‘Salman Khan beat me up, berated me in front of friends’: Somy Ali details ‘worst years’ of her life | Bollywood News - The Indian Express
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‘Salman Khan beat me up, berated me in front of friends’: Somy Ali details ‘worst years’ of her life

Somy Ali posted multiple Instagram posts talking about her relationship with Salman Khan and how that was the worst time of her life.

somy ali salman khanSalman Khan and Somy Ali dated each other in the 90s. (Photo: Somy Ali, Salman Khan/Instagram)
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‘Salman Khan beat me up, berated me in front of friends’: Somy Ali details ‘worst years’ of her life
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Actor Somy Ali in a tell-all Instagram post opened up about her relationship with Bollywood star Salman Khan. She revealed how she had deleted an earlier post around the same subject because she had used a ‘profanity’ in it. In another post, she said the actor as ‘the capability to be very good and extremely cruel at the same time’.

Answering the most asked question about what happened between her and Salman when they were dating, she wrote that it was the ‘worst years’ of her life. “In addition to tons of affairs and flings he would constantly belittle me by calling me ugly, stupid and dumb. Not a day went by that he wouldn’t make me feel worthless and small. He would not acknowledge me as his girlfriend in public for years and when he finally did he would insult me in front of his friends and berate me nonstop,” she wrote.

She added that she has no qualms in admitting that given his treatment to her, she chose to have affairs that can be defined as ‘a search for someone who would care for me and love me’. However, these men used her and when the Bollywood bhaijaan got to know about it, he would ‘beat her up’.


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The note read, “Someone who would not insult me and would actually be nice to me. Unfortunately, I was unaware that these men were simply using me and I was building a future with each affair while I was simply being used. When Salman learned of these affairs he had the guts to after beating me saying that I am a man and only men can cheat not women. I was aghast at that statement and the sexism that reeked from it. Let’s not forget that just because Salman or anyone else is nice to you, they are the same with others. I had it the worst in terms of verbal, sexual and physical abuse.”

In another long Instagram post, she described Salman Khan, and even referred to his animosity with Arijit Singh and Vivek Oberoi. She wrote, “There is no black and white. We are all gray thus Salman can be very kind to let’s say some actor or pets and he can be brutally ruthless to another human being. I deem Bill Clinton to be one of our best presidents aside from his negligence in what was taking place in Rwanda during his presidency, but remember what he was doing with his intern, Monica Lewinsky.”


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“The point is that while Salman might be the kindest and nicest to others it does not mean he was the same to me or some other people. He uses his power to destroy careers for example an extraordinary singer or what he did to Vivek Oberoi, an excellent actor. This proves that he has the capability to be very good and extremely cruel at the same time. All of us do because that is how we are made and we all have the ability to be very nice to one person and run a facade of being so generous while we all have a little streak of evil in each of us. But this is at a different level given what I went through and after 20 years it has all started again.”

Somy Ali also discussed whether she is scared to not find support in the industry or get sued with a defamation suit by Salman Khan. Stating that while he can sue her, she has tons of lawyers that will defend her free of cost. She added that Salman does not scare her anymore, “in fact I am repulsed by him and the human being he portrays to be. No one knows him the way I do and what he is capable of doing. I am not a timid teenager anymore, rather a middle aged business woman who will always fight for her rights as well as others.” Somy added that she doesn’t want or expects any kind of support from the industry. Salman has not commeneted on this till now.

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First uploaded on: 09-01-2023 at 11:54 IST
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