Debbie Gibson - Eddie Sung
Debbie Gibson

Debbie Gibson

Last night, 28 April 2024, I shot the most intimate, welcoming sold-out concert – Debbie Gibson’s 35th Anniversary Concert of her iconic album “Electric Youth”.

Before Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga, there was Debbie Gibson.

I’m happy to share that Debbie still maintains her youth, boundless energy and powerful voice.

Debbie will always be the eternal Electric Youth!

It all started with a 1.53am text from the US guitarist extraordinaire friend asking whether I want to go and shoot the concert. Thanks, Steve Brown. He’s the producer of ex-Kiss Ace Frehley’s latest kick-ass album “10,000 Volts“. Go check it out.

It was so surreal to see Debbie perform her hit songs, “Lost In Your Eyes”, “Only In My Dreams”, “Electric Youth” and many more, – a few feet away from her!

Debbie is so grounded, boundless, happy, and a positive force in the music industry.

Here are some intimate, poignant shots that I took. Enjoy!

Top Of The World! (above image). Congratulations, Debbie!

A Debbie Gibson pre-show visual gift for my lens (above image).

A playful Debbie Gibson pre-show visual gift for my lens (above image).

Electric Youths (above image). You can see my name-card (black guitar pick) at the lower right of her table.

Star-studded microphone for a Superstar, ready to deliver her A-Game for her fans (above image).

A fun moment just before Debbie and her talented A-Team hit the stage (above image).

Backstage scene – a colourful array of Debbie’s concert costumes (above image).

Debbie is Numero Uno! (above image).

After every costume change, a certain playful Electric Youth (above image) would hem it up for my lens before she steps – barefoot – onto the stage. That’s her original blue Electric Youth jacket!

Thanks so much for all your visual gifts to my lens, Debbie.

You’re one of the genuinely good people in this world! I’m honoured and lucky to have seen and experienced it first hand.

A single light beam shines its blessed light on a happy and thankful Ms. Gibson (above image).

What better place to have a personal Zen moment – atop a piano (above image).

A single light beam shines on the Electric Youth (above image). Guess what song she’s singing?

A more reflective moment in the concert (above image).

A poignant pix of a contemplative Debbie (above image). The glorious lighting serves to enhance the contemplative mood.

“How’s the weather down there, Debbie?” (above image).

I love being entrusted to shoot the Bowing shot (above image). So great to feel the audience’s loud shouts and claps.

You can tell Debbie and her talented Merrymakers gave their 120% music magic to their fans (above image). What a fabulous performance!

Saving the best for last! The incompatible Debbie Gibson! (above image).

An impromptu portrait just before Debbie goes for her meet & greet session with her die-hard fans (above image).

She joked, praised, posed for photos and signed every item they brought for her to sign.

The man, without whom, I would have spent my Sunday night at home – Messr. Danny Stanton (above image). Debbie Gibson’s omnipresent, on-the-ball and nimble-booted tour manager.

A dear friend captured me on stage shooting Debbie, who was in the upstairs Circle sections, entertaining her fans (above image). Thanks, Janette!

Please come back to sunny Singapore soon, Debbie! Your fans need you!