The Meaning Behind The Song: Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) by Baz Luhrmann - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) by Baz Luhrmann

The Meaning Behind The Song “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” by Baz Luhrmann

The Inspirational Story of the Song

In 1999, Australian film director Baz Luhrmann released a song that quickly became a global hit. The song was titled “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” and it was based on an essay that was originally written by journalist Mary Schmich titled “Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young.” The speech was published in the Chicago Tribune on June 1, 1997, and it quickly became an internet sensation.

Luhrmann’s song was a spoken-word mix set to music, featuring a narrator who spoke the words of Schmich’s essay over a background of gentle, electronic beats. What made the song so popular was not just its catchy tune but the powerful message it conveyed. “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” was an amazing piece of advice that was aimed at young people but could be applied to anyone at any age.

The Message Behind the Song

The primary message behind the song is that life is short, and it’s important to make the most of it. Luhrmann’s song encourages listeners to take risks, travel, and try new things without being held back by fear or regret. The song offers several pieces of advice that are both practical and philosophical.

For example, the song advises listeners to wear sunscreen, which is crucial for preventing skin cancer and premature aging. But the song also encourages listeners to avoid worrying about the future, because worrying only wastes the present. The song reminds listeners that people often regret what they didn’t do, more than what they did.

The song’s refrain, “Everybody’s free to feel good,” is a powerful reminder that we all have the power to control our own happiness. The song encourages listeners to pursue their dreams, even if they seem out of reach, and to embrace the opportunities that come their way.

The Cultural Impact of the Song

The impact of “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” on popular culture cannot be overstated. The song quickly became a global hit, topping the charts in several countries. The song’s powerful message resonated with listeners across generations and cultures, and it has since become an anthem for personal growth, self-empowerment, and positivity.

In fact, the song has spawned numerous remixes, covers, and even parodies. It has been used in countless movies and TV shows, and it has been referenced in popular novels and magazines. According to Luhrmann, he still receives letters from people all over the world who were inspired by the song and its message.

The Legacy of the Song

“Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” will always be remembered as one of the great motivational songs of all time. The song’s timeless message and catchy tune continue to inspire people of all ages and backgrounds all over the world.

The song can be seen as a reminder that life is both precious and fleeting, and that we must make the most of every moment. It encourages us to follow our dreams and take risks, to try new things and not be held back by fear.

In conclusion, “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” is not just a song, but a powerful message that speaks to the human condition. Its message is one of empowerment, positivity, and self-determination, and it is a reminder that we are all free to live our lives to the fullest.

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