Top 6 Trails for Hiking in St. Lucia - IslanderKeys
Hiking in St. Lucia - Gros Piton Nature Trail

Top 6 Trails for Hiking in St. Lucia

If you’re vacationing in St. Lucia and you love to hike, then you’re in luck. Hiking in St. Lucia is one of the things that you’ll get many opportunities to do because of the many wonderful hiking trails on the island.

It does not matter if you are looking for the easy hike or one with a more adventurous experience, St. Lucia has it all.

You will easily find hiking all over the island, some you can do on your own and others may require a tour guide. These hiking trails will provide you with some of the most stunning views and photo opportunities you’ve ever seen.

At the St. Lucia’s hiking trail viewpoints, you’ll get to appreciate the beauty of this island Paradise even more.

In this article, we will explore 7 of the best trails for hiking in St Lucia.


1. Pigeon Island National Park Hike to Fort Rodney and Signal Peak

Pigeon Island National Park - Hiking Trail to Signal Peak

If you like history, the opportunity to hike through Pigeon Island national park is one that is not to be missed. Pigeon Island national park is one of the most iconic historical landmarks in St Lucia. The hiking trail at the Pigeon Island National Park will take you to two amazing viewpoints that will provide you with beautiful views of the north of St Lucia. From there you will also be able to see the island of Martinique.

Hiking through Pigeon Island national park is a popular activity for many tourists. This is because it provides visitors with amazing photographic opportunities at the two highest points in the park – Fort Rodney and Signal Peak.

Before you start your hike to the viewpoints, you can explore the many stone ruins inside the park which includes old military ruins and old Barracks. These old ruins make for excellent photography opportunities. From the trailhead, the main path will lead you to the most southern peak at pigeon island which is Fort Rodney.

The first part of the trail is fairly easy but requires a more intense climb up old stone steps as you approach Fort Rodney which is 225 feet above sea level. You will be amazed at the view at this old military fort. It’s a haven for tourists on a good day. Visitors love to take photos next to the old cannons and powder room in the fort.

You will then make your way down from Fort Rodney and then hike across beautiful grassland that connects Fort Rodney to Signal Peak.  the hike to Signal Peak is a bit more challenging. The terrain includes climbing over a few large rocks to get to Signal Peak. Signal Peak rises 330 ft above sea level. Once there you will get even more amazing views of the North of St. Lucia and see our sister island of Martinique from a distance.

The hike from the trailhead at Pigeon Island National Park all the way to signal pick is moderate to difficult. The entire trail is approximately 2 miles long.

There is an entrance fee of USD $8 for Pigeon Island National Park for visitors over the age of 12. The entrance fee for kids under 12 is USD $3.

There are also many tour operators that offer packaged tours to the Pigeon Island National Park however if you have your own car, the location is easily accessible.

For additional information about Pigeon Island National Park, you can call their office at +1 758-450-5005.


2. Tet Paul Nature Trail

Hiking Tet Paul Nature Trail in St. Lucia

The Tet Paul Nature trail also dubbed “the Stairway to Heaven,” will deliver you some of the best scenery you’ll see in St Lucia.  From the highest point of this hiking trail, you’ll get to see a lot of the island. You ’ll get an excellent view of the Pitons all the way to the way to Vieux Fort.

You’ll hike through a nature reserve with an abundance of wildlife that will allow you to feel a connection with nature. The location is also well maintained with various exotic flower plants and fruit trees all along the trail. You may even get to sample some local fruits depending on the time of year that you hike this Trail.

The Tet Paul Nature Trail is an easy to moderate hike. Hiking the Tet Paul Nature trail will typically last about 30 minutes, but it may take you longer depending on the duration of your stops. During your hike, you will most likely want to stop to take in the magnificent scenery and the capture photos.

There is an entrance fee of $10 US dollars at the trailhead to access the trail. you will be provided with a knowledgeable tour guide and walking sticks if you desire. If you want to visit the Tet Paul Nature trail directly to schedule a hike, you can contact their office by calling +1 758-723-2930.

You can also do the Tet Paul Nature trail hike through various tour packages. These tours will take you from your accommodation to the Tet Paul nature trail and back.


3. Gros Piton Nature Trail

View on Gros Piton Nature Trail

The Gros Piton Nature Trail is one of the more adventurous trails for hiking in St Lucia. Gros Piton is the taller of the two iconic twin-peaked mountains in St. Lucia measuring 786 meters or 2619 feet high. The view from the summit of Gros Piton is absolutely breathtaking. It’s perhaps the best view of the entire island from anywhere in St. Lucia. From there you will get to see our neighboring Island St. Vincent and much of St. Lucia all the way to the North.

The Gros Piton Nature trail is a moderate two difficult hike. This hiking trail can be strenuous depending on your fitness level. The trek up the mountain is separated by very easy sections with other sections being a very steep climb.

To hike the Gros Piton Nature Trail, you will require an experienced guide. Not only is it safer to do it with a guide, but it will make your experience more enjoyable given the wealth of information that these guides can provide to assist on your hike. Guides will provide you with tips for conquering the hardest sections of the hike, they will provide you with the encouragement when things get difficult, and they’ll also point out the most picturesque views to capture memorable photos.

If you decide to do the Gros Piton hike, make sure you bring along lots of water to hydrate yourself properly. Also, wear shoes that have a good grip as the trail can get slippery at various points.  Capturing photos along this hike is a must, so don’t forget to bring your camera. And last but not least, you should ensure that you have a small backpack to hold all your stuff.

To access this hiking trail, you will be required to pay 30 USD at the trailhead. There you will also meet with your guide.

If you need a taxi to and from the location, there are many tour packages for this hike available from the many tour operators on the island.


4. En Bas Saut Trail

En Bas Saut Nature Trail Waterfall

Hiking in St. Lucia through the rainforest is both a thrilling adventure and an activity that allows you to reconnect with nature. If you prefer hiking through a rainforest, then the En Bas Saut trail will provide you with a perfect rainforest hike experience. This hike takes you through one of the densest parts of St. Lucia’s rainforest. There you will get to see rare birds such as the St. Lucian parrot and exotic plant life that you will only find in the forested areas of St Lucia.

The En Bas Saut Trail will provide you with a scenic experience. It is a moderate hike that will take you about 3 hours to complete. The trail is approximately half a mile in length. At the bottom of the trail, you will find a Lovely waterfall where you can take a dip if you like. The waterfall also provides a great photo opportunity where you can capture some memories.

To access the En Bas Saut trail, it will cost you $10 USD which you pay at the trailhead. You can also book a tour to the En Bas Saut Trail that includes a transfer to and from your accommodation and the fee of accessing the Hiking Trail.

If you require more information about the En Bas Saut trail you can contact their office with phone number +1 758-457-1427


5. Des Cartiers Trail

Des Cartiers Hiking Trail - St. Lucia

The Des Cartiers trail is a 1-mile loop trail through some of the most stunning rainforests. This area of St Lucia’s rainforest is known for spotting its rare national bird – the Jacquot.

You will find the Des Cartiers Trail about 6 miles inland from the highway in the community of Dennery on the east coast of St. Lucia.  This hiking trail can also link with the Edmund rainforest nature trail which ends at a trailhead on the west coast of St. Lucia.

The Des Cartiers Trail hike is not too strenuous. However, you may encounter some intense heat during your hike depending on the time of year. So, make sure you wear some light clothing and carry plenty of water in your backpack.

During your hike, you will experience very tall trees bordering the path of the trail. Many of the trees have extremely long Vines hanging from their branches. You should also pay attention to the terrain because the rocks can get slippery particularly if it rains.

The Des Cartiers trail is about 1.5 hours drive from the city of Castries. The highest point of this hiking trail is located about 1800 feet above sea level and goes through a mountainous part of St Lucia’s tropical rainforest.

Access to the Des Cartiers trail comes with an admission of $25 EC that you can pay at the trailhead. You will be provided with an experienced guide to take you through the Hiking Trail. You can also book a packaged tour to the Des Cartiers trail.

This hiking trail is considered easy to moderate and is favored by many tour operators in st. Lucia who provide hiking tours


6. Piton Flore Trail

The Piton Flore trail is a great way to explore nature in St. Lucia. You can find the Piton Flore trail about 30 minutes drive going through the communities of Babouneau and Forestiere. While hiking this trail, you’ll get excellent views of the entire cul-de-sac valley.

From the trailhead, the hiking path extends deep into a section of St. Lucia rainforest.  The canopy is thick and will provide shade throughout the entire hike. Lots of St Lucia’s wildlife can also be encountered during this hike. You may catch a glimpse of mongoose, lots of exotic birds, forest crabs, and if you’re lucky, a boa constrictor.

A guide is not necessary but is recommended to do the Piton Flor hike. An experienced guide will ensure your safety throughout the hike and will educate you about the various exotic plants and animals you will see all along the hike.

The Piton Flor hiking trail extends 1871 feet above sea level at its highest point and provides excellent views of the landscape. It takes 4 to 5 hours to complete this hiking trail round trip. This is a moderate hike but it can become more of a challenge if it rains and the terrain gets slippery.

To get to the Piton Flor trailhead, go to the village of Forestiere. Once there, follow the main road to the end until you get to the forestry ranger station.


Hope this article is helpful to you in finding your ideal trail for going hiking in St. Lucia. If you’ve hiked any of these trails, please share your experience with us in the comments.


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