Polack vs. Pollock — What’s the Difference?

Polack vs. Pollock — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 1, 2024
"Polack" is a derogatory term for a person of Polish descent, while "Pollock" refers to either a fish species or the American painter Jackson Pollock.
Polack vs. Pollock — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Polack and Pollock


Key Differences

"Polack" is an offensive slang used historically in English-speaking countries to derogate Polish people, originating from a mispronunciation of the Polish autonym, Polak. On the other hand, "Pollock" can refer to a type of fish commonly found in cold waters, particularly in the North Atlantic, or to the famous abstract expressionist painter, Jackson Pollock.
The use of "Polack" has diminished and is widely considered inappropriate due to its pejorative connotations, whereas "Pollock" remains neutral and is used in both culinary and artistic contexts.
While "Polack" appears in discussions about ethnic slurs and their impact on Polish communities, "Pollock" is frequently mentioned in the context of seafood recipes or discussions about modern art and abstract expressionism.
In literature and film, "Polack" has been used to stereotype or mock Polish identity, contributing to ethnic prejudices. Conversely, "Pollock" is often associated with creativity and innovation, especially in reference to Jackson Pollock's revolutionary drip painting technique.
In terms of cultural sensitivity, understanding the offensive nature of "Polack" is crucial in modern discourse, while recognizing the significance of "Pollock" in the art world enhances appreciation for artistic achievements.

Comparison Chart


Derogatory term for a Polish person
1. Species of fish, 2. Jackson Pollock

Usage Context

Ethnic slur
Culinary, art



Related Discussions

Ethnic slurs, cultural sensitivity
Culinary recipes, modern art

Historical Origin

Mispronunciation of Polish "Polak"
Old English "pollack", Artist’s last name

Compare with Definitions


An offensive label in ethnic discussions.
Educators teach why terms like Polack are harmful in social studies.


Common name used in both American and British English.
Pollock is widely consumed in the UK and the US.


A derogatory term for a Polish person.
The term Polack is avoided due to its offensive implications.


A fish species prevalent in the North Atlantic.
Pollock is often used in fish and chips recipes.


An ethnic slur associated with Polish immigrants.
Historical texts may contain the term Polack, reflecting past prejudices.


A neutral term in comparison to Polack.
Unlike Polack, Pollock does not carry a derogatory connotation.


Slang used negatively in various English-speaking nations.
In some countries, Polack was synonymous with uneducated or backward.


Related to art historical studies and culinary arts.
Pollock's techniques are studied by art students everywhere.


A term reflecting historical anti-Polish sentiment.
Polack was once common in discriminatory speech.


American painter known for abstract expressionism.
Jackson Pollock revolutionized art with his drip paintings.


In the contemporary English language, the nouns Polack ( and ) or Polak are ethnic slurs, and derogatory references to a person of Polish descent. It is an Anglicisation of the Polish masculine noun Polak, which denotes a person of Polish ethnicity and male gender.


Pollock or pollack (pronounced ) is the common name used for either of the two species of North Atlantic marine fish in the genus Pollachius. Pollachius pollachius is referred to as pollock in both North America and the United Kingdom, while Pollachius virens is usually known as coley in the British Isles (derived from the older name coalfish).


A person from Poland or of Polish descent
A joint full of Polacks


Any of various marine food fishes of the genera Pollachius and Theragra, closely related to the cod, especially T. chalcogramma of northern Pacific waters, often used for manufactured fish products.


Of Polish origin or descent
When we wanted to differentiate more sharply, we might refer to him as the Polack kid


Either of two lean, white marine food fishes, of the genus Pollachius, in the cod family.


Used as a disparaging term for a person of Polish birth or ancestry.


To fish for pollock.


A Polander.


To splatter, as with paint.


A person of Polish descent


A marine gadoid fish (Pollachius carbonarius), native both of the European and American coasts. It is allied to the cod, and like it is salted and dried. In England it is called coalfish, lob, podley, podling, pollack, etc.


United States artist famous for painting with a drip technique; a leader of abstract expressionism in America (1912-1956)


Lean white flesh of North Atlantic fish; similar to codfish


Important food and game fish of northern seas (especially the northern Atlantic); related to cod

Common Curiosities

What type of fish is a Pollock?

It is a species of fish commonly found in the North Atlantic, known for its culinary uses.

What is the origin of the term "Polack"?

It originates from a mispronunciation of the Polish autonym "Polak."

Is it appropriate to use the term "Polack" in modern language?

No, it is widely regarded as disrespectful and should be avoided.

Who is Jackson Pollock?

An influential American painter noted for his contributions to the abstract expressionist movement.

What dishes commonly include Pollock?

Pollock is often used in fish stews, fried fish dishes, and fish burgers.

Why is "Polack" considered offensive?

It has been used historically as a pejorative and stereotype against Polish people.

Has the term "Polack" appeared in any legal or policy discussions?

Yes, it has been discussed in the context of hate speech and ethnic discrimination laws.

How did Jackson Pollock influence art?

His drip painting technique broke conventional boundaries of painting and inspired many artists.

Can Pollock be used in reference to someone other than the painter?

Yes, it also refers to the fish species, separate from the artist.

How does the culinary industry view Pollock?

It's considered a sustainable and affordable fish, popular in many dishes.

Is there any cultural significance to Pollock the fish?

It's valued for its versatility and mild flavor in various cuisines.

What is the best way to learn about Jackson Pollock’s art?

Visiting art museums or studying art history are effective ways to appreciate his work.

Are there any major films or books that discuss the term "Polack"?

Yes, several historical and sociological texts examine its usage and implications.

What role did Pollock play in the seafood industry?

Pollock is a major commodity in commercial fishing, impacting economies and diets.

How should one refer to a person from Poland to avoid offensive terms?

The correct and respectful term is "Polish person" or simply "Pole."

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.