Are you ready for the return of Netflix's The Umbrella Academy? No? Does that mean you need to do a quick refresh on all of the characters before you dig into Season 2? Well, if that's the case, then look no further because we've cooked up the only cast and character guide you need to get up to speed.

The Umbrella Academy debuted on Netflix back in February 2019. Hailing from series creator Steve Blackman and adapted from the Gerard Way-Gabriel Bá Dark Horse Comics series of the same name, The Umbrella Academy follows seven adopted siblings born on the same day in 1989 who all have special superpowers. These children are just seven out of 43 children born on the same day, but they have the good fortune of being raised by the uber-wealthy Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Reginald is dedicated to training his children and honing their unique superpowers. After years of training, Reginald introduces them to the world as the Umbrella Academy, a team of young superheroes who rise to fame and international prominence through their superhero exploits. As the children grow up, however, the twists and turns of adulthood leave them a disparate group with plenty of issues that need to be figured out if they stand a chance at becoming a team once more and fighting off otherworldly threats.

Before you check out The Umbrella Academy Season 2, refresh your memory on Season 1 with our extensive cast and character guide below.

[Editor's note: The following contains spoilers for The Umbrella Academy Season 1.]

Allie Gemmill is the Weekend Contributing Editor for Collider. You can follow them on Twitter @_matineeidle.

Colm Feore as Sir Reginald Hargreeves

Image via Netflix

Colm Feore plays Sir Reginald Hargreeves, the definition of an eccentric billionaire. Season 1 begins with the death of Reginald, a mysterious and heartbreaking event meant to bring together the seven children he adopted and raised from infancy (with the help of Pogo, Grace, and a slew of nannies).

Throughout Season 1, we come to learn Reginald presided over the Hargreeves home with an iron fist. Preferring facts to feelings, Reginald presents as a thoroughly detached and emotionless man who cares more about the prestige of the Umbrella Academy and the abilities of his children rather than the well-being of said children. However, there are occasional flashbacks which show us that Reginald did have a soft spot for his children and, to some degree, did what he did in his time as a parent because he loved them.

Heading into Season 2, there are some mysteries that still need to be unpacked about Reginald and his past. We get a glimpse of that past in the Season 1 finale, where we see Reginald leave his dying wife and emigrate to America at the end of the 19th century/the beginning of the 20th century. There's also a mysterious glimpse of rockets blasting off outside his home as he watches his wife die, and absolutely zero explanation as to why Reginald is so dang old and yet still looks so relatively young. Guess we'll have to tune in to Season 2 to find out what's up with that.

Tom Hopper as Luther Hargreeves

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Aliases: Number One, Spaceboy

Tom Hopper plays Luther Hargreeves. A gentle giant with a heart of gold, Luther has always been dedicated to the Umbrella Academy and his siblings. His superpowers include super strength and enhanced durability. Over the course of Season 1, we watch as Luther tries to take the leadership role (which he used to do back when he and his siblings were a superhero team) as they all try to figure out why Reginald died and how to prevent the coming apocalypse.

We also learn in Season 1 that Luther was the only Hargreeves child to stay home and try to keep up the life of a superhero. Doing this cut Luther off from his siblings, all of who went out into the world to try and establish their own sense of self away from the Umbrella Academy. We also learn that the upper half of Luther's body has been transformed into that of a giant ape during a lifesaving operation performed after Luther went out alone on a mission at Reginald's request. Following Luther's shocking transformation, Reginald sent him on a years-long mission to the moon. Upon returning home for Reginald's funeral, Luther learns this mission was likely bestowed on him in an effort to give him a sense of purpose, rather than serve as a useful fact-finding mission.

David Castañeda as Diego Hargreeves

Image via Netflix

Aliases: Number Two, The Kraken

David Castañeda plays Diego Hargreeves, also referred to as "Number Two." Diego has the ability to curve any object he throws and ensure that that object hits his intended target. The projectile of choice for Number Two? Knives. Season 1 also makes it very clear Diego is a bit salty about his lot in life, resigning himself to coming in second behind Luther despite a keen interest in leading the Umbrella Academy. Diego is arguably the most emotional of the Hargreeves children and acts impulsively and from his gut. He also takes a protective stance toward Grace, the maternal presence in his life and the lives of his siblings.

Throughout Season 1, Diego is caught between trying to help Number Five in figuring out how the apocalypse comes about and investigating the series of petty crimes around town with his former flame, Detective Patch, which we come to learn are committed by Cha-Cha and Hazel (who are committing the crimes to find Number Five).

Emmy Raver-Lampman as Allison Hargreeves

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Aliases: Number Three, The Rumor

Emmy Raver-Lampman plays Allison Hargreeves. As one of her aliases illustrates, Allison has the ability to "rumor," or influence through mental manipulation, a person into doing whatever she says. In order to do this, Allison has to begin a sentence with, "I heard a rumor," before reeling off whatever command she wishes to influence a person into doing.

Season 1 introduces us to Allison as she makes her way down a red carpet. Having left the superhero life behind, she is now a famous actress. She is also in the midst of a separation and custody battle after her husband discovers she once rumored their daughter, Claire — which was definitely a no-go.

A majority of Season 1 sees Allison straddling the line divide between being an ally to Vanya, the family outcast, and her brothers. While she tries her best, Allison is rarely able to stay on everyone's good side all the time. She's committed to figuring out the circumstances behind Reginald's death and, in keeping with the investigative impulse, also tasks herself with figuring out WTF is up with Vanya's new boyfriend, Leonard Peabody (John Magaro).

Robert Sheehan as Klaus Hargreeves

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Aliases: Number Four, The Séance

Robert Sheehan plays Klaus Hargreeves, arguably the most free-spirited, louche, and tortured member of the Hargreeves clan. Klaus, a.k.a. "The Séance," has the ability to conjure the dead and is a psychic medium. Growing up, Klaus was fearful of his abilities to the point Reginald locked him in a crypt in an effort to rid him of his fear of spirits. This effort failed and, in adulthood, Klaus descended into drug and alcohol addiction so he could drown out the voices of the dead. The one spirit who has stayed by Klaus' side for more than a decade is Ben Hargreeves, following his accidental death as a teenager.

Season 1 is a rollercoaster for Klaus. He is initially recruited by Number Five to help him on his mission to stop the apocalypse. Just as his siblings start to leave him out of this as his drug and alcohol dependency leave him unfit to keep helping, Klaus is captured by Hazel and Cha-Cha during a raid on the Hargreeves home. Hazel and Cha-Cha press Klaus for information on Number Five's whereabouts, but, as Klaus begins to sober up, he gains the upper hand on his interrogators by unnerving them with information about their past missions gleaned from the spirits of their victims. Klaus ends up stealing the device which allows Hazel and Cha-Cha to travel through time and gets stuck in the late '60s for a whole year. In that time, he fights in the Vietnam War, falls in love with another soldier, and is profoundly changed by this experience.

Aidan Gallagher as Number Five

Image via Netflix

Aliases: The Boy

Aidan Gallagher is Number Five. That's right. Just Number Five. You see, Five missed out on getting a regular name because, when he was a teenager, he accidentally time-traveled a few few decades into the future and then got stuck.

A headstrong young man, Number Five was hellbent on proving to Reginald he could control his ability to not only teleport through space and time travel. Reginald forbids Five from doing this, resolute in the belief he is not ready. Being the overly confident teenager that he is, Five's experiments with time-traveling result in him traveling forward to 2019 and getting stuck. He arrives the day after the apocalypse and, realizing there are no survivors (including his family), spends the next 40-plus years in solitude.

Five is eventually recruited by The Handler (Kate Walsh) to become a time-traveling assassin for a shadowy agency known as The Commission. After years of service, Five absconds from his position at The Commission and attempts to return home to his family. He doesn't have the math quite right, though, and ends up returning home just a few days before the end of the world. From there, he and his siblings must use the clues he gathered during his time in the post-apocalypse to figure out how to stop everything from going to hell.

Justin H. Min as Ben Hargreeves

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Aliases: Number Six, The Horror

Justin H. Min plays Ben Hargreeves. Ben has been dead for well over a decade following a botched Umbrella Academy mission (about which exact details have never been revealed). Ben had a unique superpower: He could summon tentacles from a portal inside his stomach and cast them outward to grab and kill his target. Throughout most of Season 1, Ben serves as a kind of moral compass and companion to Klaus, the only person he can see and communicate with. His absence looms large over the Hargreeves family.

Ellen Page as Vanya Hargreeves

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Aliases: Number Seven, The White Violin

Ellen Page is Vanya Hargreeves, an accomplished violinist and the one member of the Hargreeves family who doesn't have superpowers. Or so she thinks.

When we meet Vanya at the beginning of Season 1, she is timid, a bit of a loner, and still trying to rebound with her siblings a few years after publishing a tell-all about life as an outsider looking in at the successes of the Umbrella Academy. Shunned for this, Vanya ekes out a life of solitude as a musician and eventually forms a romantic relationship with one of her adult music students, Leonard Peabody.

It is eventually revealed in Season 1 that Vanya does have superpowers, but those powers are so great that if she uses them to their full potential, she can — and eventually does — cause a world-ending apocalyptic event. Leonard tries to draw those powers out of Vanya after finding a way to trash the medication used to suppress her abilities. We learn Reginald suppressed with help from a very young Allison by getting her to rumor Vanya into forgetting her powers. As Leonard encourages Vanya to embrace that power, we learn her abilities stem from the power to manipulate sound waves. Those abilities include telekinesis, projecting sound, and controlling the weather. Because she has been cheated of a life of training to hone her skills, the sudden emergence of her powers coupled with the sadness and anger at learning what her family did to her leads her to transforming into The White Violin, the entity which her siblings must fight in order to try and prevent Vanya from bringing about the end of the world.

Adam Godley as Pogo

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Adam Godley voices Pogo, the elderly chimpanzee and former assistant to Reginald. Pogo is a caregiver and mentor to the Hargreeves children. He is also a guiding force in their lives, serving as the emotional translator for Reginald, who took a more detached, clinical approach to raising his adopted children. Pogo, on the other hand, was much kinder and was, effectively, the connective tissue between Reginald and the children.

Throughout Season 1, Pogo is seen trying to help the Hargreeves navigate Reginald's mysterious death. This gets tricky as it is slowly revealed Pogo knows much more than he lets on initially, leading to shocking twists and turns throughout the season. When the truth of Vanya's powers is finally reveals, she confronts Pogo amidst the destruction of the mansion. Pogo admits he knew what Reginald did to suppress Vanya's powers, leading Vanya to impale him on a set of antlers hanging in the library.

Jordan Claire Robbins as Grace

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Jordan Claire Robbins plays Grace, a.k.a. Mom. Grace is an android created by Reginald to care for the Hargreeves children. Like Pogo, Grace has been around for most of the Hargreeves' lives, with her role as a maternal figure growing exponentially over the years. By the time we meet in at the beginning of Season 1, it's clear she is not just the person who keeps house, but is also a friend and companion to both Pogo and Reginald (now that most of the children have grown up and moved out). Throughout the season, we see Grace has been integral in helping the children and giving them affection. Diego is especially close with Grace, as we see her helping him when he is a young boy trying to overcome a speech impediment. By the end of Season 1, we see Grace is killied along with Pogo as Vanya, transformed into The White Violin, destroys the Hargreeves mansion.

Cameron Britton as Hazel

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Cameron Britton plays Hazel, one half of the team assigned to kill Number Five after he ditches The Commission, the agency which oversees the preservation of the timeline as the Umbrella Academy characters know it.

Hazel may be an assassin, but he's also a big ol' softie who develops a sweet spot tooth for Gritty's Donut Shop owner Agnes (Sheila McCarthy). He is definitely the muscle of the operation, where Cha-Cha is more of the brains. Over the course of Season 1, Hazel begins to question the mission he and Cha-Cha are on as well as the work he's doing. When he learns of the coming apocalypse, he decides to quit The Commission once and for all in order to spend time with Agnes. Luckily, the pair escapes the fiery fate in store for the rest of the world.

Mary J. Blige as Cha-Cha

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Mary J. Blige plays Cha-Cha, the other half of the assassin duo assigned to kill Number Five after his return to 2019. Unlike Hazel, Cha-Cha is a stone-cold killer with no qualms about the work she has to do. She is far more willing to roll up her sleeves and get a little bloody while interrogating potential targets and remains a committed employee of The Commission throughout Season 1. Things don't end well for Cha-Cha when, after an entire season spent tracking down Number Five and fighting nearly every member of the Umbrella Academy, she is betrayed by Hazel and left for dead. We watch as Cha-Cha dies in the final moments of Season 1 as the apocalypse consumes the planet.

Kate Walsh as The Handler

Image via Netflix

Kate Walsh plays The Handler, a high-ranking official at The Commission. The Handler is confident, assured, and altogether shady from the get-go, which means you need to keep one eye on her as you watch The Umbrella Academy.

We're introduced to The Handler when she appears to the middle-aged Number Five in the fallout of the 2019 apocalypse. She offers Number Five a way out of his lonely life, extending to him the chance to become an assassin for The Commission and take out anyone at any point in time who threatens to disrupt the timeline, per The Commission's orders. The Handler's Season 1 arc is a bit all over the place from there. She recruits the teenage Number Five to once again work for The Commission in an effort to stop Hazel and Cha-Cha from killing the rest of the Hargreeves. When Number Five goes rogue again, she charges Hazel and Cha-Cha with resuming their mission to kill him (and the rest of the Umbrella Academy) in exchange for plum benefits courtesy of The Commission.

The Handler's Season 1 arc ends when Hazel returns to the hotel where The Handler is holding his girlfriend hostage and shoots The Handler, so the couple can make their escape before the world ends.