The Meaning Behind The Song: Welcome To The Boomtown by David & David - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Welcome To The Boomtown by David & David

“The Dark Tale Behind ‘Welcome To The Boomtown’ by David & David”


As one of the most popular songs of the 80s, ‘Welcome To The Boomtown’ by David & David is known for its haunting melody and gritty lyrics. It was a stark departure from the glam rock and bubblegum-pop tunes that dominated the airwaves at the time. Yet, despite its popularity, many listeners are still scratching their heads trying to figure out what the song is really about. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the meaning behind ‘Welcome To The Boomtown’ and explore the dark tale that its authors, David Baerwald and David Ricketts, were trying to tell.

The Boomtown Phenomenon

In the early 80s, cities like Los Angeles, New York, and Miami were experiencing an economic boom. Money was pouring in from all corners of the country, and people were flocking to these metropolitan areas to chase their dreams. The authors of ‘Welcome To The Boomtown’ saw this phenomenon firsthand, and the song is a commentary on the highs and lows of living in these urban centers.

The Lyrics Unpacked

The song’s opening line, “They sold the world some California sunshine,” sets the tone for what’s to come. It refers to the idea that people were sold on the dream of living in California but were soon confronted with the harsh realities of urban living. The lyrics then go on to describe various characters in the Boomtown, each with their own struggles and problems.

For example, there’s Suzie, who’s “still 23, yet she’s seen more pain than pleasure.” And there’s Joey, who’s “15 with a bullet.” These characters represent the struggles of everyday people trying to make a living in a fast-paced and cut-throat world.

The Dark Side of Success

While the Boomtown phenomenon brought economic prosperity to many cities, it also had its dark side. One of the themes of ‘Welcome To The Boomtown’ is the idea that success breeds corruption, and that the wealthy and powerful will stop at nothing to maintain their position.

In the line “It’s all a gamble anyway,” the authors are commenting on the unpredictability of life in the Boomtown. No matter how hard you work or how much money you have, success is never guaranteed. And even if you do manage to make it big, there’s always the risk of losing it all.

Recording and Reception

Despite its dark and somewhat cryptic lyrics, ‘Welcome To The Boomtown’ was a hit in 1986. It reached #37 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and was played extensively on MTV. The song’s popularity was due in part to its haunting melody and catchy chorus, but it was also a reflection of the zeitgeist of the time.

In an interview with NPR, David Baerwald said that the song was a “rejection” of the shiny, happy pop of the 80s, which he felt was “fabricated and shallow.” By contrast, ‘Welcome To The Boomtown’ was an honest portrayal of the struggles of everyday people.


In conclusion, ‘Welcome To The Boomtown’ by David & David is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences today. Its powerful lyrics and haunting melody are a reflection of the human condition and the struggles we face in a world that can be both beautiful and cruel. While the song is certainly a commentary on the Boomtown phenomenon of the 80s, its message is one that transcends time and place.

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