemary and cumin. Wrapped around is the puff pastry rings to create an appealing presentation and a crunchy bite. On the side there is basil ice-cream having the refreshing flavours to balance the more indulgent chocolate. Finally, the last stage of Origins aims to bring back to the not so sophisticated, authentic, and original style Petits Fours. The Coconut / Passion Fruit is a coconut meringue with a passion fruit cream on top, with the tartness of the cream balancing well the sweetness of the meringue, and the two fruity tastes vibrant and giving a touch of the tropical elements.The Fir Bud Macaron is truly showcasing the ingredients, not just on flavours but also visually, with the macaron sitting on top of the firs. The macaron is of appropriate sweetness, with a lemony and hints of woody taste. The last one is Peanut / Vanilla, with the smoked vanilla ice-cream immersed in a rich sauce made with peanut and cream, being the most indulgent among the three to provide a satisfying and fulfilling completion of the wonderful meal.Service is good, with attentive staff that offers good introductions to the dishes. The sommelier Esther is also knowledgeable and did a great job in pairing the wines to the food. The overall experience is impeccable and the bill on the night was $5,687. A place worthy of its Michelin status and it is amazing to taste dishes that elevate the flavours of the ingredients to utmost. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-03-10
1366 瀏覽
之前冬至,大佬才在這間請我們食飯,可能他覺得好好食,我們部門開年飯又黎呢度食,大佬俾$$$,做細的當然俾俾面。今次不同的是晚上來,真正的慢慢吃一餐豐富的法國菜。環境和日間不同,感覺更美!只不過兩個月,菜式差不多一樣,不過和牛不見蹤影了,卻換了魚的菜式,真正的“多舊魚”,不大好魚的我,也抱住了試一下的心態試下,又ok好食既,不錯的呢。這裏的酒也是非常好!(多謝大佬)其他的和上次一樣的出色,每款菜用心做的,騙不了人,餐廳員工說,食材都是主廚去不同的香港不同的地方精挑細選的,吃得出來的細心。更加支持香港本地農業漁業,一讚!離開時,仲送上小甜品禮物,回家又吃了,不過好鬼甜吃飯當晚,感覺多了人來幫襯,一家四口的有,三兩知己的有,朋友聚餐的有,都8,9成滿了,這間餐廳開始熱鬧氣氛起來了,加油!想黎食,又要等大佬下次請食飯了! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-03-05
900 瀏覽
最近太多新開米芝蓮餐廳,又貴又唔太好食,但我都繼續勇於嘗試,終於在Lunch 時段試到呢間每道菜式都值得影相,而味道又好味的Feuille! Tasting menu$1680它的法式燉蛋做得精緻,味道又滑又豐富,焗麵包用了很多些nuts,所以smell很香又熱辣辣,鬆化入口,正!主菜龍蝦串,啖啖鮮甜,好味!然後少少雞肉味道不錯,只是有點不夠滑!其他都好睇好食😋甜品仲有好幾款,酸酸甜甜又ok!今日只係得我地一枱客,希望佢捱得住💪🏻💪🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-03
1518 瀏覽
走進這家店,氣氛立刻拉我進入一個美味的世界。首先,個檸檬樹康普茶整得好清新,檸檬的香氣真係撲鼻而來,慢慢一啖,透心涼,正!跟住嚟嘅亞麻籽繁縷花撻,啖啖酥脆,真係令人回味無窮。而炸蕃薯皮,真係創意無限,個皮脆得嚟又帶點自然嘅甜,同百里香搭埋,爽!紫蘇天婦羅又係另一亮點,清新嘅草本味道伴隨著脆口感覺,一流!食孜然甜粟米個陣,我直頭覺得好驚喜,本地粟米嘅甜美再加上孜然嘅微辣,超正!別提啲麵包同Pil Pil 醬,喺味蕾中迸發出嘅香味,我可以食成日😍。多寶魚同西洋菜蓉味道清新,而龍蝦嘅香濃更係令我無法忘懷,高級得嚟又唔係好過火。青豆蚌杏仁奶組合得好完美,清新又唔失海鮮嘅獨特風味。紅菜頭併盤不單色香味俱佳,更加插上一把藝術嘅羽翼。來到甜品,蜜瓜雪葩同番茄龍眼金盞花真係畫龍點睛,清新得黎又驚喜連連,完美調劑重口味嘅晚餐。今次食完真係覺得唔愧係巴黎嚟嘅主廚,將食物藝術化,令人嘗盡眼前這份「平民化嘅華麗」。👍🌟👏 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
今年五月新開的Feuille餐廳,是由法國名廚David Toutain所創立的一家餐廳,專注於展現季節性食材和法國料理的精緻傳統。餐廳強調使用可持續生長且來自當地的食材,讓顧客能在最純粹的形式下品嚐最佳季節性產品。📝 穿梭大自然的生命週期為主題的Tasting Menu,從穀物和種子的萌芽到花朵和果實的盛開。🍴🌿🥖🦞🥩🍫🍓🍋🌱🌼1. 🌾 Grains & Seeds 「穀物與種子」- 奇亞籽檸檬樹康普茶是清新的開始。接著是辣椒、栗子和紫蘇的融合。最令人驚喜的是馬德拉斯咖哩蛙腿,與迷迭香意外卻和諧的搭配,為餐桌帶來大膽的鮮味。2. 🌱 Leaves, Stems & Roots「葉、莖與根」- 果仁麵包,大根、藍蟹和昆布的菜式則是海陸的融合。南瓜、龍蝦和藏紅花的組合更是展示了法式烹飪技術的精湛和當地產品的多樣性。3. 🌸 Flowers & Fruits「花與果實」- 鐵觀音茶雪葩搭配Dill草和檸檬,精緻香氣充滿的甜點,另外是甜鹹交織的覆盆子與羅勒和開心果甜點。4. Origins 「起源」- 檸檬配薄荷、巧克力配呂葉和芝麻配草莓等菜式,不僅僅是甜點而是對生命循環本質的陳述。- 💗 整體而言,Feuille的空間設計精緻,且每一道菜都是對食材的完美演繹和對味覺的精緻處理。 繼續閱讀
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