Urban Dictionary: narc
narc is short for narcotics officer. It is used to refer to someone who tells a figure of authority about drug use.

To narc is the action of telling an authority figure about drug use.
Johnny fuckin narced on me and the cops took all my herb.

Muthafuckin narc!
by Fatass December 23, 2004
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a narc is someone who tells on someone else for a wrong doing
Someone motherfucker narcked on my ass, dammit.
by CnN June 11, 2003
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a name for someone whose a snitch.
yo ryan told on connor again for looking at porn. what a narc.
by l-nice July 1, 2006
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the (residence advisor) RA on the second floor of hemlesen, ubc
"bruh, she's the BIGGEST narc! she told us we couldn't throw the drop bikes on the roof!"
by dumbitch100 April 23, 2019
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To suddenly and uncontrollably fall into deep sleep. Typically in the form of a full night's rest or extended nap. Derivative of the word "narcoleptic," but not actually associated with it.
"Sorry I narced out last night in the middle of the movie; I really wanted to watch it with you."
by Jon Hoffman July 6, 2006
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1) A snitch, narcotics officer, popo, or fucking pussy.
Matt is such a narc.
by cridizzleforizzle May 29, 2006
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