What is the time zone of Alabama?

The state of Alabama is in the Central Time zone. All counties and cities of the state have the same time zone, there are no exceptions. Alabama is observing daylight savings so there are two different clocks depending on the time of the year.

  • Central Standard Time (CST): – 6:00 UTC (behind)
  • Central Daylight Time (CDT): – 5:00 UTC (behind)
Central Time
us state alabama counties time zone map
USA time zone map 1
Click to enlarge

When crossing the Alabama border with the neighbouring states of Tennessee, Mississippi and Florida you remain in the same time zone. But you will be entering the Eastern time zone when crossing the border Georgia.

Alabama Daylight savings time (DST)

Alabama is using daylight savings as also documented in the Uniform Time Act of 1966. During daylight savings the time changes from Central Standard time (CST) to Central Daylight time (CDT).

It starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. In March the clock is moved forward from 02.00 am to 03.00 am (so you will lose an hour of sleep during the night). While in November it’s reversed as the clock is moved backward from 03.00 am to 02.00 am and you will gain an extra hour of sleep. One way of remembering the movement sequence is that clocks “spring forward and fall back”.

The total period of daylight savings lasts for 34 weeks which is about 65% of the year.

Alabama time news, bills and legislation

There is a continuous debate about which time should be applied. Several bills have been introduced to legalize daylight saving time as the year-round clock, whereas others try to align the time with bordering counties or states. The table below gives an overview of the latest bills in the state of Alabama.

Date Bill Status/Action Title/summary
6 May 2021 SB388 Assigned Act No. 2021-421. Daylight Savings Time, adopted statewide if Congress amends Federal law to allow
30 Mar 2021 HB576 Intro, To House State Government Committee Time; to adopt Daylight Savings Time statewide if Congress amends Federal law to allow it.
4 Feb 2021 HB321 Intro, To House State Government Committee Time; to adopt Daylight Savings Time statewide if Congress amends Federal law to allow it.

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