Disconnect | Innovative privacy solutions used by hundreds of millions of people

Innovative privacy solutions used by hundreds of millions of people

Our mission is to improve the internet and the world by empowering people to exercise their right to privacy.

Free yourself from unwanted tracking and control sharing of your personal information.

Enjoy a safer, faster, better internet!


Deutsche Telekom
Deutsche Telekom

Our privacy policy, in a sentence: We don't collect your IP address or any other personal info, except the info you volunteer.

We make it simple to protect your privacy

Our goal is to make products you love so much that you decide to pay!


Free protection for a single browser

Tracking protection for your desktop or mobile browser.

Pro (iOS)

Free device wide protection

Free tracker protection for your entire iOS device, including browsers and apps. Upgrade to our SmartVPN feature to automatically encrypt vulnerable connections on your iPhone or iPad.

Premium (iOS and Mac)

VPN protection $50/year (3 devices)

Full VPN and tracker protection for all your iOS devices and Mac computers. Encrypt all traffic, mask your IP and server location.


Pro (iOS)

Premium (iOS and Mac)

Have an account?

Tracking protection for your desktop or mobile browser.

Free tracker protection for your entire iOS device, including browsers and apps. Upgrade to our SmartVPN feature to automatically encrypt vulnerable connections on your iPhone or iPad.

Full VPN and tracker protection for all your iOS devices and Mac computers. Encrypt all traffic, mask your IP and server location.

Free protection for a single browser

Free device wide protection

VPN protection $50/year (3 devices)

Available for
Available for
Available for

Our motivation

Today there are thousands of companies that track your activity and personal information. But there’s a huge disconnect between how our data is actually collected, sold, or shared, and what we may actually want. Disconnect is founded on the belief that privacy is a fundamental human right: that people should have the freedom to move about the internet - and their lives - without anyone looking over their shoulder.

Your data, not theirs

Thousands of corporations, cybercriminals, and government entities are keeping track of your activity online and offline in ways you wouldn’t expect or want. Your data is used to created a profile of who you are, what you do, and where you go. This profile not only determines the ads you see, but the prices you pay and even decisions that are made about things as important as your health insurance and employment. Our tracker protection powers meaningful privacy for hundreds of millions of people.

Secure your identity

Our encrypted Virtual Private Network technology prevents eavesdroppers from collecting your sensitive online activity and personal information, like passwords, financial, and health information. Our Pro and Premium products secure all your internet connections and our full VPN Premium products mask your IP address to further protect your privacy and security. We never log, track, or collect any of your online activity or personal information.

Secure your identity
Better performance

Better performance

By blocking hundreds of invisible tracker requests every day inside your browser and apps, Disconnect significantly accelerates page and app loads. We co-published an extensive study with the Firefox team that showed our tracker protection more than doubled browsing speeds! Our apps also extend mobile battery life and reduce wasted bandwidth.

Have an account?

Disconnect Premium

Cancel anytime, no questions asked refund. One subscription covers 3 devices.
  • $11.99 / month
  • $50.00 / year
Payment and information processed by Stripe.
Secure payment, this website secured with SSL encryption.

Special offer

Save up to 50% on complete device protection for you and your family!

Premium Subscription

  • Protect your entire device from trackers an other threats
  • View stats on what you've blocked and performance benefits
  • Stay up to date on the latest privacy news
  • Receive alerts about vulnerabilities and breaches that may impact you