Cheap Last Minute Flights & Airline Tickets

Last minute flights

Flights from as little as £136 per person

14 nights in Dublin, departing London City Airport on 18 / Jun / 2024 with British Airways

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  2. Last Minute Flights

Need a last minute flight?

It’s easy to be spontaneous with a little help from Netflights. Our clever price comparison tool helps you find the cheapest flights – we scan thousands of routes to track down the best bargains. Whether you’ve got a specific spot in mind for a last minute city break, or you’re happy with cheap flights to anywhere in the world, we’ll find a late deal for you. Here’s the lowdown on how to get cheap last minute flights, and where’s best to go for an impulsive getaway.

Cheap last minute flights

How to find last minute flights to anywhere
With Netflights, finding cheap flights couldn’t be easier – even if you want to fly very last minute. You can use our filters to search by date and destination to compare flight prices. When you get your results, check the flight times, as flying very early or very late will often be cheaper. It’s best to look at a range of airport options too. For example, if you want a late deal on flights to New York, we’d suggest comparing the prices of flights to all three airports, not just JFK. Equally, if you’re looking for last minute flights from London, you’ll have a better chance of finding a good price if you compare all five airports, rather than focusing specifically on flights from Heathrow or Gatwick. If you can be flexible on your route, booking flights last minute can certainly save you money.
Are last minute flights cheaper?
The jetsetters out there will be pleased to know that, generally, when it comes to finding cheap last minute flights, you’ll get a better deal the further you fly. When you look at price versus distance, flying long haul last minute is much better value for money. Booking a spontaneous trip somewhere exotic will often end up being cheaper than if you’d planned the same holiday in advance. Sounds like the perfect excuse, doesn’t it? Using our filters, you can hunt for last minute flights to Vegas, or search for a late deal on flights to Bangkok. Or, if you really want to embrace your impulsive side, you could even book flights to Australia.

Things to check before you fly

Prepare for your trip

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