• Narcos and its spinoff, Narcos: Mexico, have the same theme song: "Tuyo" by Rodrigo Amarante.
  • Amarante wrote "Tuyo," which means "Yours" in Spanish, with Pablo Escobar's childhood in mind.
  • Season 2 of Narcos: Mexico drops on Netflix on Wednesday, February 13.

If Narcos were filmed in the style of a Bollywood movie or Mamma Mia, then the show's various drug lords would gather at the end of the season, exhaust all their pent-up tension, and have a dance party to the show's theme song, "Tuyo" by Rodrigo Amarante.

Unfortunately, Narcos: Mexico offers no such relief from its unrelenting scenes of ruthless gun violence. At least "Tuyo," playing over each episode's opening credits, acts as a brief two-minute reprieve. And what a spectacular reprieve it is.

"Tuyo" may sound like a wedding-appropriate love song, but "Tuyo" was actually crafted specifically for Narcos. Brazilian singer-songwriter Rodrigo Amarante wrote "Tuyo" keeping in mind Pablo Escobar, the notorious cocaine trafficker who was the focus of Narcos's first two seasons.

According to NPR, Amarante specifically wrote "Tuyo" from the perspective of Escobar's mother. She narrates the process of raising the "boy that would become a monster," as NPR put it. Instead of creating a sonic tribute to the '80s, when the show is set, Amarante channeled the love songs of Escobar's mother's era.

Using figurative language, the lyrics conjure up Escobar as a powerful, passionate, and problematic figure. The song's opening lines, "I am the fire that burns your skin / I am the water that kills your thirst," capture Escobar's duality as a provider and as a danger. Above all, this stanza paints Escobar as an inescapable force of nature on which people have come to rely as they would on fire, or on water.

Daniel Daza/Netflix

The second verse uses the imagery of a romance novel ("You’re the air that I breathe / And the moon’s light on the sea"), pointing to Escobar's softer side, which the show illustrates in his relationships with his family.

Just as Narcos creates a nuanced portrait of the Medellin cartel's notorious leader, Amarante's goal with "Tuyo" was to “subtly humanize the monster of Escobar," according to NPR. Ultimately, this careful characterization makes Escobar's descent into violence and cruelty all the harder to stomach. The same can be said for the show's depiction of all its morally ambiguous drug lords, including Miguel Ángel Felix Gallardo of Narcos: Mexico.

Considering his lofty intentions with "Tuyo," Amarante probably never suspected his deep, hypnotizing song would go on to have a second life as the soundtrack for internet memes—and fan obsession.

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In all my time watching (and at times, trudging through) Narcos, I have never once fast-forwarded through the show's opening sequence. Skipping "Tuyo," that beguiling little ditty, is against my religion.

Within the class of songs that cause my body to start dancing from the first beat on, "Tuyo" is tied with Usher's "Yeah" for first place. But "Tuyo" doesn't go down as easily as a pop song. I'm not sure why it slaps, but it definitely does.

My relationship to Narcos may be occasionally vexed (Isabella needs more screen time!), but my devotion to "Tuyo" will never waver. Luckily, the song has taken on a life outside of the show.

"Tuyo" has become a lifestyle. It is the song for all occasions. Feeling contemplative over a lost love? Don't think, just put on "Tuyo." Plotting revenge? Yep, "Tuyo" works. Building a trafficking empire? Guess "Tuyo" is appropriate.

Planning a wedding? You gotta have "Tuyo."

The Narcos theme song obsession reached its apex in 2017, when Wagner Moura, who plays Escobar, gave his own soulful rendition on the tune. Clearly, Moura also has "Tuyo" fever—and maybe he can join my petition to have Amarante write all TV show theme songs.

Here's to hearing "Tuyo" ten more times when season 2 of Narcos: Mexico drops on Netflix on February 13. Until that day comes, study up on the lyrics.

English translation, courtesy of Genius:

I am the fire that burns your skin
I am the water that kills your thirst
The castle, the tower I am
The sword that guards the treasure

You’re the air that I breathe
And the moon’s light on the sea
The throat I yearn to wet
That I fear to drown with love

And which desires will you give me?
You say: “My treasure you just need to admire and yours it will be, and yours it will be.”

Spanish lyrics, courtesy of Genius:

Soy el fuego que arde tu piel
Soy el agua que mata tu sed
El castillo, la torre yo soy
La espada que guarda el caudal

Tú, el aire que respiro yo
Y la luz de la luna en el mar
La garganta que ansío mojar
Que temo ahogar de amor

¿Y cuáles deseos me vas a dar? (oooh)
Dices tú: "Mi tesoro, basta con mirarlo y tuyo será, y tuyo será."

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Elena Nicolaou

Elena Nicolaou is the former culture editor at Oprah Daily.