ILLEGITIMATE - Traducción al español - lcp

"illegitimate" en español

Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages


volume_up US /ˌɪ(l)ləˈdʒɪdəmət/volume_up UK /ˌɪlɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/
adjective1. [child] ilegítimoMonolingual examplesManapat said Poe was born as the illegitimate child of an already married Spanish father and an American mother, and thus should have acquired the citizenship of his mother under Philippine law.East AsianBetween 1949 and 1956, approximately 2,700 so-called illegitimate children were born there.CanadianHe writes that his first experience of the police came through his unruly boyhood and that he is the father of an illegitimate child, born while he was a military police officer in South Korea.BritishWhen you mention that, illegitimate children, that is one of the things which in a generation, twenty years or so, attitudes have changed wholesale.Australian2. (formal) [claim/act] ilegítimoMonolingual examplesDenying one group their rightful possession of property, acquired according to these rules, was the illegitimate exercise of government powers and was unjust.North AmericanIn any event, the exclusion of them from the balancing exercise is likewise illegitimate.BritishSexual harassment in the workplace is an illegitimate exercise of power.North AmericanIt enforces an illegitimate system of unfair rules and operates with undemocratic procedures.British3. (contrary to logic) (formal) inválido

illegitimate {adjetivo}

1. general
illegitimate (también: insincere)
illegitimate (también: insincere, spurious)
bastardo {adj.} (ilegítimo)
espúreo {adj.} [form.] (hijo)
2. "child"
Article 290 is therefore a product of the illegitimate Lisbon Treaty.
Por tanto, el artículo 290 es un producto del ilegítimo Tratado de Lisboa.
We must demand that observers also be allowed to monitor this illegitimate referendum.
Hemos de exigir que se permita a los observadores controlar este referendo ilegítimo.
The Burmese military dictatorship is now in its 43rd year of illegitimate rule.
La dictadura militar de Myanmar lleva ya 43 años de régimen ilegítimo.
3. "claim, act", formal
Article 290 is therefore a product of the illegitimate Lisbon Treaty.
Por tanto, el artículo 290 es un producto del ilegítimo Tratado de Lisboa.
We must demand that observers also be allowed to monitor this illegitimate referendum.
Hemos de exigir que se permita a los observadores controlar este referendo ilegítimo.
The Burmese military dictatorship is now in its 43rd year of illegitimate rule.
La dictadura militar de Myanmar lleva ya 43 años de régimen ilegítimo.
4. "contrary to logic", formal

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "illegitimate" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

In other words, do not send election observers there for an illegitimate election.
Es decir, que no envíen observadores electorales a unas elecciones ilegítimas.
This is a debate about how to further an illegitimate United States of Europe.
Es un debate sobre cómo impulsar unos ilegítimos Estados Unidos de Europa.
The Burmese military dictatorship is now in its 43rd year of illegitimate rule.
La dictadura militar de Myanmar lleva ya 43 años de régimen ilegítimo.
We must demand that observers also be allowed to monitor this illegitimate referendum.
Hemos de exigir que se permita a los observadores controlar este referendo ilegítimo.
We must demand that observers also be allowed to monitor this illegitimate referendum.
Mi Grupo desearía que el Parlamento enviara observadores el 17 de octubre.
Its illegitimate, brutal and dangerous government must be dealt with firmly.
Tenemos que tratar con firmeza a su Gobierno, un Gobierno ilegítimo, brutal y peligroso.
Article 290 is therefore a product of the illegitimate Lisbon Treaty.
Por tanto, el artículo 290 es un producto del ilegítimo Tratado de Lisboa.
I want the EU to say that the fight against terrorism can never be waged by illegitimate means.
Es obvio que debe lucharse por los derechos humanos una y otra vez, cada día.
totally illegitimate, because these are policies that fly in the face of the
tales políticas son decididamente contrarias al verdadero interés
If we went further we could even talk about illegitimate government support.
Si se va más lejos, puede hablarse de una ayuda estatal ilegal.
Each year, a large number of illegitimate asylum seekers enter the EU.
Cada año entran en la UE una gran cantidad de personas que solicitan el asilo de forma ilegítima.
I am pleased that the EU and its Member States have not recognised his illegitimate government.
Me complace que la Unión Europea y sus Estados miembros no hayan reconocido este gobierno ilegítimo.
Today, we hear them claiming that the result of the referendum in Spain was somehow illegitimate.
Hoy les oímos decir que el resultado del referendo celebrado en España ha sido en cierto modo ilegítimo.
We should not assume that everything that prevents unfettered free trade is an illegitimate obstacle.
No deberíamos dar por sentado que todo lo que impide el libre comercio sin límites es un obstáculo ilegítimo.
What we are therefore doing now is to legitimise what we have considered to be illegitimate on two occasions.
Por lo tanto, lo que estamos haciendo ahora es legitimar lo que hemos considerado ilegítimo en dos ocasiones.
The election is illegitimate, because the incumbent president came to power as a result of a coup d'état.
Las elecciones son ilegales, pues el Presidente en funciones se hizo con el cargo por medio de un golpe de Estado.
Africa must not be a territory in which illegitimate governments are accepted as though this were an inevitability.
África no debe ser un territorio en el que los gobiernos ilegítimos se acepten como si fuera algo inevitable.
At the European Council, we might have expected to hear the whole truth about the illegal and illegitimate war in Iraq.
En el Consejo Europeo habría cabido esperar toda la verdad sobre la guerra ilegal e ilegítima en el Iraq.
Last Sunday, the generals constituted their own government which, in my view, must be regarded as illegitimate.
El domingo pasado, los generales constituyeron su propio Gobierno que, en mi opinión, debe considerarse ilegítimo.
So the Constitution, despite its rejection in two referendums, is undemocratic, cowardly and illegitimate.
Así pues, la Constitución, a pesar de haber sido rechazada en dos referendos, no es democrática, es cobarde e ilegitima.
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English Cómo usar "illegitimate" en una frase

He had no legitimate children, though contemporary rumours suggested he might have had several illegitimate children.
There are a lot of doubters out there who see military justice and the military commission system as tainted or illegitimate...
He is the illegitimate son of the president, who hates his father for not recognizing him as a son.
Libertarian socialism also constitutes a tendency of thought that promotes the identification, criticism, and practical dismantling of illegitimate authority in all aspects of life.
This is in effect for both legitimate and illegitimate children who are claimed by the parent or parents.

English Cómo usar "illegitimately" en una frase

A review of all national honours since 1960 should be undertaken so that those who had earned them illegitimately should be dishonoured.
Hegemony in a politics system can be legitimately or illegitimately gained.
I'll go further and profess that true libertarians, wealthy or poor, would be ideologically opposed toward contributing to such an oppressive, coercive, and illegitimately influential agenda.
There would be no arbitrary appropriation of the wealth illegitimately and illegally accumulated by the white community over the centuries.
And if such huge sum of money can illegitimately be in the house of judges, then what is this system we are operating?

English Cómo usar "illegitimate child" en una frase

He is the illegitimate child of a rock music superstar who doesn't care for him.
However, because he is an illegitimate child, he can not sit for any government exams and thus, can not take a position as officer.
A tragic character and an illegitimate child of a conglomerates owner.
An amended version of the ceremony was also used for situations where an illegitimate child might otherwise result: the father had to marry the pregnant woman in such circumstances.
And now she is stuck with an illegitimate child.

English Cómo usar "illegitimate daughter" en una frase

One anecdote in the book details a bishop being blackmailed by an illegitimate daughter.
He died in 2012, leaving behind an illegitimate daughter.
He never married, but had one illegitimate son and two illegitimate daughters.
There was certainly an illegitimate daughter born around this time.
Minx sought her illegitimate daughter's forgiveness for abandoning her.

English Cómo usar "illegitimate son" en una frase

But we know he was the illegitimate son of a rich sugar cane farmer and that he was a troublemaker at school.
He is the illegitimate son of the family patriarch and the black cook.
The priest tucked the two illegitimate sons under his cloak at the wedding ceremony.
He was introduced as an illegitimate son who never saw his father until after the latter's death.
The illegitimate son of a wealthy man, he's inherited a fortune, but struggles with the trivialities of social life.

English Cómo usar "ilegítimamente" en una frase

Será reprimido con prisión de un mes a dos años, el que se apoderare ilegítimamente de una cosa mueble, total o parcialmente ajena.
Demandar la devolución a los pueblos de las riquezas ilegítimamente habidas por las dictaduras, los gobiernos corruptos y las empresas transnacionales cómplices de estos hechos.
Podrá solicitar ante el funcionario respectivo, la actualización de los datos o su rectificación, eliminación o anulación, si fueren erróneos o afectaren ilegítimamente sus derechos.
Descuiden, que ya llegará el momento en que tocará revolverse contra ellos para poner sus recursos, ilegítimamente obtenidos, al servicio de la juventud esquilmada.
No quieren perder los derechos que han conseguido ilegítimamente.

English Cómo usar "niño ilegítimo" en una frase

Cuando llamamos a un niño ilegítimo estamos atentando contra sus medios de vida.
Al dar las cifras sobre nacimientos de niños ilegítimos atribuidos a los turnos de trabajo nocturno, dejó a un lado que éstas databan de 1801.

English Cómo usar "niña natural" en una frase

Una niña natural y espontanea con un gran carisma es lo que yo creo que el jurado esta buscando.

English Cómo usar "hijo ilegítimo" en una frase

Herzen era hijo ilegítimo de un aristócrata y dejó su país con su familia en 1847.
También vaticina cambios de lugar de residencia o hijos ilegítimos si la imagen aparece distorsionada.
Tradicionalmente, esta zona se reserva para los hijos ilegítimos y los suicidios.
Se volverá a hinchar con el tomo 5, seguro que no le sale un hijo ilegítimo para disfrutarlo.
Aparte de sus 15 hijos de sus dos matrimonios, se le conocieron alrededor de 85 hijos ilegítimos, pero hay quienes refieren más de cien.

English Cómo usar "hijo natural" en una frase

Cuando el padre reconozca un hijo natural en el acta del nacimiento, bastará que firme el acta de registro respectivo, en prueba del reconocimiento.
La relación de paternidad espiritual es idéntica a la que un padre podría tener con su hijo natural.
Usted sera madre o padre e hijo natural o de santo.
El hijo natural reconocido no puede ser adoptado por su padre o por su madre.
El hijo natural no reconocido, no puede casarse antes de los 25 años sin obtener previamente el consentimiento de un tutor nombrado ad hoc.

"illegitimate birth" en español

illegitimate birth
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Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

"illegitimate child" en español

illegitimate child
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"illegitimate daughter" en español

illegitimate daughter
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "illegitimate":

illegitimate child