Managerzone Tactics

ManagerZone tactics

Your tactics is one of the first things you should go over when you receive your team. Your tactics and formation is everything if you want to win games. You start by checking your players individual attributes to figure out who should play where and what players are the players to use. To see what the attributes of a player you simply move your mouse over the player and a square with all the info regarding that player pops up.

Depending on a players strengths and weaknesses you place him as a forward, midfielder or a fullback. You also need a goalie of course. To better understand what is important attributewise for each position see below:
  • Fullbacks: Tackling, Passing, Game intelligence, Header
  • Midfielders: Game intelligence, Passing, Ball control, Cross balls, Shooting, Set plays
  • Forwards: Shooting, Ball control, Speed, Header, Game intelligence, Passing
  • Goalie: The goalie attribute is the most important attribute
Above is just a guidline and it is of course good if a player is good in all aspects of the game as all attributes are used by all players (exeption is the goalie attribute).

In soccer manager before you place your players on the field you must decide what formation to play. This can be 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 for instance. As you place your players on the field (by drag and drop) you will see the formation to the right. Below the field you also have to choose what general tactics you want to play. You can choose between:
  • Long balls
  • Short passing
  • Use wings
There is no rule of which tactics works best. It all depends on the players you have and their individual attributes. You have to try various formations to find the best one for your team. Keep in mind that it also depends on what team you are playing and their selection of tactics.

In soccer manager you can also choose what type of agreession level and style you want to play.

Formation and tactics is something that you can change at any time before each game to best utilize each player. To make sure your new tactics is used in a game you want to make sure that you set it no later than 2 hours before a match. If you have a great tactics you can of course choose to keep it for as long as it works for you. If you do not place enough players on the field you risk losing by walk over.

To make it easy for you to match many players, and not have to changed them in and out of the field, you can set three formations and tactics. You see three tabs called tactics A, B and C. In this way you can use the C formation to play as your youth-team for example. On the upcoming matches screen, you can select which tactics to use for any upcoming games.

You should also have at least 3 substitues with you. On the bench there is a place with a long sleeved shirt which is for the goalie. If you want an extra goalie to be able to be substituted you want to place him there. You cannot change players yourself during the course of a game. It happens automatically if any of your players needs rest or gets hurt.

In soccer manager you cannot place any trainers on the tactics page and you should not. You can still play games even if you do not have any trainers (under the trainers button).
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