Could Kurt Russell's Name Have Been Abused By Political Extremists?! -

Could Kurt Russell’s Name Have Been Abused By Political Extremists?!

MOVIE NEWS – American extremists used Kurt Russell’s name to attack immigrants on social media.



The American far-right is once again attributing false political quotes to Kurt Russell, claiming that he advocates the forcible removal of immigrants.

On May 2nd, several far-right Twitter/X accounts shared and reposted essentially the same fake message. The message was usually worded as follows:

“BREAKING: Hollywood legend Kurt Russell just said that illegal immigrants should be forcibly deported from America.”

A photo of Russell accompanies this and usually promotes Donald Trump or asks if other social media users agree with the false claim. Russell has yet to respond, although there is no doubt that the statement is false. (This isn’t the first time Republicans have used Russell on Twitter.)

While many unsuspecting social media users were fooled, some rightly realized that there was no link nor any evidence that Russell ever said anything of the sort.


This isn’t the first time Kurt Russell’s name has been misused


For one reason or another, Russell has been the target of countless disinformation campaigns over the years. Especially starting with the Trump presidency. Perhaps because of his gun-toting tough guy movie image (and his belief in the Second Amendment). Regardless, Russell has been used several times to support far-right ideology.

In April 2016, a picture of Russell and his wife, Goldie Hawn, in outfits promoting Donald Trump made the rounds on social media. Conservatives are statistically more likely to be older and less educated, so understandably, they didn’t immediately realize what a terrible Photoshop job the fake image was. Fortunately, the people of the Internet quickly proved the forgery.

Source: X

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