Best Ways to Use Pronto in Your Classroom · Pronto
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Best Ways to Use Pronto in Your Classroom

Video conferencing is the future of classroom learning. With Pronto, you’ll maintain a solid connection with your students as you all work remotely.

4 min read The future of learning lies in video conferencing and it’s ideal for classrooms. Video conferencing is a powerful and flexible tool to help you meet your educational goals more efficiently than ever before. Video conferencing platforms like Pronto make it possible for teachers to maintain a human connection with their students as well as guide their learning from remote locations. Here are the best ways to use Pronto in your classroom to deliver personalized learning experiences. 

Connecting for Classroom Collaboration 

One of the effective ways to use Pronto in your classroom is to collaborate with other teachers in new ways. Getting people together in the room is always a challenge, but Pronto’s video conferencing platform makes it easier than ever before to host an academic conference, teaching training, or webinars with different schools. 

Collaborating with other teachers in your classroom also makes it possible for students to get in touch with people from outside their bubble, and entails serious benefits for their academic endeavors. Working together with other teachers or education professionals via Pronto can make something amazing happen, such as questions and answers with a scientist or behind the scenes of a local news station. Thus, Pronto helps you to work with people tackling the same issues as you’re and collaborate effectively from within your classroom. Video conferencing in the classroom can help you take students to places they never thought they would go. 

Conference with Students 

Conferencing online with your students about their goals, progress, questions, and concerns is a powerful way to use Pronto’s video conferencing capabilities. As a teacher, you can create schedules in Pronto to allow your students to sign up for conferencing sessions. You can then use goal-setting activities to guide conferencing sessions about student progress. Goal-getting activities can engage students in the metacognitive practice of setting personal or academic goals. You can also end each week by asking students to reflect on their progress towards their respective goals in online reflective logs. Thus, Pronto’s video conferencing platform offers your students an avenue to connect and get the support they need. 

Enable Group Discussions 

Teachers can use Pronto to enhance online learning by getting students to participate in group discussions. This means that your students can engage in discussions involving a given textbook chapter that was assigned for homework, a recent video lesson, or even a topic related to the subject area being studied in class. You should provide discussion questions to students in advance to allow them to think about the questions before starting the group discussion. No matter the subject of discussion, group discussions carried out via Pronto get students to engage with one another and provide them with an opportunity to showcase what they have learned. 

Accessing Unavailable Courses 

 Some schools are unable to offer advanced or detailed courses needed by students, or they lack enough teachers in certain subject areas. Pronto makes it possible to offer an extra course in your classroom over distance learning. Instead of having to commute long distances between different schools, you can instruct your students over video conferencing. 

In case you have a professional teacher in a different school specializing in a specific course, you can easily bring them on board via Pronto’s video conferencing platform. This will allow students to learn from their classrooms and gain much-needed knowledge. You can also showcase field examples via Pronto to make concepts more clear and relatable to students. Pronto is a powerful medium for giving students unparalleled access to courses and procedures they could only have dreamed of in the past. 

Create a Flipped Classroom 

Flipped learning will help you to deliver a more personalized learning experience to students via video conferencing technology offered by Pronto. With flipped learning, you can record video sessions for students to watch in their own time, before undertaking corresponding tasks during school hours. This approach lets students access learning materials both in classrooms or whenever best suits their individual needs, and maximizes the value of quality classroom time. This essentially shows that Pronto helps to remove the barriers of the traditional classroom. 

Take Your Classroom on Virtual Field Trips 

By utilizing Pronto, you can help your students travel all over the world without requiring a passport. Look for opportunities to expose your students to different cultures and places related to their coursework. Many organizations help teachers facilitate virtual field trips from the comfort of their classrooms. This will allow your students to gain field experience without having to be physically present. Using Pronto for field trips can greatly broaden a student’s understanding of real-case scenarios. 

Pronto is a communication hub created for your classroom and remote applications. It helps teachers and students to connect via chat and video, so they can learn faster, work smarter, and communicate seamlessly. Kindly request a demo to learn more and get started.

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