time has come

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(someone's or something's) time has come

1. A person or animal has reached the end of their life. Don't grieve, son. I've lived a long and fulfilling life, and now my time has come. She was an old dog, Sarah. Her time had come. My parents want me to come to the hospital and say goodbye to Uncle Eddie—they think his time has come.
2. Some piece of equipment or technology has reached the end of its usefulness or functionality. Well, this old laptop did a great job for me all through high school and college, but I think its time has come now. A: "This damned printer is on the fritz again." B: "Yeah, I told the boss that its time has come, but she doesn't want to shell out the cash for a new one." What's wrong with the coffee maker? Please don't tell me its time has come—I need to be caffeinated before getting bad news like that.
See also: come, time
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

someone's time has come

 and some creature's time has come
Euph. someone or some creature is about to die. The poor old dog's time has come. My time has come. I'm ready to go.
See also: come, time
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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They may have been right to do this, but the time has come for them to move as well, and to secure their own survival.