Émile de Nieuwerkerke - Gallerease

Émile de Nieuwerkerke

1811 - 1892

Uber den Künstler

Alfred Émilien O’Hara, count de Nieuwerkerke (Paris 1811-1892 Luca Gattaiola) was a French painter and sculptor. During a grand tour of Italy in 1834, de Nieuwerkerke became fascinated by sculpture. He started to take lessons from Carlo Marochetti and he established himself as a sculptor. Nieuwerkerke exhibited in the Salon of Paris and received several assignments. As of 1848 he was, among other functions, director of the Louvre, the Musée de Luxembourg, Versailles, and Saint-Germain-en-Lay.

After the downfall of Napoleon III the Nieuwerkerke fled to England, where he sold his private art collection to Richard Wallace. In 1872 de Nieuwerkerke moved to Gattaiola in Italy where he died in 1892.

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