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E book cover Psychos Headhunter Reimagined
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HEADHUNTER Reimagined is an all-new telling of Michael Slade's first Special X thriller (published in 1984) about the psycho-hunters of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The Headhunter is loose on the streets of Vancouver. The psycho's victims are everywhere - floating in the Fraser River, buried in a shallow grave, nailed to a totem pole on the university campus. All are women. All are headless. Then the taunting photographs arrive. Carefully posed shots of the women's heads stuck on poles. The Mounties of Special X are up against a unique brand of killer. A killer whose sexual psychosis stretches back through Ecuador's steaming jungle and a scream-filled New Orleans dungeon to a dead-of-winter manhunt in the Rocky Mountains a century ago.
"HEADHUNTER Reimagined … like it wasn't freak-out-scary enough the first time! All I can say is that Michael Slade's brain is getting twistier with time — and Crime doesn't come any darker than Slade's Mountie Noir." - Diana Gabaldon, author of OUTLANDER
"HEADHUNTER stunned me! It's really good!" - Alice Cooper
"A real chiller!" - Robert Bloch, author of PSYCHO
"As a young cop walking Vancouver's Skid Road beat, HEADHUNTER enthralled me with its hardboiled realism and noir horror. Now, a third of a century later, the reimagined story is no less exciting or frightening. The dark shadows in a Michael Slade novel make you want to keep your back against the alley wall." - Detective Inspector Kim Rossmo (VPD ret.), inventor of Geographic Profiling and ongoing international psycho-hunter
"Crime writer Michael Slade is the real deal! As a trial lawyer, Slade knows psycho killers, sex predators, and their horrific crimes inside out. As a Mountie, I worked sex crimes and led a team of ViCLAS psycho-hunters for 7 years. If reading Slade makes you react, 'Wow! Serial killers don't really do that to people, do they?', I can tell you, yes, they do." - RCMP Staff Sergeant Christine Wozney (ret.), CO of the Violent Crime Linkage Analysis team (West Coast)
The History of Michael Slade and HEADHUNTER Reimagined

Interview with Michael Slade about HEADHUNTER Reimagined

Now Published 

Now Published

E book cover Burnt Bones E book cover Hangman
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Death's Door E book cover Bed of Nails
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E book cover Swastika E book cover Kamikaze
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Crucified E book cover Red Snow
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Now Published 

E book cover Ghoul
E-Book Coming: 2022
E book cover Cutthroat E book cover Ripper
E-Book Coming: 2022 E-Book Coming: 2022
E book cover Zombie E book cover Primal Scream
E-Book Coming: 2022 E-Book Coming: 2022

Overview of Slade's Thrillers