The Meaning Behind The Song: Wacky Tobaccy by Toby Keith - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Wacky Tobaccy by Toby Keith


The Meaning Behind The Song: Wacky Tobaccy by Toby Keith


Wacky Tobaccy


Toby Keith


Scotty Emerick & Toby Keith


The Bus Songs (2017)

Release Date

June 22, 2017





When Toby Keith released “Wacky Tobaccy” in 2017 as part of his album “The Bus Songs”, it raised a few eyebrows. The song, with its catchy lyrics and upbeat melody, seemed to hint at the recreational use of marijuana. However, as with most songs, it is essential to delve deeper into the meaning behind the lyrics to truly understand its significance.

“Wacky Tobaccy” tells the story of a woman named Wanda who works in an office. She goes out to lunch with her old high school friends and returns hours later, clearly under the influence. The boss is not pleased, and it becomes evident that Wanda had been smoking marijuana during her lunch break.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the effects of the “Wacky Tobaccy.” Toby Keith sings, “That old Wacky Tobaccy, when you feel it creeping up on you. That old Wacky Tobaccy, kick back and let it do what it do.” The song acknowledges the enjoyable and sometimes relaxing effects of marijuana.

In the second verse, Keith mentions various methods of consuming marijuana, including smoking it in a pipe, twisting it in a stem, baking it in brownies, and even vaporizing it. These references highlight the prevalent and diverse ways people choose to enjoy the drug.

The bridge of the song simply encourages listeners to do what they do best – embrace the effects of marijuana and enjoy the experience.

As a Toby Keith fan, I’ve always appreciated his ability to tell stories through his music. “Wacky Tobaccy” may seem like a lighthearted and fun song on the surface, but it also touches on the ongoing debate surrounding the legalization of marijuana.

In many states and countries, marijuana is still considered illegal. However, there is a growing movement pushing for its decriminalization or legalization due to its potential medicinal benefits and the belief that individuals should have the freedom to make choices regarding their recreational activities.

While “Wacky Tobaccy” doesn’t explicitly support or condemn marijuana use, it acknowledges the existence of its widespread popularity. The song highlights the different strains and types of marijuana, from Mexican and Jamaican to Humboldt County and Hydroponic. It even mentions the dreaded “cotton mouth” often associated with smoking marijuana.

On a personal level, “Wacky Tobaccy” reminds me of moments spent with friends, where we would gather around, share a joint, and let the stress of the day melt away. It evokes memories of laughter, deep conversations, and a feeling of camaraderie. For me, the song encompasses the light-hearted and carefree nature of those moments.

It’s important to note that the interpretation and meaning of songs can vary from person to person. While some may enjoy “Wacky Tobaccy” purely for its amusing lyrics and catchy melody, others may connect with it on a deeper level, relating it to personal experiences and their stance on marijuana.

In conclusion, “Wacky Tobaccy” by Toby Keith is a catchy and humorous song that touches on the topic of marijuana use. While it doesn’t take a firm stance on the issue, it acknowledges the widespread popularity of the drug and highlights the diverse ways people consume it. Whether you enjoy the song for its lighthearted vibe or relate to it on a personal level, “Wacky Tobaccy” serves as a reminder that music has the power to evoke memories and spark conversations about important social topics.

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