Pembroke Center | Brown University
Pembroke Center

Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women

The Pembroke Center at Brown University is a feminist research center devoted to critical scholarship on the struggles faced by people across national and transnational contexts, especially those whose gender identity or sexual orientation make them targets of violence.

At the Pembroke Center, real-world questions and commitments are integral to our scholarly and research mission. We believe that redress is inextricable from questions of social, political, racial, medical, environmental and economic justice and demands an interdisciplinary approach to scholarship that can enable transformational change. 

Since its founding in 1981, the Pembroke Center has sought to confront societal challenges across borders by interrogating the underpinnings and history of the categories used to differentiate individuals and groups—including gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, citizenship and class—and how those categories intersect. Together with a demand for knowledge by and about women, women-identified, gender non-binary and LGBTQIA+ individuals, this emphasis on rigorous, fruitful questioning paves the way for new insights into perennially vexing issues, like how to achieve reproductive justice, what ethical issues arise as new technology is deployed, or the possibilities of self-sovereignty for peoples contending with the long legacies of empire or slavery.

The Pembroke Center houses an academic program in Gender and Sexuality Studies, the intergenerational and interdisciplinary Pembroke Seminar, a renowned postdoctoral fellowship program, an array of research initiatives, the Pembroke Center Archives and Pembroke Center Oral History Projectdifferences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, public events, and international programs. We emphasize collaboration and community, and engage a broad global audience while maintaining close ties to our community of alumnae/i and friends.

We invite you to join us and to learn more about us and our programs.

For Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Faculty and Researchers

In the Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, students have the freedom to design their own pathway through the concentration. GNSS students receive individual guidance and advising from a core group of faculty who work closely with them through every stage of the concentration.
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The graduate certificate program enables Brown doctoral students to develop expertise in the field of gender and sexuality studies.
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The Pembroke Center’s Postdoctoral Fellowship program is vital to the Pembroke Center’s teaching and research mission as well as its community.
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The Pembroke Center Archives identifies, collects, and processes collections related to our mission: advancing the capacity for research and teaching on women, gender,  and feminist scholarship in the University library system.
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differences highlights theoretical debates across the disciplines that address the ways concepts and categories of difference—notably but not exclusively gender—operate within culture.
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