Philippine Pearl Farm

Philippine Pearl Farm

Philippine Pearl Farm

The clean waters around the island of Palawan in the Philippines Sea have attracted investors to pearl farming for decades. There are several pearl firms actively operating at Palawan, but only one cultivates the exquisite and rare golden pearl – Jewelmer.

Jewelmer is the only pearl producer in the world that has successfully produced pearls with a rich, natural golden color. Through decades of research and biotechnology, Jewelmer was able to perfect the breeding process that produces gold-lipped Pinctada maxima pearl oysters capable of growing large, lustrous, golden pearls. This deep, rich color can only be found in South Sea pearls produced in the Philippines.

Pearls are cultured by transplanting a tiny piece of mantle tissue of an oyster shell into a the shell of a young oyster. This graft forms a pearl sac and precipitate calcium carbonate into this pocket. Over time, this grows into a pearl. It takes 2 to 5 years for a pearl to mature. "Cultivation of pearls is very time-consuming process," explains Jacques Branellec, managing director of Jewelmer. "Any change in temperature and water conditions can affect the oysters. For 38 years I have been in cultivation of pearls, but I’m always learning something new.”

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Comments for Philippine Pearl Farm

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Bulk order
by: Roz

Can I do bulk order of your cultured pearls?

visit palawan
by: manang

I am planning to take my vacation to Palawan and I am also interested to visit the Pearl Farm.
Please advice.
Thank you.

want to visit Pearl Farm
by: Anonymous


I am very interest visit Pearl farm too.

Thank you

JJ chen

by: Jean

Hi, we would like to visit pearl farm

by: Precy

Hi! I would be really love to see your farm in person if it would be okay ... I have just recently been fascinated about pearls. :) it would really be an honor.

-from Cagayan de Oro

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