Kim Yoon-ji, who is active as a singer and actor, is drawing attention by revealing her daily life a.. - MK
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Kim Seunghye
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2024-04-24 15:07:54

Kim Yoon-ji, who is active as a singer and actor, is drawing attention by revealing her daily life and sportswear pictorial.

On the 24th, Kim Yun-ji posted on her Instagram, "These days, I focus more on myself than ever, and I love, think, and care about my body. I'm so happy to be with sportswear that combines comfortable material, fit, and the bright and healthy cool look I always pursue," he wrote, along with several photos.

In the released photo, Kim Yun-ji perfectly digests dark green sportswear, showing a style band that matches the top and bottom. The band 'Mercredi' adds a special point to her tracksuit, and the tight design that highlights the silhouette of her body highlighted her elegant figure.

Kim Yoon-ji is drawing attention by revealing her daily life and sportswear pictorial.
Kim Yoon-ji is drawing attention by revealing her daily life and sportswear pictorial. Photo = Kim Yoon-ji SNS

Kim Yun-ji, who recently entered Hollywood with "Lift: Shake Off the Plane," looked at the camera confidently with a dumbbell in one hand. This is interpreted as reflecting the healthy and active lifestyle she aims for beyond just a photo shoot.

Kim Yun-ji, who has established herself as a representative of the athletic trend, is inspiring many people by preferring fashion that pursues both comfort and style in everyday life.

Her sportswear is considered the perfect item for those who want to maintain their style even in their busy daily lives because it combines design and functionality that is suitable for everyday wear.

Kim Yun-ji prefers fashion that pursues both comfort and style in her daily life, inspiring many people.
Kim Yun-ji is inspiring many people with her fashion that pursues both comfort and style in her daily life. Photo = Kim Yoon-ji SNS

Meanwhile, the agency Sublime said Kim Yun-ji is expecting a baby in July. Kim Yun-ji, who married comedian Lee Sang-hae and Korean traditional musician Kim Young-im's son Choi Woo-sung in September 2021, was loved by the public by revealing her sweet honeymoon through Dongsang Imong 2-You are my destiny.

At that time, she showed a lot of interest in preparing for the second generation, such as taking folic acid for a healthy future, and has since reported her pregnancy and has been congratulated by her fans.

Kim Yun-ji entered the music industry in 2009 under the name of 'NS Yoon-ji' and has built a solid filmography by challenging acting as well as musical activities. Her acting skills in dramas such as "The Last Empress" (2018-2019) and "Mine" (2021) were recognized by the public and expanded her artistic spectrum.

Kim Yoon-ji's appearance in the Netflix U.S. film "Lift: Shake the Airplane," which was released in January this year, drew attention at home and abroad. Kim Yun-ji, who set a new milestone in her career in Hollywood through this work, left a big impression on fans who experienced her performance around the world.

[Kim Seunghye, reporter of MK Sports]

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