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Vs. Baby Blue Brother is a mod created by vomic, evdial, s8ku and GenoX. In this mod, Boyfriend is forced to babysit his baby brother because his mother is going to work. Boyfriend absolutely despises his little brother and repeatedly tries to hurt or kill him. However, he decides to challenge Baby Blue to a rap battle to pass the time.


Baby Blue Brother[]

Not to be confused with Baby.

Baby Blue Brother is a character created by comic, Evdial, and s8ku. In this mod, Boyfriend is required to babysit him, which he despises doing. Boyfriend decides to challenge him to rap battle to pass the time.


Baby Blue Brother is a small male human baby with a light blue blouse. His eyes are always watering as if he is about to cry. During Baby Blue, he changes to Homer Simpson, Scout, Freddy Fazbear, Tinky Winky, Hatsune Miku, Monster and PewDiePie.

In Week 2, he stands with angry expression on his face, and uses his rattle as a microphone.

In Week 4, he sits down again happy this time. Later, however, he gets trapped inside of a window sad again. When he breaks free, he sits down upset next to Boyfriend.



Alien is a secret character used in the edited version of Tutorial. They have no icon, so they use Girlfriend's icon. They only have 1 frame of their idle animation, and have no arrow poses if notes were to be added.


They are, quite obviously, an extraterrestrial being. They look like what a stereotypical alien visualization would look like, green skin, black eyes, flat nose and a rounded head.


Running Goblin[]

"BABA" Running Goblin Insignificance

Running Goblin (TRG for short) is the final antagonist of the mod added in week 2. His Song Is "Track-Star" and he is a runner. His Family is built on swimming, His Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa Were Olympic Swimmers. He's supposed to be a swimmer too, but his dad takes him to swimming lessons everyday even though that's not what he wants to do. ... What? What do you mean nobody asked? Anyway, he joins his best friend and Boyfriend in the middle of a rap battle in week 3. Afterwards, because Girlfriend ran him over back in week 2, he is shown in a hospital in week 4. Later, he ends up being trapped in a window that Window Watcher created. When he breaks free, he gets worried because Baby Blue Brother is still stuck inside.


If you couldn't already tell, TRG is a small, green goblin wearing nothing but red boxers with white laces. He runs very fast in a circle in his idle so much so that he left burnmarks on the sidewalk. He also has big ears.


Gametoons Baby Blue[]

Baby Blue Brother (Gametoons Ver.) is a secret character in the hidden song "Gametoons".


GameToons Baby Blue is Baby Blue but with his look from GameToons' Friday Night Funkin' Logic episode "BOYFRIEND HAS A BABY?!". Instead of a blouse, he wears a white diaper, and instead of being bald, he has a small tuft of blue hair.



Ron. Their brotherly bond is beating us. Theres only one way we can become even better.
― Bob, Pre-Insignificance


Bob utilizes his appearance from Trouble from Bob's Onslaught, where a part of hell Bob covers parts of his body, including half of his face and his arm. A realistic eye also remains on the part of his face covered in black and his microphone drips black substance.


im being forced against my will sorry in advance guys :/
― Ron, Just Like You


Again, Ron is a yellow-skinned humanoid man with a dark yellow outfit and a desktop folder for a head. (Still do be kinda smug tho)


help us
― Ron, Insignificance


The Amalgamation is a giant black, white, and yellow blob with the (distorted) faces of Bob, Ron, and Little Man (insert overused bob mod joke here).


Window Watcher[]

Window Watcher is an ancient goblin that watches Boyfriend, Baby Blue Brother, and the Running Goblin throught their adventure. He finally confronts them after the song "Rebound" in week 4, and is the main antagonist of the song "Four Eyes." He captures Baby Blue Brother and Running Goblin and challenges Boyfriend to a rap battle. When he gets defeated, he explodes into many shards of glass, killing Baby Blue Brother in the process. Boyfriend and the Running Goblin are still alive, but is severely damaged from the explosion.


He is a glass shaped window with a goblin's face in the middle. There are also tinier pieces of glass underneth him.


Trivia (General)[]

  • During "Baby Blue", You can hear a sped up version of "Personal Space Invasion" playing instead of the normal instrumental.
  • The second song, Kidz Bop, is named after a cover band that covers songs to make it more kid friendly.
  • Hatsune Miku's appearance in Baby Blue has a updated version of her sprites, for an update to her mod.
  • During Little Man 2, "Baby Blue" can be heard briefly.
  • Baby Blue is an actual joke in the family.
  • BBB made peace with the car in his angry losing icon. :)
    • Wait what the fuck he's standing on the car in week 4-
  • Gametoons is actually longer, but was cut off due to the instrumental being cut off
  • Gametoons was made in 30 minutes
  • Trackstar was originally going to be a freeplay song only, but was added to the main Act due to his likeness
  • This is the second out of the 3 mods to have an animated icon, the first being ENTITY Orgins, and the third being Friday Night Funkin' Lullaby.
  • During Four Eyes, the three characters move in a unique shape.
    • Window Watcher moves in a zigzag.
    • The Running Goblin moves in a circle (Possible motive behind his running form?).
    • Baby Blue Brother moves up and down in a straight line.
  • Myth has a scenery of Boyfriend carrying Baby Blue Brother. The baby is actually an illusion of after the incident of him dying in the end of week 4.
  • If you select botplay and play any song, there will be a piece of text that says "THIS PERSON CAN NOT PLAY VIDEO GAMES FOR SHIT." The last 3 words are only visible in Four Eyes, where the camera completely zooms out.




This article contains potentially sensitive content that may be discomforting or upsetting to certain users. Viewer discretion is advised!

Reason: Baby Blue Brother's scream(s) in Nap Time and Baby Blue are very loud. There are also screamers/jumpscares in Baby Blue. Also, Freddy Fazbear and PewDiePie scream for their vocals.

Nap Time
BPM: 100
Scroll Speed: 1.9 (All difficulties)
Maximum Score: 37,800
Kidz Bop
BPM: 163
Scroll Speed: 2.3 (All difficulties)
Maximum Score: 83,650
Baby Blue
BPM: 150
Scroll Speed: 2.6 (All difficulties)
Maximum Score: 336,000

Temper Tantrum
BPM: 160
Scroll Speed: 2.8 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 155,750
Baby's Revenge
BPM: 160
Scroll Speed: 2.9 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 129,850
Un Adieu
BPM: 125
Scroll Speed: 2.6 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 93,450
BPM: 152
Scroll Speed: 2.8 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 234,150

Baby Bob
BPM: 140
Scroll Speed: 3 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 218,750
Just Like You
BPM: 150
Scroll Speed: 3.2 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 138,950
BPM: 190
Scroll Speed: 3.2 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 225,050
Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: BABA!

Baby's Lullaby
BPM: 107
Scroll Speed: 3 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 224,350
BPM: 145
Scroll Speed: 3.1 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 207,900
Four Eyes
BPM: 171 > 180
Scroll Speed: 3.4 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 996,450



This article contains potentially sensitive content that may be discomforting or upsetting to certain users. Viewer discretion is advised!

Reason: There's glitched audio of a child screaming in Gametoons.

BPM: 149
Scroll Speed: 2.5 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 21,700
BPM: 185
Scroll Speed: 3 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 127,750
BPM: 115
Scroll Speed: 3.2 (All Difficulties)
Maximum Score: 287,350

A song that is in the game's files but can't be played via debug menu because it sends you to Baby's Lullaby (for some reason).
A song not in the game's files but is confirmed by Saku (the song producer) to be in the OST.
Baby Blue (New)
Key: WowCrazy
Hidden in the game's files. When you access it via the debug menu, the song will play and there's an image right above this message that displays. The game then proceeds to crash.
Main Menu


Nap Time Dialogue[]

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: *sucks on thumb like baby*

BFIcon Boyfriend: mom said i had to babysit your shitass.

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: googoo gaga

Kidz Bop Dialogue[]

BFIcon Boyfriend: ok... you wanna play it that way asshole.

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: *falls over and cracks head on concrete*

Baby Blue Dialogue[]

BFIcon Boyfriend: ... *looks behind self*

BFIcon Boyfriend: woah, it seems like a crowd has formed *rubs chinny chin chin*

BFIcon Boyfriend: *grabs scroll out of own asshole* *clears throat* the people in the crowd being evdial, saku, vomic, bbpanzu, smokey, sky fnf mod, getma-

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: *shits self*

BFIcon Boyfriend: this is the last straw i fucking hate you

BFIcon Boyfriend: *grabs baseball bat and slamms on soft spot*

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: *explodes into blood*

Temper Tantrum Dialogue[]

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: *sucks on thumb like angry baby*

BFIcon Boyfriend: you insignificant child…

BFIcon Boyfriend: do you think this will stop me

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: …

Baby's Revenge Dialogue[]

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: *does backflip*

Un Adieu Dialogue[]

BFIcon Boyfriend: looks like its your bed time little bro

BFIcon Boyfriend: *throws baby blue out of empty part of wall and he slides across the street like a hockey puck*

Trackstar Dialogue[]

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: you must be my best friends big brother

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: that was crazy what happened back there, you made him super duper mad!

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: my name is the running goblin, you can call me trg for short

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: the bloodline of my family has been built on swimming

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: all my parents and grandparents were olympic swimmers

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: im supposed to be one too, my daad takes me to swimming lessons every day

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: but i was born to run, the track calls my name, and i answer!

BFIcon Boyfriend: idc

Pre-Baby Bob Cutscene Transcript[]

(A flashback to Baby's Revenge, and then to Un Adieu.)

(A clip from Bijuu Mike's BBB Week 2 video, where he says "I'm not scared of a baby! Why would I be? Go get a job, baby.")

(A gif of Pewdiepie being jumpscared, accompanied by Bijuu saying "You know there's Rule 34, right-")

(BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother is sleeping on the floor of his room. We enter his dream.)

Baby Bob Dialogue[]

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: ...

TroubleBobLose Bob: You.

TroubleBobLose Bob: You think youre funny, huh?

TroubleBobLose Bob: News flash, youre not funny or cute or clever.

TroubleBobLose Bob: You foolish little boy. Do you think just copying other people will get you anywhere?

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: ...

TroubleBobLose Bob: When I take over this place, I'll make sure you and that green little shit pay.

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: !!!

Pre-Just Like You Cutscene Transcript[]

(TroubleBobLose Bob, twitching, melts into the ground)

(Back in the real world, BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother and BFIcon Boyfriend are teleported away.)

Just Like You Dialogue[]

TroubleBobLose Bob: Do you think joining forces will stop me?

BFIcon Boyfriend: yes whore

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: gogoga ggogoa

TroubleBobLose Bob: Oh, this palace?

TroubleBobLose Bob: Oh, this wonder?

TroubleBobLose Bob: This is my domain, the world of Phloxtopia gives me power

BFIcon Boyfriend: this place is shit idc

TroubleBobLose Bob: Take that back right now.

BFIcon Boyfriend: Ummmmmmm

BFIcon Boyfriend: No

RonIcon Ron: im being forced against my will sorry in advance guys :/

TroubleBobLose Bob: *slaps ron in the face really hardly*

RonIcon Ron: OWWWW *starts crying*

TroubleBobLose Bob: thats what you get for talking back.

TroubleBobLose Bob: look what you made me do.

BFIcon Boyfriend: wtf is your guys problem

Pre-Insignificance Dialogue/Cutscene Transcript[]

TroubleBobLose Bob: Enough.

TroubleBobLose Bob: Ron. Their brotherly bond is beating us. Theres only one way we can become even better.

RonIcon Ron: what

TroubleBobLose Bob: Three is better than two.

TroubleBobLose Bob: *sings out into the darkness*

(Little Man is summoned. He looks around, confused.)

(Suddenly, the three Bob's Onslaught characters fuse together to form a horrifying amalgation.)

Insignificance Dialogue[]

BFIcon Boyfriend: wtf

TroubleBobLose Bob: Now how will you defeat us little baby

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: bplfbpfhfghdhdsfg

TroubleBobLose Bob: ok

RonIcon Ron: help us

BFIcon Boyfriend: ok :)

Post-Insignificance Cutscene Transcript[]

(The three are un-fused. BobIcon Bob's head pops like a balloon. RonIcon Ron and Little Man celebrate by dancing around. Text in the bottom-right corner of the screen reads: "WOOHOO!")

(BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother wakes up back in his room. It is sunset now, and there is an ambulance parked outside.)

(Through the crack in the open door to the room, we briefly see Bob's eyes.)


"in week 4"


Baby's Lullaby Dialogue[]

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: Hi

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: :)

BFIcon Boyfriend: My baby blue brother and i are here. you better gtfo out of bed ASAP!

BFIcon Boyfriend: We will sing you a Babys Lullaby you fat ugly asshole

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: ok ;-;

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: *sighs*

Rebound Dialogue[]

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: THAT WAS EPIC!!!

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: thank you! truly, thank you guys!

BFIcon Boyfriend: I thought it was gay but ok.

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: you know what, im taking this crap off! Im gonna...

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: Im gonna!

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: *rips prosthetic arms and legs off*

Pre-Four Eyes Dialogue/Cutscene Transcript[]

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: You know guys... you really made my day! TY! TY!

BFIcon Boyfriend: I dont give a fuck

BFIcon Boyfriend: can we leave now

BabyblueIcon Baby Blue Brother: *nods head up and down fastly*

BFIcon Boyfriend: ok bye now

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: Goodbye now... nice seeing you...

  • (Just before Baby Blue and Boyfriend were about to leave, Window Watcher breaks the window in front of him and everyone stops moving.)

BFIcon Boyfriend: EW WTF IS THAT.

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: You really dont recognize me...?

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: ive been watching you 3 all along. everywhere youve been, in each window... I've been there...

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: Nap Time, Kidz Bop, Baby Blue, Trackstar, Baby Bob, Just Like You, Insignifance, Baby's Lullaby, Rebound...

BFIcon Boyfriend: ur looking at babies through windows? WTF?

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher:

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: anyways you... the green one over there, i know you very very well

Runninggobliniconfix The Running Goblin: wha?

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: a long long time ago, the world was not populated by goblins.

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: the goblin race's ancestors, were my kind, me and my brothers struggled to stay alive and reproduce.

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: we evolved into what is now goblin-kind.

BFIcon Boyfriend: No body caaares! No body caaares!

WindowWatcherDefeatIcon Window Watcher: SHUT UP DUMB BITCH

BFIcon Boyfriend:

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: All the goblin races were set in place to restore unity and balance boy.

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: you are a SWIMMING! goblin not a RUNNING! goblin!

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: You are meant to Swim! Not run!

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: thats why i was brought forward to this future, and forced to watch you children play all day

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: im here to put an end to this nonsense, im tired having to listen to you 3...

WindowWatcherIcon Window Watcher: This is goodbye...

(Window Watcher then proceeds to freeze Baby Blue into a window. The Running Goblin then turns over to Window Watcher, realizing he trapped his best friend. Shortly after, he gets trapped too, screaming. Boyfriend doesn't freeze, but he gets sent to a dark room and then challenges Window Watcher to a rap battle.)

(A message appears that says "Baby Blue Brother is dead. With Window Watcher's death, he exploded into 16 shards of glass causing a fatal blow to the blue brother. The Running Goblin and Boyfriend are severly injured aswell with cuts and scrapes.")

Gallery (General)[]

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