NiKo: "I feel like the most complete player in my career in this moment" |

NiKo: "I feel like the most complete player in my career in this moment"

Nikola "⁠NiKo⁠" Kovač feels he has reached his career-peak as a player, and is proud of it.

Another trophy is in the bag for NiKo

When all is said and done and we have moved on to CS2, NiKo may well go down as the greatest rifler CS:GO ever saw. Despite his immense talent and superlative ability, he hasn't always been able to win the trophies his individual level may have deserved.

In recent times G2 have managed to bulk out NiKo's resume with some impressive tournament wins, and now, having secured IEM Cologne to go with the Katowice trophy they won earlier in the year, the Bosnian rifler has added one more title to his cabinet.

Fresh from securing a trophy that eluded him for so long, NiKo sat down with HLTV to give his thoughts on the historic victory, his development as a player, and his opinions on his AWPer and IGL.

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NiKo named MVP of IEM Cologne

Just tell me how you’re feeling after winning that one?

Feeling amazing. Winning the last IEM Cologne in CS:GO is going to have a big place in my heart, I’m really happy that we managed to do this. It took me quite some time to win both Katowice and Cologne, and I’m happy it happened in the end.

Tell me a little bit about the journey from Katowice to here. Obviously you had the Major and things like that, how impressed are you that you managed to stick together and come through that period?

It hasn’t been easy. After the Paris Major we definitely were in a down period, and we all felt… no one was happy and satisfied obviously with the results, there’s no doubt, but I think we just have created a system that can win us the championships.

To be honest coming to this tournament, we did not come thinking we were going to go to the final and win in such a fashion, but we took it one game at a time and one round at a time, we just kept improving from each game. Every game was us doing better and better, building up the confidence, and being there for each other. By every game that we won we believed in ourselves even more, you believe in your teammate next to you.

I’m really proud of everyone in the team for this event, and I don’t care if we go to Riyad and lose in groups the next event, or even Pro League. Winning Katowice and Cologne is something that not many players have managed to achieve, in one year at least, so I’m happy for the whole team and really proud, including the whole staff behind us, not just the players. Everyone has put a lot of effort and work in, and yeah I’m happy that we are here today laughing and celebrating.

What about individually, as well? I think it’s your first HLTV LAN MVP for like 1300 days, something crazy, how much importance to you give to this MVP?

It’s been a long time since I managed to achieve this. It was just hard, ever since I joined G2 we had hard times against NAVI, s1mple was in his prime, so it was always hard to play versus them, but I never really thought about how to win an MVP, rather just how to win a trophy for the team, for the players, for the organization. That was the same today, the goal was just for me to help the team as much as I can, share my experience from the past that I have. I think that now I probably feel like the most complete player in my career in this moment, so I'm really happy and proud of myself for it. Winning an MVP is a great thing, but I'm just much more proud of myself, how I finally developed as a player.

Tell me a bit about how your role has developed. This aggressive rifler role is easy to be inconsistent in, how did you get into such a flow state this tournament? I think you had the same deaths-per-round as m0NESY, which in your role is crazy. Tell me about that.

It’s very tough, it’s hard for me to stay consistent in this role because a lot depends on the maps. On some maps I'm not in the position to shine, on some maps I have to sacrifice more, on some maps the team are playing more around me. It's hard to keep up the same numbers right now, but I think that I kinda mastered my role, mastered the positions that I am playing in. Obviously there is always room for improvement, but I'm now just really happy with how consistent I am as a player as well. The past six-seven months haven’t been that good for me, so I just started thinking about improvements, how I can be a better player and teammate.

This season at least, or the last two events, I am definitely doing much better, I feel much better individually. I think that mostly comes from my calmness, I think I am very calm right now and probably that’s why I have maybe less deaths, I don’t try to force things sometimes, I am just taking it a bit more… passive maybe, sometimes if I got two or three kills I would go for four, but now I rather maybe sit back, chill a bit, breathe. I think that's the biggest difference that I have made in this off-season.

NiKo attributes his recent consistency to a newfound calmness

What about in the arena itself? hunter- got the MVP at Katowice, m0NESY got the MVP at BLAST, and it was kind of the playoffs where you lost that MVP. What was different this time round in the arena.

For me, I don’t feel like that I played worse in the playoffs because of the crowd or anything like that, there also hasn’t been too many playoffs that I struggled in, right? There’s no doubt that my performance hasn’t been up to the expectations in playoffs, but I think that was just something temporary. If you look at my past events in my career, like three, four, five years ago, I never struggled in playoffs, maybe sometimes I might struggle in the final. Sometimes its very hard to perform in such important games in the roles I am playing in. Overall I don’t think too much about playoffs or anything, I think it was just something temporary. I think now with doing really good at Cologne, and also I think I did fine in Dallas, Washington, all these events, I’m not too worried about it. I’m looking forward to getting back onto stage again.

What about m0NESY, it was obviously very close in terms of the MVP race, what was it like playing with him this event?

He has been amazing. He won us the Ancient game, if it wasn’t for him maybe we would be playing Vertigo now, the map that I hate the most, so he has been amazing. It’s crazy that he can display such a performance in such an arena whilst being 18 years old, he has a lot to prove to everyone, he’s way better than his numbers are showing right now and he just needs more experience and trust in himself, that he can always go for the moves and crazy plays, that’s where he shines. Sometimes he tries to play a bit passive and play for the team, but he needs to take responsibility and show the world, and we need to play around him. I think that’s what he did really good this event on most of the maps, and this event should definitely help him develop more as a player, and as a person as well. I think you can see the development and how he has evolved as a player ever since he joined G2. I think here’s no stopping him.

On HooXi – it feels like he’s got his mojo back, would you describe it the same?

Yeah, he has been really amazing this event, he has proved a lot of people wrong. I think he is a leader that a lot of IGLs should look up to, he is doing a lot of things for the team and doing a lot of the right things. Really happy and proud of him, and as I said everyone should look up to him that wants to become an IGL, he’s a great captain overall and great player that everyone should respect now.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Nikola 'NiKo' Kovač
Nikola 'NiKo' Kovač
Rating 1.0:
Maps played:
2023-08-06 23:25
3 replies
2023-08-06 23:43
4thGOAT ; dev1ce > s1mple > ZywOo > NiKo
2023-08-08 22:05
1 reply
LOL good one dev0rce XDDD
2023-08-08 23:50
Europe ViperXZ
Happy for him.
2023-08-06 23:26
looking hench in the first pic
2023-08-06 23:27
Faceit Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
NiKo | 
Denmark zwank
2023-08-06 23:28
Serbia MatadoreN98
still 0 major xDDD
2023-08-06 23:29
7 replies
Argentina Tegu619
2023-08-07 00:03
nice fakeflag
2023-08-07 00:12
L. niko is goat rifle
2023-08-07 00:23
1 reply Decapitalized n still 0 major
2023-08-07 04:23
L :) fakeflagger
2023-08-07 11:53
Faceit level 5 Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
Serbia Nidzex
ae bre retarde
2023-08-08 08:06
1 reply
niko 0 major,karrigan 1 hahahah shame
2023-08-08 12:57
The only rifler in the game to come in the GOAT convo amongst AWPers ffs!! Niko <3
2023-08-06 23:30
55 replies
GTR, Cold and Olof wat
2023-08-06 23:33
53 replies
all relevant for 3 years lmao
2023-08-06 23:40
26 replies
in 3 years they won and peaked higher than NiKo in 7, but people have short memory
2023-08-06 23:42
25 replies
niko has been consistent top 2 since 2016, gtr fell off in 2015, cold as a LURKER was only relevant for two years, and i dont even know why you included olof in a goat rifler debate
2023-08-06 23:44
21 replies
in 3 years they won more than he did in 7, prove my point wrong
2023-08-06 23:46
19 replies
cold top 1 olof top 1 gtr top 1
2023-08-06 23:46
17 replies
nikos the goat because hes been at the top consistently... those guys peaked position higher breifly
2023-08-06 23:59
16 replies
How can you be the greatest of all time if you havnt even been the greatest at one point ;o
2023-08-07 00:23
9 replies
Brazil DinooxP
2023-08-07 01:52
If buffon never won ucl that makes dudek a better goalkeeper because he life gamed in ucl final?
2023-08-07 03:55
1 reply
One UCL final is not 3 consecutive seasons (as discussed about CS in this thread). And Buffon has never been goalkeeping GOAT. He was one of the best goalkeepers of his era, but not the greatest
2023-08-07 18:02
This is the same argument I have with Indian cricket fans that want to say Tendulkar was the best batsman ever. He wasn't even the best of the 90's and onwards era that he played in, he just lasted at the top level longer. Hence why ll of his records are 'most' and not 'best'. Most runs, most centuries, that kind of thing. But there were others who had better averages, higher individual scores and the like.
2023-08-07 04:45
because you are consistently at the top 5 and all time means ALL TIME not just 3 years. Peaking for 3 years is nothing compared to peaking in 8 years still being at the top. And niko has been good at any team that he has been, always carrying. Can you say the same for GTR, OLOF, and Cold? no you cant, because they had a good team system around them.
2023-08-07 10:27
United Kingdom ExCeL1234
he literally has he was best rifler of 2018 2020 and 2021... that's more than cold olof or gtr
2023-08-07 10:54
Faceit plus user Faceit level 8  | 
Poland Astoner55
What do you mean "havnt even been the greatest at one point"? He has. He was the best rifler in 2018, the best rifler in 2020, the best rifler in 2021, and is the best rifler of 2023 as of right now. That's literally more than Cold or Gtr, let alone Olof.
2023-08-07 12:08
2 replies
Greatest rifler, yes. Greatest player? no, so, realistically, he cant be a goat. I mean he's fully free and i'd love to see him change my mind and pop off a year and get a fat #1 :P
2023-08-07 17:10
1 reply
Faceit plus user Faceit level 8  | 
Poland Astoner55
I mean, nobody's saying he is the "greatest player of all time", but he is definitely the best rifler of all time. I think we can all agree that using the AWP is easier than using a rifle, and such ratings with rifle just cement NiKo as the greatest rifler of CSGO, he has been doing it consistently since 2015, and he has been the best rifler of the year 3 times already, with the 4th time most likely coming this year, as well. That's a hell of an achievement.
2023-08-07 18:00
Gtr and forest were on top for 10+ years lol
2023-08-07 05:11
1 reply
He is either too young or ignores 1.6 era)
2023-08-07 18:06
dupreeh has better longevity on these terms than NiKo.
2023-08-07 07:43
So device and dupreeh should be considered as Global Offensive GOATs by your logic? Consistency doesn't equal being the best of the best
2023-08-07 18:05
2 replies
device yes, dupreeh no, he was never best rifler and he wasnt at the top consistently
2023-08-07 19:55
1 reply
Device has never been better than simple and Zinedine, so he can't be considered the greatest of all time
2023-08-07 19:58
longetivity >>>
2023-08-07 00:24
Fr olof has such sloppy aim
2023-08-07 16:24
no short memory, this guy wasn't even around
2023-08-07 00:06
oh fuck off, niKo clears these 2 year peakers
2023-08-07 00:23
1 reply
Faceit level 10  | 
Aleksib | 
Finland Toucherofgrass
What if I told you there was competitive CS before csgo? Niko is standing on the shoulders of giants like gtr and neo
2023-08-07 09:06
Are they relevant today? No Has Niko been relevant since his Mouz days? Yes Stop baiting please
2023-08-06 23:49
6 replies
following the logic of your argument in a few years when NiKo is washed up (which is natural) we will be able to trashtalk NiKo and boast Donk, even though he won less than NiKo
2023-08-06 23:53
GTR was relevant 8 years before NiKo joined mousesports
2023-08-07 05:07
Europe Japcsali
two digit IQ take
2023-08-07 08:10
3 replies
makes sense you wouldn't understand a 2 digit IQ can be 99 as well with your single digit IQ
2023-08-07 08:41
2 replies
Europe Japcsali
With the pajeet flag you know it damn well I had the 30-40 range in mind. Keep seething though
2023-08-07 08:50
1 reply
Go racist once you lose argument and you talk to me about IQ lmfao while you hide behind an EU flag XD 30-40 is still more than your single digit IQ though
2023-08-07 09:02
literally none of those are in the GOAT convo lmao
2023-08-06 23:53
12 replies
They are more than NiKo recency bias
2023-08-06 23:54
11 replies
Goat contenders are s1mple and device miles ahead of everyone. With cologne and katowice NiKo isn't as irrelevant anymore. He is the closest to those two even tho the gap between him and s1mple/device is quite long. Idc how many majors coldzera has, he has been relevang for only 2 years. I don't care about gtrs top 1s because he played in the worse and got progresively worse as the scene improved. And olof as well, had he not injured his wrist he might have had a longer career, however same as cold, got washed too quick. To be a goat you also need longevity which gtr, cold and olof didn't have in csgo.
2023-08-07 00:29
10 replies
I'd say the gap is only big due to Niko not winning majors in his time playing cs tbh, if he had won a few majors id put him close if not level to Device and Simple, might not be an awper, but the guys a god with a deagle and rifle. Shame really because he does deserve a major
2023-08-07 00:52
Cold got 2 majors consecutively with Luminosity/SK.
2023-08-07 04:47
2 replies
That's still not good enough, only 2 years in tier 1, 2 years...
2023-08-07 10:08
1 reply
#82 are my thoughts on the relevance of time. If you are talking about the greatest of all time, if you only reach that level for a short period, so be it. You're still better than the rest in the time you were.
2023-08-07 10:27
Europe Japcsali
What a massive cope. Based on this retarded logic, to be a goat: you don't have to win anything, you just have to be in tier1 for 64+564654654654654654 years
2023-08-07 08:12
1 reply
Nope. You have to be on top in tier 1 for a long time. Go checks NiKo's top 20 placeings. This year he will be minimum top 3 as well and now that he has won kato and cologne he has the trophies.
2023-08-07 10:08
Cold at his peak absolutely murdered mr niko while niko being in faze. Cold was untouchable in his prime niko, s1, etc everyone who is at the top now has been destroyed by cold. Hes done more in 2 years than any other player. Consistency? Gtr was at the top in 2 different games. Then you still have dupreeh whos been playing since the start and has the most majors with 2 different teams. peak - cold consistent - dupreeh niko is far away from both.
2023-08-08 00:53
3 replies
Cold didn't murder mr niko in 2017. Cold and niko's fight for top 1 was decided due to events won because rating vise they were almost the same. Cold had a better team, that's all. S1mple also had a higher rating in 2017 then coldzera. As for dupreeh, a lot of majors sure, but was he ever as good as Niko in any of the years he has played ? Niko's worst year (2019) rivals dupreehs best. It's cute that people try to argue against it but even the biggest names in the scene are agreeing with the fact that NiKo is the goat rifler, deep down you also know it but for whatever reason you will argue that a guy whos career lasted for 2 years is somehow above NiKo.
2023-08-08 00:59
2 replies
Id never pick niko, if i can choose between cold, dupreeh, even rain. I dont understand how you measure niko being above any of the legends. Now with dupreeh you are bringing stats, which is the only thing niko has above dupreeh. Even if niko wins a major, you cant put him above any of them. Achievements, majors niko still cannot catch with them, even with 5+ more years of playing. Saying cold had a better team, while niko playing with the best or second best igl, guardian, rain is just a bullshit. Do you think niko couldve done better than cold in sk? Maybe before the big stage. Cold has saved sk/lg so many times in the major, niko has had one really good major, but he choked, you cant deny it. And not the first time. All these legends have highlights on the biggest stage, niko mostly in the groups and his biggest highlight in a major final is the deagle against s1mple. Niko - ibrahimovic, nowhere near cr7 or messi, even if they retire and hes still playing in his 50s
2023-08-08 10:54
1 reply
NiKo is already above them, you can try all you want but your blind hate is just pure delusion at this point. Saying that even rain would be better then niko you are either baiting or mega low iq.
2023-08-08 11:29
Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
Europe chespiZ
is 2023 dude wtf u awake n 2015
2023-08-07 00:07
And yet still none of them even compete with Niko when it comes to being Goat Rifler
2023-08-07 00:47
+1 f0rest, NEO also if we're talking about all of CS
2023-08-07 05:07
2 replies
NiKo | 
Portugal lies2
Wtf are you saying lmao If they all had their peak at the same moment, s1mple, zywoo, device, niko would all wipe the floor with that guys. They were good, but not this good.
2023-08-07 08:17
1 reply
You dont know what goat means. steph curry would wipe the floor with MJ but MJ is the goat. You compare them to their field at the time buddy They literally dominated 1.6 also niko isnt even in the goat convo. One of the best players sure, goat? no shot.
2023-08-07 17:39
This is just Brazilian cope mechanism
2023-08-07 08:53
Costa Rica YeAreGods
Not in convo at all
2023-08-06 23:35
jL | 
United States KevinUSA
Finally NiKo! Congrats!
2023-08-06 23:31
did all these stuff while playing ENTRY my GOAT
2023-08-06 23:32
2 replies
which is even better , goat stuff
2023-08-06 23:34
that's why he's the greatest rifler GOAT
2023-08-07 03:36
complete with 0 majors 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 copium max level twistzz achievements >>>>>>> choko achievements
2023-08-06 23:37
13 replies
Alright captain Canada no one cares
2023-08-06 23:43
I'll help you understand better, he feels like he's the best he's ever been as a player. must be hard when your native language is english
2023-08-06 23:47
9 replies
feeling good when no one else wants to play and just waiting for new game... zzzzzzzzzzzzz
2023-08-06 23:47
7 replies
Bosnia and Herzegovina Biske
2023-08-06 23:51
4 replies
online half of 2021 was higher level of cs than cologne 2023, keep holding on to mickey mouse trophy gambit 2021 > g2 2023
2023-08-06 23:58
3 replies
Why is making yourself sound like an idiot the new way of baiting on HLTV ? But people still fall for it which is even worse.
2023-08-07 00:54
2 replies
It's funny
2023-08-07 01:21
i agree with you....he is big donkey
2023-08-07 09:29
Man i love twistzz but youre a total donkey holy L
2023-08-07 00:24
1 reply
Costa Rica YeAreGods
I mean he's CA,so understandable
2023-08-07 00:31
2023-08-07 06:39
he meant as a complete player not complete acomplishments, learn to read and use brain
2023-08-07 00:26
I will answer you whit the following. Where has been Twistzz in term of stats since their last trophy? think about that.
2023-08-08 22:39
goat rifler
2023-08-06 23:37
Bangladesh ImpacT_
2023-08-06 23:39
There will never be another Niko
2023-08-06 23:45
19 replies
2023-08-07 00:05
4 replies
Romania ANa_GOAT
sorry but no
2023-08-07 00:32
3 replies
Sleeping on donk , he's destroying everybody at 16
2023-08-07 00:51
2 replies
Romania ANa_GOAT
i love donk brother, the kid is only 16 y o and destroying t2 already but no one will be above NiKo IMO
2023-08-07 00:52
NiKo | 
Portugal lies2
How many players have destroyed tier 2 and then failed massively on tier 1? Donk will not meet your expectations, stop being delusional
2023-08-07 08:20
2023-08-07 00:27
Russia KopHuLLloH
amen for that. dislike the guy heavily for his personality
2023-08-07 01:24
12 replies
So you dislike the personality of a winner? Why?
2023-08-07 02:26
11 replies
Russia KopHuLLloH
No, I don't dislike the personality of a winner, I never said that. Like for example I'm happy about m0NESY winning because he is a joy to watch and one of the few things from my country I'm not utterly ashamed of. But I do dislike personality of Niko. Why? Because he is toxic. And annoying (but that one is subjective). You might ask for proof next so I have some: - here some people (chrisJ included) argue that all he wanted to do there is to make chrisJ stop arguing with dennis but if you do it the way he did - you are toxic. Thus - he is toxic. Also: - this one is a gem. Kid has nerve to call noobs the likes of woxic and even XANTARES, like wtf?
2023-08-07 03:41
10 replies
lmao? your proof is awful, yea a 20 year old kid on an international roster doesn't know how to perfectly stop teammates from arguing over something so simple? toxic piece of shit. woxic and xantares are noobs, what has woxic done since covid? what has xantares done? xantares is the biggest onliner he actually is a noob how are you acting surprised. and it's just him raging to himself it's not like he's flaming them to their face and being toxic. get better arguments bozo
2023-08-09 08:06
9 replies
lol are you a fanboy or something? even IF, and it's a big IF, they are noobs - calling them noobs every time they kill you is a telltale sign of being a noob yourself, or hypocrite, or a toxic. Or all at once. And he does this on stream, so he doesn't even try to act professional. Which is again, at best shows his true colors. And if the best you can come up with as a 20yo(not 16, not even 18) guy with foreigners around you is yelling "shut up" you either antisocial which niko clearly isn't, or an idiot, which is debatable, not implying anything, or a pathological toxic which only makes sense considering what i wrote above. so get a reality check bozo, niko is toxic
2023-08-09 08:36
8 replies
Your only clips against Niko are how many years old? Lmao you can't even get any up to date "evidence" because there is none, he's grown up from the time he was 20 and didn't know how to properly handle a confrontation in the team. You're clearly just a Niko hater if you can't understand its a difficult situation for him.
2023-08-10 09:52
7 replies
no "up to date" evidence doesn't prove him not being toxic these days, it only proves that there is no evidence of him being wholesome. Also there is no proof of that, again, but i can assure that in my 20 years of age i was way better at handling conversations with people the same gender as me no matter where they are from. But that 2nd paragraph you have a full right to take with a grain of salt. 1st one is the reality
2023-08-11 22:21
6 replies
Lol okay your 20 years old and think you know everything, grow up and stop hating niko for 0 reason.
2023-08-21 18:10
5 replies
I stated my reasons clearly: he objectively is toxic, he is objectively bad at basic communications and nothing today proves otherwise. And I am older than 20 years, and judging by how you are taking this conversation, I'm older than both you and niko combined...
2023-08-21 21:15
4 replies
Lol, you're acting like a child and ignoring my argument of the fact your clips are almost as old as you are at this point. He is clearly not objectively toxic or bad at basic communications otherwise there's no way G2 could function properly and win 2 of the biggest tournaments of the year. You're just a childish hater, do not respond to me anymore unless you wanna grow up.
2023-08-23 05:06
3 replies
dude, please, get over it, i already said hat nothing today proves otherwise as a counter to your "old clips" argument. And winning 2 tourneys does not prove otherwise especially since the consistency is lacking. I understand your opinion, i disagree, that's it. You being so vulnerable and constantly throwing words like "child", "childish" and "hater" doesn't help your cause, because that's not how you change someone's opinion on things So perhaps you should just deal with the fact i consider niko toxic unless there is a depth in your arguments against that.
2023-08-23 09:58
2 replies
Your disagreement is dumb because your "evidence" is at best 6 years old and you can't find anything newer because he GREW UP unlike you.
2023-08-25 05:51
1 reply
dude. I GET IT, YOU DISAGREE WITH ME. Please stop embarrassing yourself. You presented a point, i countered it, and you still trying to sell the same point almost crossing the line of being personal and go into full insulting mode... I don't care, that you "disagree with my disagreement". I think niko is toxic and all you seem to have against it is "but you're wrong" type of thing. Please, get over it
2023-08-25 18:08
Choko no major
2023-08-06 23:46
4 replies
Choko? He just won Cologne and was crowned as the MVP of the event with no red stats in every match-
2023-08-07 01:03
3 replies
Japan JadzStar
Show me the stats from every Major he has won. Oh wait..
2023-08-07 12:56
2 replies
What if he has no major? The fact that you belittling him as he just won Cologne tells a lot.
2023-08-07 15:58
cologne >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> majors majors are just bo1 random dogshit playoff simulators, if you think vitality's paris major win is more impressive than g2's cologne win seek help
2023-08-09 08:12
Bosnia and Herzegovina Biske
2023-08-06 23:51
Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
Destroyer | 
Other Marauder_
well to bad all the other teams are utter trash at the moment, cause then I would feel that way as well
2023-08-07 00:03
Best player ever if we exclude the awp abusers
2023-08-07 00:12
2023-08-07 00:23
niKo goat
2023-08-07 00:24
2023-08-07 00:25
jks | 
Poland Limbos
gg legend
2023-08-07 00:36
donk | 
United States tkzx71
nice, go support russia again now, bit
2023-08-07 00:42
NiKo may be the most consistent csgo player of all time. Congrats!
2023-08-07 00:42
2023-08-07 00:44
2023-08-07 01:07
Russia KopHuLLloH
complete with 0 majors. Man the fact G2 with the likes of niko got to win this... Oh well...
2023-08-07 01:23
1 reply
Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
Europe 0only1
They stopped counting that at G2, since it is fairytale story to them :D
2023-08-07 01:48
Nik0 major
2023-08-07 01:27
1 reply
Cologne 2023 > Paris 2023 You cant change that
2023-08-13 10:21
Very nice! ^^
2023-08-07 01:29
great to hear mr niko!
2023-08-07 03:18
Happy for him :D
2023-08-07 03:51
Niko POG he deserved a lot
2023-08-07 03:52
Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
Malaysia biatche
niko deserves to be in the goated list. very few players remain in top10 after all the years namely device, niko, simple most others lost relevance after some years. coldzera is a prime example.
2023-08-07 04:10
5 replies
Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
France cedd
gtr and f0rest were top players for last like 3-4 years of 1.6 before dominating first 2 years of csgo also dont forget
2023-08-07 05:23
1 reply
Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
Malaysia biatche
yah i think a goated list should include years of relevance
2023-08-07 05:29
Conveniently skipping ZywOo who has 4 top 2 appearance in 4 years and will most likely add #1 this year ?
2023-08-07 13:35
2 replies
Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
Malaysia biatche
i like zywoo but zywoo is just 3-4 years. device niko simple are many more years.
2023-08-07 14:46
1 reply
5 years in 2023 1 major 3 top 1, 2 top 2
2023-08-07 23:33
for living legend NiKO a minute of silence pls
2023-08-07 04:56
b1t | 
India Mr_UNX
Complete players have major Keep coping
2023-08-07 06:03
Proud of u niko, aim god
2023-08-07 06:07
kassad would be so turned on right now
2023-08-07 07:32
Greatest Rifle of All Time. Top 5 (at least) of All Time. Only rifle to lead a team in an AWP dominated game. What a Legend :)
2023-08-07 08:06
There is no such thing as GOAT, really stupid to compare. Only would work for some GAPS of time, for example 5 years or similar. Also really stupid to put in oldschools, game is progressing and competition is much bigger today then it was back then. You can't win now 87 maps in a row like NiP did back then. If you were extremely good back then there were like 2-3 teams who can compete against you. Now there are a lot of teams and technology which will help to counter anyone. Congratz to Niko and i think he is on right path, i don't see him anymore malding or raging so much, and it helps to fade away Choko, also it is good that besides him there are other players who can be carry map, mostly M0nesy who's consistence is pretty fine. I am not sure about Hooxi, but results show that it works, i am sure his calmness helps a lot.
2023-08-07 08:55
France ignorefAN
So happy for Niko <3
2023-08-07 09:01
well deserved Niko, legend
2023-08-07 09:27
United States vox_3
Niko > s0mple
2023-08-07 10:27
NiKo | 
Estonia 3pok
I am so happy that Niko won a really imported trophie
2023-08-07 10:49
complete wo Major
2023-08-07 12:24
Russia monkasam
"THE MOST COMPLETE PLAYER IN MY CAREER" he's the best player in his chair
2023-08-07 13:36
There is something NiKo lacks of - starts with M and ends with R
2023-08-07 16:03
1 reply
2023-08-11 08:58
"if it wasn’t for him maybe we would be playing Vertigo now, the map that I hate the most" THEN WHY THE FUCK YALL STILL PERMA BANNING OVERPASS LIKE WTF!?!?!
2023-08-07 16:07
Serbia nebuloza
2023-08-07 17:07
Romania AIexoo
best rifler oat
2023-08-07 17:40
Brazil boobee
gz Nikola
2023-08-07 18:10
Complete player without the most important trophy xd
2023-08-07 18:52
big words after 1 fluke trophey
2023-08-07 23:03
where major
2023-08-07 23:19
Old school: User been here for more than 10 years  | 
Boombl4 | 
United Kingdom Umeroff
True veteran of our scene. Its nice to see you finally win a Cologne at the backend of this game's era. Really happy for you Nikola.
2023-08-08 03:47
lol "sure"
2023-08-08 04:23
2023-08-08 17:34
there are no majors, nobody cares about CS GO, all people are just waiting for CS2 and no team is fully playing at their best level, wtf is this guy even saying, u won the worst cologne in terms of play level amazing
2023-08-08 20:38
*solo* player, not team player, your Ego is too big for co-op games and that brings whole team motivation down.
2023-08-09 09:05
csgo GOAT NiKo
2023-08-09 12:42
Brazil Sukoru
- final against a fluke tier 2 team that got lucky - not a major - getting carried by monesy everygame - team built around him yet struggle to deliver - mental breakdown in most matches - "everyone is the problem but me" - CHOKO "I FEEL LIKE THE MOST COMPLETE PLAYER IN MY CAREER IN THIS MOMENT" That's because you won nothing since the FaZe days. Overrated and problematic player.
2023-08-10 15:19
1 reply
cry me a river
2023-08-11 22:23
Would love to have seen Niko now vs F0rest in his peak. Interesting duel.
2023-08-10 18:31
1 reply
f0rest would get smoked
2023-08-13 12:57
not good enough to bring major thropy
2023-08-12 20:14
3 replies
but good enough to be 10x better than any polish player
2023-08-14 00:23
2 replies
right now - maybe. but in the history? i dont think so
2023-08-14 07:29
1 reply
old VP players had a peak for max 2 years but niko is at the top since 2016. yes he has no majors but he still has high hltv rankings and has important trophies.
2023-08-14 17:46
Hungary kaiNee
major win might come in CS2
2023-08-14 18:44
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