
  • Popular stealth game franchises like Metal Gear Solid and Dishonored have popularized the use of stealth mechanics, encouraging players to take a quieter approach.
  • Indie stealth games often end up exclusive to PC, as it is the most indie-friendly system.
  • These unique and lesser-known stealth games offer interesting gameplay mechanics, such as controlling sources of light or using a Crosslink to divert guards' attention.

When gamers think of stealth games, there are certain popular franchises that would come to mind, such as Metal Gear Solid, Dishonored or Hitman. These franchises have done a great service to the stealth genre as a whole, popularizing the idea of utilizing stealth mechanics and encouraging players to try the quieter approach rather than running in guns blazing.

The 10 Best Stealth Games That Aren't Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed isn't the only popular franchise with well-developed stealth mechanics. But which stealth games are the best?

Series such as this have the budget of a triple A studio behind them, which allows for multi-platform release. But not all games are made equal, and some are made by a smaller team or even just one person. Games such as this usually end up exclusive to the PC, which is the most indie-game friendly system. These stealth games are no exception, and can only be experienced by PC gamers.

7 Cruelty Squad

enemy in Cruelty Squad

Cruelty Squad is a one of a kind game on Steam, which is set in a world overrun by garbage and sewage, creating a world that repulses and intrigues at the same time. Players take on the role of a grunt working for corporations in the titular squad of emotionally dead workers that are fueled by combat, making them ideal workers for corporate liquidations.

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Dystopias are meant to horrify an audience, and these video game worlds went above and beyond to accomplish that goal.

Although Cruelty Squad totes itself first and foremost as a tactical FPS, there are still stealth elements involved as players can take on a quieter approach when infiltrating buildings such as offices, police stations or secret compounds to have a shot at finding the equipment hidden within.

6 In Silence

The monster and two survivors

Horror and stealth are sometimes games to go hand-in hand, and this is none more true than with the PC multiplayer title In Silence. This asymmetrical horror game sees one player taking on control of the horrible monster as the others play the unfortunate victims that must evade its murderous tendencies and search for a way to escape by gathering the necessary supplies scattered over the map.

The monster is mostly blind unless it is close enough to its victims, so its hunt mostly relies on sound. Players must not only be mindful of their characters actions in-game, but also of the in-game voice chat they will make use of, as the monster will be able to hunt them down from sound alone. Bringing in stealth elements for things even like voice chat adds an interesting layer to the gameplay mechanics employed here.

5 Gunpoint

An image of a building layout in Gunpoint

Not all stealth games need to center around action, and this phrase is no truer than with Gunpoint. Despite that rather contradictory name, Gunpoint is a stealth-based puzzle game that challenges the player to stealth through a guard-protected building to reach whatever their objective might be.

But there is more to the gameplay than simply learning the guards patrols and sneaking through their blindspots. Players have the access to rewire parts of the building thanks to a handy piece of equipment known as the Crosslink, which can help to divert a particular guards attention they would otherwise not be able to slip by unnoticed. It's this novel idea that makes Gunpoint such an interesting stealth game to play.

4 Shadow Burglar

Stealth gameplay of Shadow Burglar

Once part of a criminal syndicate specializing in larceny, skilled thief Jean is taking a sabbatical from her life as a burglar for greed, and is now seeking to steal her deceased brothers paintings that were stolen by another thief. It is up to the player to guide Jean safely past the guards, making good use of her powers.

10 Horror Games That Make The Best Use Of Darkness

There are several common tropes and themes to horror games, however these games used darkness in the best way.

These aforementioned powers allow Jean to control sources of light around her and alternate between her shadow and light forms, or even drag unsuspecting guards into the abyss. These unique gaming mechanics make the stealth gameplay of Shadow Burglar fun and unique, and provide invaluable openings players will need to slip by unnoticed.

3 Thief 2

Image from Thief 2 showing the player entering a large hall with two mechanical turrets at the end.

The second installment in the ever-popular Thief series, players one again take control of Garret in the steampunk metropolis simply known as the City. Not soon after players don the dark hood of Garrett they are betrayed and ambushed, and as it turns out, Sheriff Truart is after his head.

Players will have to dust off their sneaking skills to quietly make their way through the levels of Thief 2 and uncover the full mystery behind the betrayal and the subsequent murder of his number one suspect, and uncover the real culprit before it is too late.

2 Deadbolt

A reaper standing inside a building with rooms that have multiple blood-splattered walls in Deadbolt

Deadbolt is unique in the way it blends action and stealth mechanics together in a surprisingly challenging game that sees players take control of the Grim Reaper. While it is not the only game that tasks gamers taking on the onerous mantle of Death, it does offer a fresh new approach to what a game with such a main character should handle like, as players will load up on an arsenal of weapons to mow down their enemies.

Zombies, vampires, boss fights and more, players will have their work cut out to stealth and destroy these undead and monstrous beings even while controlling the master of death, and all in a glorious splash of excess gore. There is no stealth game quite as loud as Deadbolt.

1 Fear the Spotlight

Stealth gameplay of the VHS-style quality Fear the Spotlight

This hidden Steam gem blends together horror and stealth all delivered in a PS1 graphic style package, centering around a horror tale as old as time: a couple of friends attempt a Séance in a building past dark, and it goes horribly wrong. Now separated in a large building teaming with monsters, the player must find a way reunite with their friends.

Fear the Spotlight is toted as an RE or SH game for young adults, relying on rich stories and no jumpscares, but doing away with a combat system. Instead, players must master the art of stealth in order to survive the night.

MORE: Hardest Stealth Games Ever Made, Ranked