Bavarian Palace Administration | Imperial Castle of Nuremberg | Tourist information | General information

Main information:

Things to know about your visit

Information for people with a handicap

Here you will find some information to prepare your visit to the Imperial Castle if your mobility is restricted or if you are visually or hearing impaired.

Short film about the Imperial Castle


external link to YouTube

Through spectacular aerial shots and impressive interior views, we give you exclusive insights behind the walls of the Imperial Castle and a great view of otherwise hidden details in this short film.

to the film "Kaiserburg Nürnberg" on YouTube



Picture: Tactile model of the Imperial Castle

Photography and filming

Taking pictures of the outside of the castle for private use does not require a permit.

Photo and film shoots for further use as well as the flying of drones / multicopters are basically subject to approval and charges. Here you will find information on photography permits / film permits.

We also provide you with image and film material that you may use free of charge on your own website under certain conditions; click here to download image material or download footage.



Free Wi-Fi is available in the following areas: Freiung and Outer Courtyard



Dogs and other animals are not allowed inside the castle (also Deep Well and Sinwell Tower) and in the gardens (Castle Garden and Maria Sibylla Merian Garden). We cannot offer supervision for animals brought along. Please keep dogs on an lead in the castle courtyard.

Map of the Castle

Link to the map of the Imperial Castle (PDF)

Enlarged map including a legend

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