LOOK: Sarah Lahbati Shows Her Stretch Marks in an Empowering Post | Preview.ph StyleBible Preview magnifier-2-icon menu-icon user-icon

Sarah Lahbati Shows Her Stretch Marks for the First Time in an Empowering Post

"I'm tired of hiding my stretch marks. I'm not perfect. No one is."
Sarah Lahbati Shows Her Stretch Marks for the First Time in an Empowering Post
PHOTO: Instagram/sarahlahbati
"I'm tired of hiding my stretch marks. I'm not perfect. No one is."

At the end of the day, the things we see on everyone's social media barely scratches the surface of their reality. Even someone who appears to have the dreamiest, most Instagram-worthy life with endless vacations and extravagant garb can have their off days, and while we don't always hear about it, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. After all, it's not easy to air out your problems, especially to millions of people.

However, when public figures do gather the courage to open up, it's always nothing short of refreshing. Case in point: Sarah Lahbati's honest and empowering post about embracing what she deems her biggest insecurityโ€”ย her stretch marks.

On January 26, the actress and mom of two shared unedited photos of her in a black bikini by Boom Sason. It wasn't just any bikini, though, but a pair with low-waist bottoms that freely show her abdomen. Sarah usually wears high-waisted swimsuits that cover this area and her sides.

sarah lahbati stretch marks
PHOTO BY Instagram/sarahlahbati

"Iโ€™m tired of hiding my stretch-marks. Iโ€™m not perfect. No one is. Whatโ€™s funny is it took me awhile to accept that," Sarah wrote on the post.

"Took me some time to realize that my stretch marks are my best tattoos. A reminder that I am a strong and resilient woman whose been through a lot but most importantly, Iโ€™ve given birth to my two dearest sons, Zion and Kai. My angels. I am loved, understood & cherished by my husband. I couldnโ€™t ask for anything more."

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The 28-year-old also opened about her struggle with self-love, saying, "Iโ€™ve always been ready to give all of me for my loved ones but never poured that same cup to myself."

sarah lahbati stretch marks
PHOTO BY Instagram/sarahlahbati

Ending the post, Sarah puts out a genuine reminder for others and her own mantra for self-acceptance: "This may sound dumb to you, but I just wanna let you know that you are enough and beautiful.


"Iโ€™m grateful to be alive, to be loved, messy, and to be fully myself. Wouldnโ€™t have it any other way. Took awhile for me to get here. But here I am. Proud. Cheers to all of you, women."

Cheers, Sarah!

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