My Yahwee ( Yowie) Story Part 2 - The Grey Nomads Forum

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My Yahwee ( Yowie) Story Part 2

Now this part is breaking down what I saw, and what my neighbour saw. I thought about it later at home and had noticed that the beast was most probably licking the bbq. When I disturbed it with the torch, it turned it's head fast to look towards me and banged it's head quite hard on the steel post holding up the shelter right next to the bbq and maybe got angry about hitting hit head, thus blaming me ( I don't know). Then it stood up for a second, so I could see where it's head was in relation to the top of the shelter. It then came towards me quite fast by reaching out it's two arms to the top of the steel fence rails that were about 1.2m high, these rails were 1.8m away from where it stood( I measured them later).�

� � � �The beast managed to launch itself over the rails for approx. 3.0m onto the ground and proceed on all fours towards me. Had I zipped up the door� flap, just as I got out like I normally do, I am quite sure it would have reached me, and through my fear, I am sure it would have killed me. From my location and due to not very strong overhead lighting of the Stobie pole, and my torch light shining on it being not very stable at the time, I couldn't really see it's face properly, so I cannot say that I saw fangs on the outside of it's mouth, like my neighbour saw.

� � � � What my neighbour explained to me the next day, what he saw, he had never seen anything like it before, and had all his life wildcamped in Australia, never heard anything, nor saw anything like it. His exact description was that the beast ( he didn't know that it was a yowie at that time), stood as tall as his Jayco Camper, when he shone his torch light onto it, he was standing on his floor looking UP at it through his flyscreened window, and the beast was looking down at him. Now like I said his camper was on a raised section of the camp ground, a metre above me. My camper was parked approx 1.4m from the raised wall of his camp spot. My neighbour said, the beast had bright red glowing eyes, light haired face no neck, couldn't see it's ears, and small fangs about 25mm long on the upper and lower parts of the outside of it's mouth and he said it looked mean and angry, he just collapsed at that point on to his bed, turned off the torch� and with what little light was outside, the beast then turned and proceed to walk on two feet around my camper.

� � � � �The Damage

� � � � � What woke my neighbour up, was the Yowie impacting with the front of my camper, specifically my steel storage box on the front of my camper. This storage box is made out of galvanised steel sheeting approx 1100mm long by 400mm deep, and 450mm high, and you can still buy them from Supercheap. Inside the box were two 4.5k Gas bottles, and they were located on the right side of the camper if you are looking forward towards the "A" frame. The yahwee hit the box with such force that it put a 150mm dent into the front of the right side of the box, pushing� the gas bottles backwards and making an outwards dent on the back side of the box by also 150mm.� As I was standing up right next to the bed inside. it knocked me off my feet, right onto the bed. Not only did it dent the box, it shifted the whole camper back about 300mm. Now the camper had the hardfloor down onto a large rack which was on the ground, the rear stays were down, the front stay was down, as well as the jockey wheel which was sitting in a rubber wheel chock. That is a lot of force required to push against the camper set up like that, and also causing the stays to be bent. The rather thick tent wall's were scratched and had indentations where it's fingers stretched the material.�

� � � � �The Indigenous Elder

� � � � After this incident, I sought out the local indigenous people, about it, as some info in the town library, stated the� Local Indigenous tribes back in the 1800's had Lore about who were� these "Ape Men" white people were seeing at the time, I was put onto an elder ( now deceased 18 months ago) that did have some knowledge about this "Wild Man". He was not too talkative initially as he had in the past told white people and even his own people and they basically laughed at him. It wasn't until I explained my encounter that he was willing to talk some about it. He explained that they are a nomadic race, and this is why aboriginals in the past had seen them, and even interacted with them. When I told him exactly where it happen and what I thought the yahwee was doing, that is licking the bbq, he stated, they don't readily interact with people, and would only do it if they were starving or lacking in wildlife to hunt. I explained to him,. that in the last two months leading up to the incident, that the wildlife had virtually disappeared in the area. He said that would explain it, also, as the yahwee's used to hunt in our area, and did so up until the last siting that he knew about was in the early 1940's, that maybe this yahwee was a lone one, could have been exiled by it's family or could be the last of it's race in this area.

� � � � �A couple of months later I heard that the Elder wasn't too well, and I wanted see him again. When I did see him, he was quite talkative about the matter, and asked me where I thought their habitat was and I stated that an area I came through on a bush cycling trip , back in 2016, I had also noticed was lacking in much wildlife. This was the edge of a quite well forested National Park, and he said that's where they have mainly come from, and probably inhabit that area more now due to how many people are about today. It is a very Large National Park. What I did see in there were a few dingo's, but not much else. I said my goodbye's, thanked him for the information and wished him well, he died a couple of months later.

� � � � � So yes, I am pretty sure this National Park is where they live, or mainly live, it links up to 4 more National Parks or state parks, they have a large area to hunt from, why that one was over here, I do not know, maybe what the elder said that it could have been exiled, or was the last of it's kind rings true BUT, and that is a� big but, other "yowies" have been seen in the area so maybe he the Yahwee is not alone.

� � � � � �End of Part 2.

� � � � � �

� .


� � ��


Ric - The Eccentric One


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Posts: 1357

Now some perspective in to why the Indigenous that lived here before the Europeans came, had all called them Yahwee's, and even Yahoo's, I asked the Elder, why did he think that the Europeans ended up calling them Yowies, and he said say a name or a word often enough to a lot of different nationalities over a long time, and you can get a new name or word, that is similar or totally different, so when you say Yowie or Yahwee, they are very similar. I personally have seen the name Yahwee, in some historical newspapers that I read in the last 20/30 years , so the name Yahwee is not new to me.
Now the Elder also gave me added info, that I decided, couldn't really be true, how wrong was I, and that story, is the last part of this of this whole story, which I will submit shortly.


Ric - The Eccentric One


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Following. Keep on writing Ric.


Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan

Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks�and smoke signals.


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Just to put the experience into context, I was so scared when I saw it come towards me, I knew then it was going to kill me, I believed it. I was in the camper, before I hit the bed, so petrified I didn't even breathe, the when it hit the camper, everything went black in my mind as if the torch light wasn't even on. I don't know why it didn't rip through the canvas, it did push really hard though, and by the indentations on the canvas, showed it had claws. It was so scary, I am surprised I went and did what I did at home, just to hopefully see it again but that story is part 3. The elder told me, like humans, their are good and bad one's, and the bad one's not only do they kill you, they eat you as well, something that was a fear, and a very real experience for Aboriginal tribes, more so prior to white settlement. When the tribes hunters went out to hunt, they would just leave the women, children and the old and infirm, and some times they would come back, some women and children were missing.

Then over the day, the ones that had escaped would come back and tell the men what happened. It was known then, their was no point going out to find their loved one's, that they would have already been killed and consumed, they, the tribe would usually move out of the area straight away, sometimes, traveling a hundred miles or more. I have since read up on our "Yowies" in Australia, and for some reason, our "Bigfoot", are particularly aggressive, are known cannibals,� their has been some good experiences, but that is a rarity here in Australia.

I just want to add some extra info about them, and my real feelings at the time, I think I have PTSD, from the experience ( I know what that is like as I have it from my army service), because, as everybody who knows me know I go camping out in remote areas on my own with my dog anytime I like, but that has changed in the last two years, I no longer go on my own, I am just too scared and I don't own a gun anymore, so without having one, NO I wont go out alone again.

-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Thursday 16th of May 2024 10:57:37 PM


Ric - The Eccentric One


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Posts: 1955

There are quite a few agencies and individuals who take what you saw very seriously. I suggest you contact them and tell them of your experience. Have a look online as it is only the sharing of these events that can assist those who seek the explanations. There are some strange things out there witnessed by a lot of people too scared to come forward as they may encounter ridicule from the naysayers.



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Any photos of marks left on canvas etc??


I reserve the right to arm bears :)


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peter67 wrote:

Any photos of marks left on canvas etc??

�Not of the indentations, they were pretty severe and I ironed them out, the scratches are still there though, I took the dents out of the box although it is still creased, and restraightened the stays.� Their was damage to the house, but I will tell you about that in Part 3.

-- Edited by Bicyclecamper on Friday 17th of May 2024 04:57:43 PM


Ric - The Eccentric One


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Posts: 1357

DMaxer wrote:

There are quite a few agencies and individuals who take what you saw very seriously. I suggest you contact them and tell them of your experience. Have a look online as it is only the sharing of these events that can assist those who seek the explanations. There are some strange things out there witnessed by a lot of people too scared to come forward as they may encounter ridicule from the naysayers.

� I have contacted someone, a dedicated Research group, and asked them to read my story here, haven't heard from them since� our last convo.


Ric - The Eccentric One


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Posts: 1955

There is a really good podcast called Believe on Spotify. It is Aussie based and deals with Yowies and other sightings around Australia. Have a listen and you will find you are not the only one to have witnessed these things.



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How is part 3 coming? Very intrigued



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Yes it is coming, but have been snowed under with other things at the moment will try to do it this week.


Ric - The Eccentric One

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