41 Facts About Matt Dillon - Facts.net
Gwendolen Barefoot

Written by Gwendolen Barefoot

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Locarnofestival.ch

Matt Dillon, the renowned American actor, has been captivating audiences for several decades with his impressive performances and diverse range of roles. With a career spanning over 40 years, Dillon has become an icon in the entertainment industry, known for his talent, versatility, and undeniable charm.

In this article, we will delve into the world of Matt Dillon and uncover 41 fascinating facts about his life, career, and personal experiences. From his early breakthrough in the 1980s to his recent acclaimed performances, there is much to discover about this talented actor.

So, get ready to dive into the captivating world of Matt Dillon as we explore some lesser-known details about this Hollywood legend.

Key Takeaways:

  • Matt Dillon, a versatile actor, made his film debut at 14 and has received critical acclaim for his intense and diverse roles, showcasing his talent and dedication to his craft.
  • With a passion for photography and music, Matt Dillon’s mesmerizing on-screen presence and dedication to independent cinema have earned him a loyal fan base and respect in the film industry.
Table of Contents

Matt Dillon made his film debut at the age of 14.

At a young age, Dillon caught the attention of filmmakers with his natural ability and charisma. He made his big-screen debut in the 1979 film “Over the Edge,” playing the role of Richie White.

He has been nominated for several prestigious awards.

Throughout his career, Dillon has received numerous award nominations, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his role in “Crash” (2004).

Dillon comes from a family of actors.

Matt Dillon grew up in a household surrounded by the world of acting. His father was a portrait painter and his mother was a homemaker and successful actress.

He has worked with renowned directors.

Dillon has collaborated with acclaimed directors such as Francis Ford Coppola, Gus Van Sant, and Cameron Crowe, showcasing his ability to bring complex characters to life on the screen.

Dillon has a passion for photography.

Outside of acting, Dillon has a deep love for photography. He often captures candid moments on film and has even had his work exhibited in galleries.

He has a reputation for playing edgy and intense characters.

Throughout his career, Dillon has taken on roles that require him to delve into the complexities of human nature, portraying characters with depth and raw emotion.

Dillon has a strong connection to New York City.

Although born and raised in New Rochelle, New York, Dillon has always felt a close connection to the vibrant energy and diverse culture of New York City.

He is known for his versatility.

From dramatic roles to comedic performances, Dillon has showcased his versatility as an actor, continually challenging himself with diverse and unconventional roles.

Dillon has worked in both film and television.

In addition to his extensive filmography, Dillon has also made notable appearances in television shows, including a recurring role in the hit series “Wayward Pines.

He received critical acclaim for his role in “Drugstore Cowboy.”

Dillon’s portrayal of a drug-addicted burglar in the film “Drugstore Cowboy” (1989) earned him widespread praise and solidified his reputation as a talented actor.

Dillon is a private person.

Despite his fame and success, Dillon prefers to keep his personal life out of the spotlight, often shying away from sharing too many details about his relationships and personal experiences.

He was chosen as one of the “50 Most Beautiful People” by People Magazine.

In 2004, Dillon was recognized for his striking looks and was included in People Magazine’s annual list of the “50 Most Beautiful People in the World.”

Dillon has a love for music.

Outside of his acting career, Dillon has a passion for music and enjoys playing the guitar in his spare time.

He has experimented with directing.

In 2002, Dillon added another dimension to his career by stepping behind the camera to direct the film “City of Ghosts.”

Dillon has a strong following of loyal fans.

Over the years, Dillon has garnered a dedicated fan base who appreciate his talent, charisma, and ability to transform into captivating on-screen characters.

He has collaborated with his brother in the entertainment industry.

Dillon’s brother, Kevin Dillon, is also an actor known for his role as Johnny “Drama” Chase in the hit series “Entourage.” The brothers have worked together on various projects throughout their careers.

Dillon has been recognized for his humanitarian efforts.

In addition to his acting achievements, Dillon has been involved in several charitable endeavors and causes, using his platform to help make a positive impact.

He has an appreciation for classic films.

Dillon has a deep appreciation for the art of filmmaking and draws inspiration from classic movies and legendary actors of the past.

Dillon is a fan of sports.

As a sports enthusiast, Dillon enjoys watching and occasionally participating in various athletic activities, including basketball and surfing.

He is known for his dedication to his craft.

Dillon is known for immersing himself fully in the roles he takes on, often undergoing extensive research and preparation to bring authenticity to his performances.

He has had successful collaborations with actress Diane Lane.

Matt Dillon and Diane Lane have shared the screen in multiple films, including “The Big Town” (1987) and “Loverboy” (1989), showcasing their on-screen chemistry.

Dillon has a keen fashion sense.

Known for his impeccable fashion choices, Dillon often graces red carpets with his stylish yet effortlessly cool looks.

He has starred in a wide range of film genres.

From crime dramas to romantic comedies, Dillon has demonstrated his ability to excel in a variety of film genres, showcasing his versatility as an actor.

Dillon has been honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

In recognition of his contributions to the entertainment industry, Matt Dillon received a star on the prestigious Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2006.

He has collaborated with legendary actress Gena Rowlands.

In the film “Grace of My Heart” (1996), Dillon had the opportunity to work alongside the renowned actress Gena Rowlands, further solidifying his reputation as a respected actor.

Dillon is known for his dedication to independent cinema.

Throughout his career, Dillon has been passionate about independent films, often choosing projects that push boundaries and offer unique storytelling.

He is an animal lover.

Dillon has a soft spot for animals and actively supports various animal rights organizations.

He has received a Teen Choice Award.

In 2006, Dillon won a Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Villain for his role in the film “Crash.”

Dillon has a down-to-earth personality.

Despite his success, Matt Dillon remains grounded and approachable, earning the respect and admiration of both his colleagues and fans.

He has explored theater acting.

In addition to his work in film and television, Dillon has also ventured into the world of theater, showcasing his talents on stage.

Dillon has a strong work ethic.

Known for his professionalism and dedication, Dillon approaches every role with a commitment to delivering his best performance.

He has played iconic literary characters.

Dillon has brought beloved literary characters to life on the screen, such as Dallas Winston in “The Outsiders” and Bob Hughes in “Factotum.

Dillon is multilingual.

In addition to English, Dillon is fluent in Spanish, which has allowed him to take on diverse roles in both American and international films.

He has portrayed real-life figures.

Throughout his career, Dillon has taken on the challenge of portraying real-life individuals, bringing their stories to the screen with authenticity and respect.

Dillon has received a Silver Bear for Best Actor.

At the Berlin International Film Festival in 2006, Dillon was awarded the Silver Bear for Best Actor for his role in the film “Factotum.”

He is known for his mesmerizing on-screen presence.

Dillon has the ability to captivate audiences with his subtle yet powerful performances, leaving a lasting impression in the minds of viewers.

Dillon has remained dedicated to his craft for over four decades.

With a career spanning over 40 years, Matt Dillon has consistently delivered memorable performances, solidifying his status as a talented and enduring actor.

He has worked with emerging filmmakers.

Throughout his career, Dillon has collaborated with emerging directors, supporting the growth and development of new voices in the industry.

Dillon is known for his improvisational skills.

With his ability to think on his feet, Dillon brings spontaneity to his performances, adding depth and authenticity to his characters.

He has received praise for his stage performances.

In addition to his work on screen, Dillon has showcased his talent on stage, earning accolades for his performances in various theatrical productions.

Dillon is a respected and influential figure in the film industry.

With his impressive body of work and undeniable talent, Matt Dillon’s contributions to the film industry have earned him the respect and admiration of his peers and fans alike.

These 41 facts about Matt Dillon provide a glimpse into the life and career of a versatile and talented actor. From his early beginnings to his enduring success, Dillon’s passion for the craft and dedication to his craft have solidified his place in the entertainment industry. Whether portraying edgy and intense characters or bringing literary figures to life, Matt Dillon’s talent continues to shine on the screen, captivating audiences worldwide.


From his breakout role in “The Outsiders” to his critically acclaimed performances in “Crash” and “Wild Things,” Matt Dillon has established himself as a versatile and talented actor in Hollywood. With a career spanning over four decades, Dillon has garnered a loyal fanbase and has solidified his status as one of the industry’s leading men.

Throughout this article, we have explored 41 fascinating facts about Matt Dillon, shedding light on his early life, acting career, and personal interests. From his impressive filmography to his lesser-known hobbies and charitable work, these facts showcase the diverse and intriguing facets of his life.

Whether you’re a die-hard fan or simply curious about the man behind the characters, this article has provided a comprehensive look into the life of Matt Dillon. His talent, dedication, and contributions to the world of cinema make him a true icon in the realm of entertainment.


Q: When was Matt Dillon born?

A: Matt Dillon was born on February 18, 1964.

Q: What is Matt Dillon’s most famous role?

A: Matt Dillon is widely recognized for his role as Dallas Winston in the film adaptation of “The Outsiders.”

Q: Has Matt Dillon won any awards?

A: Yes, Matt Dillon won the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Male for his role in the 2004 film “Crash.

Q: Is Matt Dillon involved in any charitable work?

A: Yes, Matt Dillon is a human rights activist and has worked with organizations such as the United Nations and Aid Still Required.

Q: What are some other films Matt Dillon has appeared in?

A: Some of Matt Dillon’s notable films include “There’s Something About Mary,” “Drugstore Cowboy,” and “The Flamingo Kid.

Q: Does Matt Dillon have any siblings?

A: Yes, Matt Dillon has one brother, Kevin Dillon, who is also an actor.

Q: Has Matt Dillon ever directed a film?

A: Yes, Matt Dillon made his directorial debut with the 2002 film “City of Ghosts.”

Q: What is Matt Dillon’s height?

A: Matt Dillon is approximately 6 feet (183 cm) tall.

Intrigued by Matt Dillon's remarkable career? Explore more captivating facts about his iconic roles in "Crash," where he delivers a powerful performance in a thought-provoking film. Dillon's comedic genius shines through in "There's Something About Mary," a hilarious classic that will leave you in stitches. For a glimpse into his early work, "Rumble Fish" showcases Dillon's raw talent and the depth of his acting abilities. Dive deeper into these fascinating films and uncover the stories behind the scenes that make them truly unforgettable cinematic experiences.

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