Commercial Solar | Solar Panels For UK Businesses | Deege Solar

Commercial Solar Panels UK

Run your Business on Green Energy By Installing Commercial Solar Panels

Plug Into the Sun

Solar Panels For Business

Regardless of whether your company is big or small, and sells sweets or car parts, installing commercial solar panels can lead to huge rewards. As most businesses operate during 9-5 daylight hours, installing Solar Panels is the perfect energy solution. As your Solar panels produce green energy, your business will use this electricity to run your company off sunshine.

The lifetime cost per kWh of solar electricity is now 5.5p per kWh. This is more than half of the price we currently purchase electricity from the National Grid. This means that by installing commercial solar panels your company can save up to 50% on their electricity bill. All whilst reducing your carbon footprint. 

The Benefits Of Installing
Commercial Solar Panels

Commercial Solar Panel

As UK’s leading Commercial Solar Panel installers, our team can provide you with unmatched expertise in reducing your businesses’ carbon footprint. Whether you’re looking to cut your company’s costs, reduce your carbon footprint or apply a sustainable business strategy, the installation of commercial solar panels can offer your business a range of green benefits.

If you are ready to make the switch to commercial solar panels for your business, Deege Solar can help provide the ultimate energy solution. 

4kW Commercial Solar Panel System
Fitted From
9kW Commercial Solar Panel System
Fitted From
10kW Commercial Solar Panels with battery storage
Commercial Solar Panel System with Storage
Fitted From
50kW Commercial Solar Panels
Fitted From


Additional charges may apply for Grid Connections.

We Make UK Businesses Greener!

Our Latest Commercial Solar Installations

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Plug Into The Sun

Commercial Solar Case Studies

At Deege Solar we have installed Solar panels and EV Chargers for several businesses up and down the UK. From manufacturing plants to gun ranges and small restaurants, we have worked with a variety of commercial clients. Helping them to take advantage of the free, abundant energy source, which is the sun, and attract new customers with their upgraded parking facilities.

In the UK, Commercial and Miscellaneous services, such as private businesses are the highest energy-consuming sector. It is important that we transform the way commercial properties use energy, in order for the UK to reach its Net Zero Mission.

Take a look at our latest commercial solar panel installations and see how our team are helping businesses across the UK Plug Into the Sun, and become EV-ready!

Frequently Asked Questions About Commercial Solar Panels

Commercial solar is the use of solar energy to fulfil the energy needs of a business. Compared to residential systems, commercial solar panels are typically larger to absorb more light, and generate more energy to meet the higher demand of businesses. When it comes down to solar panels for businesses, in most cases the larger the panel the better. Whereas on domestic properties there tends to be greater space limitation. 

Commercial solar panels can be used to power both industrial processes and offices. Switching to solar energy is a fantastic way to reduce your business’s carbon footprint and energy bill. Although there are several different types of commercial solar panels, the most commonly installed systems use either Monocrystalline or Polycrystalline panels. These are the same types of solar panels used in residential installations also.

Business premises and community buildings are usually exempt from requiring planning permission. Even ground-mounted systems can be installed under ‘permitted development’. However, there are a few rules that must be followed in order to be exempt. These include:

  • Commercial solar panels need to be installed in a manner that minimises the impact of the overall building and general area’s appearance.
  • Flat roof solar installations must be less than 1m above the highest part of the roof. Excluding chimneys.
  • Roof-mounted installations are not permitted to protrude by more than 200mm from the roof’s surface.
  • Roof-mounted solar panels must be installed further than 1m away from the edge of the roof or wall joint.
  • In designated areas such as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, no solar panels are permitted to be installed on a wall or roof slope which faces a road.
  • A ground-mounted solar installation, must not be larger than 9m2.

You will need to gain planning permission if your solar panels are going to be installed on a building or property site that is of historical interest. This includes listed buildings, ancient monuments or world heritage sites. Prior approval is also required by the local planning authorities for any solar PV system greater than 50kW. Of course, Deege Solar are always here to give advice about any planning requirements for any type of solar panel installation. With over 13 years of experience in the industry, we are well-equipped with solar wisdom.

Most businesses are active during the daytime, which means they are likely to consume all the energy their solar panels generate. However, this isn’t always the case. If your rooftop is large enough to generate more electricity than your company is consuming, and your work operates outside the usual 9-5, a solar battery is viable. It all depends on your energy requirements.

This is why it is so important to book a free consultation and survey with Deege Solar, in order to have a tailored system designed for you. Call today on 01322 479369 to book yours!

With a renewed focus on the UK’s commitment to reaching Net Zero, there are always new schemes and grants arising to encourage the use of low-carbon technologies such as Solar PV. Current grants and incentives for the installation of commercial solar panels include:

  • Low Carbon Workspaces – The Low Carbon Workspaces grant helps businesses lower their carbon emissions and energy bills, by offering grants of up to £5,000 to invest in carbon-saving upgrades. This could be for the installation of solar panels, battery storage, insulation, or even LED lighting. Grants are available for Small to Medium Enterprises based in Berkshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Milton Keynes and Northamptonshire.
  • Power Purchase Agreement – A Solar PPA or Power Purchase Agreement allows an investor to pay and maintain the Solar PV at the commercial site. This would mean there is no upfront cost for the business using the site, yet they will be able to buy the Solar electricity from the investor at a cheaper rate than the National Grid.
  • Super Deduction – The super-deduction offers businesses 130 per cent first-year relief on qualifying main rate plant and machinery investments from April 1 2021 until March 31 2023. As commercial solar panels is an investment towards your running costs, it sure counts as long as it is claimed through your business.

If you are interested in finding out more, make sure to give the Green team at Deege Solar a call on 01322 479369.

The overall price of a commercial installation will depend on the size of the project, your energy usage, and if you require any extras, such as solar batteries or a fleet of EV Chargers. As you can see from our packages above, solar panels for businesses start from as little as £7995. This cost will cover:

  • Supply and Installation of the Solar PV Panels By yours truly Deege Solar.
  • An Inverter, Isolators and Cabling
  • Testing and Certification, including MCS, EPVS and IWA.

Grants, government schemes and our 100% Solar Panel Finance options make commercial solar viable for all businesses wanting to be green.

If your site has a decent-sized roof or plot of land, and your business has the long-term intention of staying on the premises for more than 10 years, solar is the perfect solution. Ideally, the business should own the freehold of the premises, or have a long-term lease over the property.

Deege Solar are expert Nationwide Commercial Solar Panel Installers. If you are interested in talking to a professional advisor simply Get In Touch.

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