University of Vienna



Humans alter the marine fossil record

Marine sediments help us to understand climate changes in the present as well as the past, but they are altered by humans in various ways.

10.05.2024 | [more]


13 May: Empowering Citizens: Media Literacy & Democracy

On the role of media literacy in the digital age. An event organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the US Embassy and the University of Vienna.

05.05.2024 | [more]


Regulating AI: Are we on the right track?

The regulation of artificial intelligence comes with both challenges and opportunities at the interface between technological progress and social values. A perspective by legal scholar Iris Eisenberger.

02.05.2024 | [more]


Interview with Turing Award winner Yoshua Bengio on the topic of AI

Yoshua Bengio is considered one of the world's leaders in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning.

26.04.2024 | [more]


Michael Wagner elected as member of the Academia Europaea

Academia Europaea is a European, non-governmental association whose objective is the advancement and promotion of scholarly work in Europe. It encompasses both the natural sciences and the humanities and social sciences.

24.04.2024 | [more]


HFSP grant for consortium led by Kristin Tessmar-Raible

Within the collaborative project, Kristin will lead a team aiming to unravel the influence of temporally ordered biological processes on the adaptability and survival of organisms near the chemical and physical limits of life.

24.04.2024 | [more]


It's time to get to know AI

The breakneck speed at which artificial intelligence is developing makes it difficult to predict where it is heading. Our researchers say: Instead of getting ever bigger and faster, we should now take the time to really...

23.04.2024 | [more]


Six new ERC Advanced Grants

The university congratulates its researchers. 135 ERC grants have already been awarded to researchers of the University of Vienna since 2007.

19.04.2024 | [more]


graduates in the academic year 2022

Facts & figures


employees, including 7,500 academic staff

Staff & unit directory


degree programmes, including 111 master's programmes

Degree programmes


students per academic year

Studying in Vienna