Omicron COVID variant identified in Iowa, health officials confirm

Omicron variant confirmed in Iowa, in a Black Hawk County minor who has shown no symptoms

Tony Leys
Des Moines Register

The new omicron variant of the coronavirus has arrived in Iowa, the state's top public health official confirmed Thursday.

Kelly Garcia, interim director of the Iowa Department of Public Health, told an advisory council that the case involves an Iowan younger than 18 who had "travel exposure" and came up positive on a test.

The unidentified person has shown no symptoms of COVID-19, but is in isolation, she said. 

The person lives in Black Hawk County and is unvaccinated, the Iowa Department of Public Health said in a news release shortly after Garcia informed the Iowa Council on Human Services of the case. 

Garcia said the confirmation of an Iowa omicron case was expected.

"This is no surprise. Every state around us has one," she said. 

She praised the patient's family for seeking testing and cooperating with isolation and quarantine recommendations.

"This is exactly how it's supposed to work," she said. "That individual is now protecting the rest of Iowa." 

The new twist in the pandemic comes as Iowa struggles with an autumn surge of COVID-19 hospitalizations caused by the delta variant of the coronavirus, which has infected hundreds of thousands of Americans since early summer. As of Wednesday, there were 777 COVID-19 patients in Iowa hospitals — more than at any other time since the fall of 2020. Nearly three-quarters of them were unvaccinated, the state health department reported. 

Garcia told the council that omicron's arrival highlights the importance of vaccination. 

"This is the time that we need Iowans to step forward to contemplate that third or booster dose," she said. Also, she said, "if you're in an eligible age range and have not yet had your COVID-19 vaccine, we need you to do it."

More:Iowa sets 2021 records in new reported COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations

What we know about the omicron variant and vaccines

Dr. Daniel Diekema, a medical professor and epidemiologist at the University of Iowa Hospitals, said it's not yet clear if the new version of the coronavirus is more dangerous than the delta variant. 

"One thing we do know is all the measures that we currently should be using to prevent spread of delta should also work to prevent the spread of omicron," Diekema said in an interview before the variant's presence in Iowa was confirmed. Those precautions include wearing face masks in indoor public places and obtaining coronavirus vaccines, including booster shots for those who were vaccinated earlier in the pandemic. 

Viruses always mutate as they spread. Most mutations are harmless, but some can make viruses more transmissible or more deadly. The omicron variant has multiple mutations, which raised concerns that it could spread more readily and that it could infect people who'd been vaccinated or had previous bouts of COVID-19. 

Diekema said current COVID vaccines should provide substantial protection against severe disease from the new variant. The omicron's mutations may help it slip past an initial set of antibodies, he said, but the vaccines bolster multiple levels of the immune system.

More:Omicron could be more contagious, less dangerous. That would be 'good news for the human race.'

"There's not just one single antibody," he said. 

Secondary levels of the body's immune response tend to be more generalized than the first wave of antibodies, he said. That means even if immunized people are infected with the omicron variant, their bodies should be primed to neutralize the virus before it makes them sick enough to need hospitalization. 

He added that booster doses of vaccine are believed to spark broader protections than the initial doses do.

Where has omicron been traced in the US? 

The omicron variant was first discovered in South Africa in late November, although experts believe it might have been present in other countries before then.

The omicron variant's arrival in the United States was confirmed Dec. 1, when a person in California tested positive for it. Within days, it was detected in multiple states, including most of Iowa's neighbors. Prior to Thursday's announcement about Iowa, the federal government reported omicron's presence in 21 states, including all of Iowa's neighbors except South Dakota. 

Early data out of South Africa doesn't indicate the omicron variant is causing more severe disease than previous versions of the virus did, Diekema said.

"In fact, it may be causing less severe disease, but we just need more time to know for certain," he said. The picture should become clearer within two or three weeks, he predicted.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Wednesday that out of more than 40 Americans confirmed to have been infected with the new variant, just one had needed hospitalization and none had died. She told the Associated Press that the reported symptoms have been mainly cough, congestion and fatigue.

Still, experts are hesitant to predict what will happen, partly because the symptoms of COVID-19 can worsen dramatically a couple of weeks after infection. 

"When I look to what the future holds, so much of that is definitely about the science, but it’s also about coming together as a community to do things that prevent disease in yourself and one another," Walensky said. "And I think a lot of what our future holds depends on how we come together to do that." 

Scientists at the Iowa State Hygienic Lab have been analyzing 300 test samples per week, looking for signs of new variants, according to the Iowa Department of Public Health. The health department said Thursday that the lab is focusing such analysis on samples "that look suspicious for the omicron and other variants."

Such screening detected the arrival in Iowa of previous versions of the coronavirus, such as the variant now known as delta, which was confirmed in the state in early May. 

Tony Leys covers health care for the Register. Reach him at or 515-284-8449.