Oliver by Syd Hoff | Goodreads
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Oliver has always wanted to be a dancing elephant, but what will he do when he discovers the circus already has enough elephants? Beginning readers will laugh out loud as they follow Oliver's adventures and find out how this elephant of unique charm and talent finally achieves his dream. Now available in full color!

64 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1960

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About the author

Syd Hoff

198 books66 followers
Whether you’re seven or seventy, the chances are you’ve probably come in contact with one of his many books (150 plus), or cartoons that have appeared in over 200 magazines in the course of his lifetime, including Laugh it Off which was syndicated for 20 years. His comic strip Tuffy, about a little girl who did funny things, was declared essential for national morale during WWII by William Randolph Hearst.

Syd has worked in diverse genres. He had the distinct honor of working with Alfred Hitchcock and Ellery Queen as a contributor of short fiction writing. He was awarded national advertising commissions for large companies such as Chevrolet, Maxwell House Coffee and others. He had his own TV show (Tales of Hoff on CBS), traveled the world as entertainment on cruise ships and entertained children and teachers in schools and libraries across the country.

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11 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews
5,418 reviews63 followers
December 18, 2018
A fairly good children's book about an elephant that comes to America to work for the circus. The circus needs only ten elephants, and Oliver is number 11, so he heads off to find another way of life. He tries to be a dog and a horse, but doesn't quite fit.

Not bad.
Profile Image for Dianna.
1,892 reviews43 followers
November 21, 2019
This story is a little dated, with reference to circus elephants and a lady lamenting that she weighs as much as an elephant, but it had high entertainment value and my five-year-old loved it.
11 reviews1 follower
February 21, 2017
Personal Response:
My sister, Sydney, who is nine years old thought the book Oliver was a very good book. She thought that it was a good book for kids to chase their dreams, and never stop trying. I thought the book was super good. Syd Hoff, the author, taught kids to follow their dreams and never give up, because kids never know what will happen when people notice what their talents are.

The book Oliver was about an elephant who wanted to be in the circus, but they already had 10 elephants. Oliver went out and about all over the city trying to find an owner or someone to be with. He asked a lady if he could be her dog, and asked the zoo if they wanted him. Both of the people denied him, and he was still a happy elephant. He went to a playground full of kids, and played with them. He made them so happy, and started dancing around. When he danced, tons of people started to watch him instead of the circus, so the director of the circus asked him to perform in the circus. Oliver then was very happy that his dream came true.

I would recommend this book to both genders, because it is about a circus and friends. The book also has both boys, and girls in the book, so both genders will like it. I would recommend this book to ages three to ten years old, because it is an easy book to understand.
20 reviews
October 20, 2014
Oliver, the talking elephant, dreamed he would always be in the circus but when that day arrives the circus is already full. Oliver, now stranded, begins his adventure to find a new purpose in life. He tries the zoo but they are full too. Oliver then finds himself asking people if they want a pet but this also doesn't work out. Finally Oliver decides to stop his search and just play with children at the playground when he discovers his real talent, dancing. After the circus conductor sees the crowd around Oliver he asks him to join the circus and Oliver gets to live out his dream.

The theme in this book is to never give up. Oliver doesn't let "no" stop him from chasing his dreams.

i would use this book to also help teach about science. Ask the students, how do real elephants act? Are they like Oliver? Divide children into small groups and have them use reference materials and books to find out how elephants behave in the wild. Each group can jot down notes and report on what they find to the rest of the class.
Profile Image for Michelle Nash.
518 reviews6 followers
March 15, 2011
I bought this book based on its cover, as it looked like something I had read in my childhood. Plus it was about an elephant and I love elephants.

Elizabeth loved the story, but then again she isn't too picky.

The story is about Oliver the elephant who wants to be part of the circus. The circus man turns Oliver away because he only wanted 10 elephants, not 11. Oliver then wanders about the city, willing to be anything anyone wanted him to be (Thank heavens he wasn't a teenaged girl or this would have been an entirely differnt story.) He just can't fit in anywhere. Finally, by just being himself with the encouragement of some little friends he gets his wish.
59 reviews1 follower
March 24, 2022
Syd Hoff delivers again! Oliver is very lovable and every playground needs an elephant! This book is a classic!
Profile Image for Kest Schwartzman.
Author 1 book12 followers
July 7, 2020
I have a lot less tolerance for the exploitation of immigrants than i did as a toddler
Profile Image for Cheryl.
10.7k reviews454 followers
September 16, 2021
Never mind the thought of irl zoos and circuses, never mind the absurdities. As a fantasy this is a hoot, and when I was a child I would have read it over and over again. I wish I knew how to describe the appeal; all I can say is that it's likely you'll either love this or think it's not much.
reread an LFL find, review stands
699 reviews4 followers
March 5, 2020
Another one from the immortal Syd Hoff, acknowledged master of kid's fiction. Oliver is an elephant who dreams of circus life. So he hops aboard a cargo ship with ten other elephants and the human ringleader taking care of them. Oliver is expelled, since elephants do get into crowded situations real quick, and decides to go on a journey to find a place of belonging in a world too small for...one of him. He gets a reject from others who judge him by his chunky cuteness, instead of his heart. He finally finds a playground and in a touching sequence, pushes the swings (five kids at one time, and not one falls out to bump their heads or nothing! How cool is that?), plays the seesaw, (one elephant on one side, five kids on the other, means not very good odds the five kids go back down!) and does his dance moves he WAS reserving for his circus career. Now when an elephant does his Riverdance, expect the Red Sea to drown the Egyptians AGAIN!) Then the ringleader finds Oliver again, but what to do with this pachyderm of pas de deux! Will he give in and allow Oliver to rule the circus with awesome dance moves? Syd Hoff knows how to charm readers. What he did with Danny and his dinosaur, Oliver the elephant tops it. Big time!
Four stars
Oliver Twist and Shout!!!
Profile Image for Matthew.
864 reviews4 followers
July 5, 2023
Another fun little story by Syd Hoff. Even though I haven't loved many of his books, I'm still drawn to them. I just love his illustrations. Oliver is the eleventh elephant and thinks he'll go to the circus, but eleven elephants are one too many for the circus owner and so Oliver must find a place to fit in. This story is a twist on Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, I believe, in that in the end the circus owner was wrong and Oliver has a talent that is unique from the other elephants and decides to fess up to making a mistake and offers Oliver a job so he can personally profit from Oliver. Ain't that always the way? My rating - 3/5
Profile Image for Rose Rosetree.
Author 16 books403 followers
December 21, 2023
What do readers of this book want to be when they grow up? It can't be any more improbable than the big dream of Oliver the Elephant, because his goal in life is to work in a circus as a dancing elephant. Good luck with that, right?

Unemployed. And large. And hungry! Whatever is Oliver going to do?

His sundry adventures will keep beginning readers fascinated. And yes, by the end there just might be a happy ending. Though no spoilers from me, no no!

FIVE STARS to Syd Hoff, excelling at words and illustrations, creativity and imagination and sheer spunk. It was pleasure to meet you, Syd, through this book.
Profile Image for Matea.
215 reviews
March 8, 2024
This is the second Syd Hoff I’ve read. I was introduced to his books as an adult, but I definitely enjoyed this one more than the first because it isn’t as “aged” as the first book of his I read. “Oliver” is great for kids: simple to read, fun and expansive plot, engaging pictures, and who doesn’t love elephants?! I asked my six-year-old after reading it what he wanted to be when he grows up (because the book talks about those kinds of dreams), and he responded with “a policeman, a dentist, and a dad,” and I couldn’t be happier that he’s experienced a book that shows kid in a fun way how to keep trying even when your dreams aren’t fulfilled the first time.
30 reviews
November 25, 2019
I read this book three times. I read once at home with mom, read the second time by myself, and read the third time at school. The book first talks about Circus needs 10 elephants going to the circus. Oliver was the 11th one, so he was left alone. When he is alone, he feels really sad. He tries to go to do different jobs, but he was not good one. He went to the zoo, but it didn’t work for him. He tries to be a pet, but elephants need hey to eat. He tries to be a horse but it didn’t work neither because he could not jump over the fence. Then he finds children, children all like Oliver. He feels so glad and happy that he starts to dance. People all go there to see Oliver to dance. The circus man goes over and check, and after he finds out Oliver dances very well, he wants Oliver to join the Circus. Dancing in a ciucus is Oliver’s wish! I like this story.
565 reviews1 follower
May 12, 2023
Oliver is a small elephant in a big world. When a mistake in an order, leaves him with no place to be, he sets out to find a place for himself. He explores, makes friends, and has some mishaps, but in the end, is recognized for his great ability to perform and the circus decides that they need him after all. Oliver is a classic in children's literature. It's the timework story of trying to find a place to call home and wanting to contribute to your community and be recognized for it.
Profile Image for Heidi.
660 reviews2 followers
February 9, 2021
The illustrations were nice and
attractive and appropriate.

I thought this picture book
was OK not absolutely great.

I thought some of his other books
like Danny and the Dinosaur were

But apparently a lot of kids really
liked it.

Children in general would enjoy this

108 reviews
June 9, 2023
This is a good book, it's about an elephant named Oliver. The circus doesn't need 11 elephants so he leaves and tries to find a new place. He tries to be a dog, but it doesn't work out. He dances for little kids and the circus sees him. The circus invites him. Oliver gets to do his dream of being in the circus.
Profile Image for Anthony.
6,161 reviews30 followers
January 11, 2019
Oliver arrives in the United States, and discovers the circus only ordered ten elephants, he was number eleven, and not needed. Oliver looked everywhere for a place to be needed. It wasn't until he met and played with some children in the park, that his true talent was revealed.
Profile Image for Anna.
749 reviews161 followers
April 9, 2021
When the circus man said he doesn't need Oliver, Oliver goes out to see what he can do for a living. He's not a good dog, or a horse (elephants can't jump), and there is no place in the zoo for him. But he meets some children and his wish comes true.
621 reviews7 followers
December 10, 2018
Logan: my favorite part was when Oliver got to be in the circus.
He is reading so much better with the help of these older books! The new "readers"are not as good as the ones we grew up on!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Katie.
823 reviews5 followers
March 25, 2021
An elephant arrives on a boat and hopes to join a circus, but is rejected from that and numerous other places until he starts to dance and everyone is mesmerized by him.
Profile Image for Ashley.
1,869 reviews53 followers
January 31, 2022
FS: "Some elephants came across the ocean on a ship."

80 reviews
April 24, 2020
Genre: Animal Modern Fantasy
Reading level: Grades 2-4
I loved reading this book!! I believe that it is a great book for children because it brings them through a story about an elephant that wasn't accepted anywhere, but he stayed positive the entire time. And by the end of the book, everything worked out the way he wanted. The message of this story is great for children to learn: stay positive and don't give up!!
23 reviews
August 25, 2011
Oliver was just 1 of 11 elephants that were coming to join a circus. The circus owner only needed 10 and told oliver he was no longer needed and left him to defend for himself. Oliver tried the zoo to see if they needed an elephant, they said no. He then tried being a dog and horse both did not work. He then tried to become a piece of playground equipment but realized that it was not what he wanted. He met a few kids who had been talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up. one said a policeman, another said a nurse and the question was then passed to oliver he wanted to be a dancing elephant in a circus. So oliver started to dance and drew a very big crowd as the circus came marching down the street nobody noticed because everyone was facinated by oliver the dancing elephant. The circus owner came and had told oliver he had made a mistake and gave him a spot in the circus. Oliver got his dream come true. This book I feel had a moral in which is don't be too quick to judge because just one day they might surprise you. Like in the classroom a child may have trouble but if you think that its a lost cause that child will one day prove you wrong.
Profile Image for eRin.
680 reviews31 followers
August 30, 2008
Oliver and his ten elephant friends have just traveled on a boat to work in the circus. But when they arrive, the circus man says that he only ordered ten elephants and cannot take any more. So Oliver is left to wander on his own, looking for a place to belong. He tries the zoo, but they are full. He attempts to become someone's pet, but that doesn't work out well either. He meets up with some school children and as they play they talk about what they want to be when they grow up. All poor Oliver wants to do is become a dancing elephant in the circus. Will his dream ever come true.

Really cute story that I vaguely remember from my childhood. Rereading it was fun and Oliver is so upbeat and positive. It's a good story with simple words for early readers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews

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