IMPRESSIONS: Earth Day at Genesis Farm Celebrated on April 28 - Ridge View Echo

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IMPRESSIONS: Earth Day at Genesis Farm Celebrated on April 28

Artist and long-time CSG member Katherine Yvinskas sold her art. She is also among the featured May artists at Gallery 23. Photo by MB Journe, 04/2024.

Sunday, April 28, was “Earth Day on the Farm” at the community supported garden, or CSG, at Genesis Farm located at 41 B Silver Lake Road in Frelinghuysen. It was a beautiful day, filled with free lectures and plenty of vendors.

Family-friendly, the day featured hayrides and greenhouse tours. Lunch was a reasonably priced meal that included soup, a garden salad, beet salad and popcorn. 

There was an edible weed walk with the herbalist Reid Giacomarra and a cooking demo on pickling and kraut by Linda Welles. Danny Childs lectured and gave a sample of a drink from his book entitled “Slow Drinks” followed by a book signing.

The lecture tent at Genesis Farm was well attended. Photo by MB Journe, 04/2024.

It was interesting to see how the CSG grows its own shiitake mushrooms. Visitors walked the grounds while engaging in birding, a foraging walk, birdhouse building, face painting and puppet shows.

Artists Katherine Yvinskas and Sharon Pontier were selling their art. Both women have been members of the CSG for 20 years and both are artists at Gallery 23. This month, Yvinskas is among three featured as Gallery 23’s May Artists of the Month.

“It is a fun day. I am a big supporter of the farm,” Yvinskas said. “I have lunch and enjoy the speakers. I appreciate being with like-minded people. I try to support the garden by attending their events and I recommend their Harvest Dinner held in the fall. It is always delicious.”

Dr. Jim Conroy, a.k.a. “The Tree Whisperer,” and his partner Basia Alexander had an information table with their books on holistic health and healing of trees and plants stressed by inferences or climate change.

Info tables cropped up around the farm for the Earth Day celebration at Genesis Farm. Photo by MB Joune, 04/2024.

Their books are clear and concise, inspiring hope and empowerment for a healthy planet. In their teachings, they incorporate science with the spirit of nature. Check out the following web pages or sign up for a class by viisiting or and

For more information on the CSG, visit

And, like the free bumper sticker that was given out, “May the Forest be with You!” 

Yelens Choban
MB Journe, Contributing Writer
Contributing Writer

MB has been a resident of Frelinghuysen for the past 22 years. She lives in an old farmhouse on the side of the road. She enjoys the simple life, puttering in her flower garden, practicing Qi Gong under her redbud tree, or creating art on the deck.
MB's experience as a journalist began when her son was quite young, she began writing for The Paulinskill Valley Chronicle, often bringing him to work with her. Her responsibilities were writing articles with photos, selling ads, and billing. This suited her, as a single mother not wanting to be separated from her small child.

She considers herself a lover of nature, often seen photographing its beauty. She has worked as a seasonal employee of YMCA Camp Mason for the past 17 years. She is a teacher and mentor of children, always emphasizing the YMCA’s core values - caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. She tries to listen carefully to each individual she interviews, getting their viewpoint. That is why she likes to write about the interesting people and places that make Warren County such a nice place to live.